Yes, rerolls are the most common use for fate points. That does not mean that additional uses for fate points is in any way automatically half-assed.
No, additional use for fate points are not automatically half-assed. However, making fate points into auto-succeed AWESOME! buttons is the very definition of half-assed, and it's also stupid design all around. Even something like the talent letting you fate with a bonus would be less absurd.
In fact, they were in many ways pretty much the same shit as the career advancement tables from DH1 as you yourself admitted later on:
That would be true if you didn't have the alternate careers that allowed you to spend xp on different shit and avoid the necessity of getting advancements you didn't want.
The beta's wound tables were not particularly any more trouble to work with than the basic critical damage charts already present in every 40k RPG.
Wut, of course they are more trouble. The critical damage charts you use only, as the name implies, on critical damage, so every once in a while, not as a result of every damage roll inflicted. You can also just assume sudden death at -6 or something and ignore them completely if you so wish. The beta only skipped the wound tables for mooks, everyone else had to roll, sift through the book and compare results, I have no idea how you can say it's the exact same thing.
That, I think, would be far more worthy of mention than such a petty complaint.
I didn't remember the specifics and didn't feel like investigating in detail since the beta chapter was a 'side blurb' anyway. It's what I meant under the 'inherent problem with the wound system' that I mentioned at the end of action points.
Not most of them.
BC + OW + DH2 > RT + DW = most of them
![Troll :troll: :troll:](/forums/smiles/codextrollface.png)
Add in the usual bonuses you almost always get for ranged combat (+10 for short range) and even with an assumed base ballistic skill of 35 for Only War (which would be boosted to 40 thanks to comrade orders) and 40 for Black Crusade, you're still working with a coin toss and up to five total hits depending on how well you roll and the rate of fire on your gun. A waste of bullets it is not.
So you still end up with just +10 on a ~40 roll, in other words a 50% chance to miss outright, and it is still a waste of bullets for everything better than normal SP weapons where you have to count the ammo. I remember when we played OW and Deso had a HW dude starting with a heavy bolter. IF he lucked out and roll 10 on the roll, sure, it turned everything it encountered into minced meat. But more often than not he'd just miss or hit once, while still spewing out 6 bullets a burst - meanwhile, single shots would get both the aforementioned bonuses, and the inherent +10 of a normal attack to a total of +30 that would usually hit.
Accurate... a certain level of balance
Yes, yes, houserules will fix it. Just like mods will fix Skyrim. Oh wait.
I'm not advocating house rules as something good, which I think I've specified clearly in the review's ending - if you need house rules, odds are your system is flawed. What I meant in that line was that everything in stuff like Blood of Martyrs should be taken as it is and thrown out the window, preferably followed by some serious book burning.
Dat big juicy opinion.
Now this is just lies. Background gives you a package of gear, skills/talents, a special ability such as all cybernetics counting as being two degrees less rare, and sometimes even an aptitude (which is serious shit), very similar to the starter packages you hailed so warmly not so long ago.
review said:the game didn’t really recognise your background from now on mechanically.
Does it look like I'm talking about the goddamn starting shit?
Also funny that you are comparing these backgrounds to starting packages of DH1's supplements because this is not nearly the case. The backgrounds of DH2 give relatively the same amount of starting skills and talents as the ones you get at the start in DH1. But DH1 would ALSO give you the starting packages on top, with more stuff and some penalties.
You might have been an arbitrator once, but now you're an agent of the Throne
You never stop being an arbitrator on a daily basis, you only become the agent of the Throne when you are called upon.
Very sophisticated. This is truly the next level of review-writing.
Next time I'll make sure to include doritos.
I should point out that there was absolutely nothing wrong with Only War's version of the aptitude system
I don't think there was a single player in the group that I GM'd for that wouldn't whine constantly about the aptitudes in OW being terrible. Reject commented once that this IG character development scheme in this IG-themed game is so terrible, we'd be better off playing DH with all characters as guardsmen instead.
That was never the point of the aptitude system.
Thank you for this priceless insight, oh FFG lead designer.
Your starting aptitudes are pretty much a non-issue
All I wanted to do was get an arbitrator with high Per and Fel so I could larp a private dick. Soon enough I found out that not only is it downright impossible for me to start with both Fel+Social (for all assorted charms) and Per+Fieldcraft (for all assorted awarenesses), but that both Per and Fel would end up with me gimping myself horribly (Per for Hive World that gimps your WP or Fel for Highborn that gimps T, which is better and why? Discuss!!!). But 'okay, whatever', I thought, surely having just one matching aptitude would make it manageable. And it was then that I noticed that getting a 2nd Per advancement with 1 aptitude would cost me 500 xp, Awareness+10 would be 400, and getting any non-shit talent would cost 450+. A whole session's worth of xp just to get a talent, WHY THIS SOUNDS LIKE AN EXCELLENT DEAL.
I also loved that while I initially considered either Hierophant or Seeker as the role, after Hive World start gimped my WP to a majestic 26 I was forced to take Hierophant just so I could have that WP aptitude and not start with sub 30 WP.
As mentioned above several times, there is a specialty swap system in the first supplement for Only War.
And yet it is not present in DH2. Are you saying perchance that house rules will fix it? Or do you mean players should wait for DLC with shit that has already been designed once?
Why would your character's style be so very different from the specialty or role he chose in the first place?
Let's follow the arbitrator again. The disarm talent - one would assume that disarming a perp would be the first thing a grimdark copper would be taught to do at grimdark copper academy. Surely enough, in DH1 that disarm costs 100 xp and is available at rank 1. Meanwhile DH2, it needs Defence + Weapon Skill, which is not exactly possible to get for a face-ish arbitrator in DH2 (you'll get Defence at best).
Delving even deeper into the Arbitrator advancement tables, you can find that they also remove most of my woes concerning chargen - sure, Per and Fel cost 250/500/750 to raise. But getting, charm, scrutiny, awareness, deceive, inquiry all cost 100, as well as their respective +10s and even +20s. Specialising in skills instead of attributes. Something which is IMPOSSIBLE in DH2 with the aptitudes.
What, did you fucking expect them to cram the piles of chaff content that took nine books to contain into a single goddamn core rulebook? Are you daft? Are you seriously comparing the amount of content produced over several years for one edition to the content available for a new edition of a game a few months after its release?
No, I didn't expect them to put all that shit in - I expected them to put at least 1 or 2 sidegrades of SOME KIND for every character, especially considering they had most of them already done before, conceptually and somewhat mechanically. All it would need would be some two tables with sidegrades per role, most of which could be transplanted from earlier supplements.
You would expect to see psykers, untouchables, and yes, Inquisitors in the Inquisition.
You sure would!
But would you expect to see a PSYKER TECHPRIEST INQUISITOR?
literally anyone can be a psyker, even a latent one
The chargen is abstracted that your dude is already a veteran of some sort of his starting career background. Do you really find it that likely that you could have a wyrd guardsman, techpriest or cleric with nobody ever stumbling upon it?
That's a fallacy. DH2 characters are broadly more capable than DH1 characters from the get-go.
They aren't. They start with the same stats and roughly the same amount of skills and talents. Some of them only have slightly better gear and 1 or 2 more fate points.
That's not true in the least. "Slightest knowledge" my ass. The quality of a PDF varies about as much as the quality of life itself does in the Imperium.
You are comparing ULTRAMAR dudes to the militia of a BACKWATER SECTOR that is GOING TO SHIT?
Complaining that a military force is actually competent and would, in fact, slaughter a ragtag bunch of investigators when you're low-level is nonsense.
"Ragtag bunch of investigators"
![lol :lol: :lol:](/forums/smiles/icon_lol.gif)
They're just chainaxes, dude.
"just" chainaxes
What? Daemons are deadly monsters that could slaughter common men like animals? Color me surprised, I thought they were all supposed to be cannon fodder, especially the small ones!
Daemons that are pint sized and which can be torn apart by a single bullet? Hello?
Oh, and again, acolytes are "common men that can be slaughtered like animals", THANKS BRUV.
Lexicanum said:When their host or master engages in battle, they swarm at the enemy, making up for their lack of strength and size with raw numbers and highly infectious claws and bites.
DH2 rulebook said:Though individually weak, in groups they can overwhelm and drag down foes many times their own size. (...) Being so small in stature and power (...) Tiny daemons
I advise you to check the profile of these 'tiny, individually weak, small in stature and power' daemons and compare them to the Desoleum PDF troopers. Or are the PDF troopers also common men that can be slaughtered like animals now?
The old divination tables had plenty of chances to hurt your character. Specifically all the results below 11 on the table
Yeah, but to get that you really had to have rotten luck - plus, all of them were just "gain corruption or insanity" points, barring 01. Otoh, many of the silver linings behind the new divinations are completely worthless - my poor arbitrator, for instance, got a -3 AG (which is very bad) penalty and a 10% save vs the first critical damage taken during a session. Is that a fair trade?
Everyone who didn't roll a noble just bought an Ironclaw or that excessively broken Arbites shotty before the first mission.
Ironclaw Basic 30m S/2/– 1d10+4 I 0 12 Full Reliable, Scatter
Is this supposed to be a very good gun?
Idk what 'broken Arbites shotty' you mean, I'll assume it was in Book of Judgement (which follows the same rules as I mentioned for Blood of Martyrs).
GMs had the power to increase or decrease the rarity of items based on circumstances as well as decide how many requisition attempts each party member could make at a time.
Those are house rules, my good man! How very Skyrim of you! In theory the players would be allowed to roll as many reqs as they wanted.
There was nothing clunky or vague about them
You mean except the fact that mechanics-wise, the only way they were described was "roll [x] to get item! Apply availability mod! HF!' ?
Who the fuck cares about managing your pocket cash? You work for the Inquisition, or you're a Rogue Trader, or you're the goddamn motherfucking Deathwatch.
Funny you should mention Deathwatch because IIRC it was literally the only offshoot where the requisitions made any sort of sense mechanically.
Nobody intelligent would spam requisition attempts in DH2, because that's one of the many things that reduces your subtlety. Someone running around willy-nilly trying to buy a hellgun would attract a lot of attention.
Hellgun - sure. Tools and gear, on the other hand?
And when WOULD you roll all them requisitions then?
As for chargen, you aren't supposed to be completely geared up from the start. That's silly. There's supposed to be progression character and equipment wise.
You shouldn't be completely geared-up, no, but you should at least have the bare necessities like commbeads, tools and basic protective gear. You can't get the bare necessities with 3 starting requisitions.
And you can't get the good guns with only Scarce rarity available.
Long las + sniper rifle
![Indeed +M +M](/forums/smiles/wally_the_prestigious_monocled_bird.gif)
Why would you be able to raise it with xp? Did you expect that for some reason?
Learn to read, that was not my point at all.
you're supposed to earn Influence by being good at the game
Or by apprehending 6 minor hereteks each time you accidentally wipe out a planet with exterminatus!
You keep expecting a core rulebook to somehow contain the equivalent of an entire series of rulebooks
No, I keep expecting a Second Edition to take at least some elements from an entire series of supplements to a First Edition.
You complain about content being consolidated as if it's been removed, then you complain that content hasn't been consolidated?
I complain about everything being ass backwards and shit that shouldn't be consolidated being consolidated instead of stuff that should be. IF you keep pruning skills and talents like you do, what is the POINT of keeping all the SLores? Where's the logic? Where's the vision?
The reason why they abandoned pretty much all of the changes they made in the beta is because of grognards like you complaining that they made it too different from DH1 in the first place.
In which case they are fucking stupid and an insecure band of retards instead of designers. When "grognards like me" complained about the stupid implementation of systems in the Beta, I'm sure that what they meant was "this better be fixed into proper shape" and not "WHOA GET RID OF THIS ASAP". I literally can't think of a single development process like that - when whining about the beta I'd never, ever think that they'd just go ahead and scrap EVERYTHING COMPLETELY.
You're a goddamn SJW in everything but name.
stop triggering me
I think everyone can agree that the party medic botching a critical medicae test to save the life of a planetary governor would be pretty shitty, especially if they rerolled and failed again. It's literally their job to be good at it.
Accidents will happen. Accidents and randomness are a part of the PnP experience. If you don't agree with this, you might as well go play Bioware games. The party medic botching a critical medicae test to save the life of a governor could lead to some very interesting outcomes and later adventures if your GM is competent, it's anything but shitty.
Frankly, as someone who has actually played OW extensively rather than playing it once and declaring it to be shit
I see what you did there. Sorry to disappoint you, but we played a rather long OW campaign.
First of all, the penalty already represents recoil. It's an abstraction, it's not trying to be hyper-realistic. Get over it.
It's a terrible abstraction that could be abstracted better. Especially in a game like DH that actually has fairly complex and tactical combat systems, it is completely retarded that burst fire rules are still so stupidly basic, and because of which they do nothing but cause controversy all the fucking time.
lots of lies about autofire being better than accurate
For starters, you talk of 'lightly armoured' opponents, when these hardly even exist in DH2 barring shitty gangers. Most of the enemies have very conveniently high toughness going just above 40 to give them TB 4 + usually armour giving them 4 AP. Even nurglings have 8 daemonic TB.
Let us compare a long las (scarce) hitting a Hive Desoleum trooper, a nurgling and a theoretical TB3 AP2 ganger to an autogun (average) and a heavy stubber (rare, unavailable at start). Our shooter is a stereotypical dude with BS 40, assuming aim + short range.
Long las does 1d10+3 damage, has 1 armour pen, and felling 4. It can also be fired at maximal for 1d10+5, pen 3. It can (and usually will) also have a red-dot sight.
Autogun has 1d10+3, pen 0, 10 bullets per burst
Heavy stubber has 1d10+4, pen 3, 8 bullets.
With aim + short range, the long las will have an effective BS score of 80 (90 with red-dot sight). The shooter has a 40% chance to inflict 3d10+5 pen 3 with it, 50% with a red-dot sight. 50% is the average on a d100 roll. He can inflict 2d10+5 pen 3 even on a 60 (70) roll.
Both the heavy stubber and the autogun will have an effective BS of 50. The shooter has a 50% chance to hit only once, 40% to hit twice, etc. 50% is the average on a d100 roll.
Lets assume the shooter hits three times with the autogun and heavy stubber because I'm feeling generous. If that happens, however, the long las shoots at max DoS.
a) vs a Desoleum trooper (DR 8, ap4/tb4)
- To even do damage at all, the autogun will have to roll 6+ on every hit, which is a 50% chance, and even then, the maximum damage it can do is 15, assuming all 3 hits come out as 10 (unlikely).
- To do damage, the heavy stubber needs to roll above 1. Certainly, this is likely. Maximal damage is 27. "Average" damage (5 on all d10) would be 12.
- The long las always does damage. Minimal damage done is 3, maximal is 30. "Average" would be 15. Even with just 2d10+5 the average would be 10.
b) vs a nurgling (TB 4 + unnatural TB 4)
- The autogun doesn't change. The only difference is the nurgling is at -3 assuming maximum damage.
- The heavy stubber, on the other hand, changes significantly. Pen doesn't matter now, so to do damage at all, it needs to roll 5+. Maximum damage on 3 hits would be 18, average would be 3. Not very good odds against a fucking nurgling.
- The Long Las, however, is even more effective because of Felling. It always strikes true, does a minimum damage of 4, maximum of 31 and an average of 16.
c) vs a random ganger (ap 2/tb3)
- Autogun is at least a bit better now - to do damage it needs to roll 3. Average damage is 12, maximum is 27.
- Heavy stubber always does damage. Minimal is 6, average is 18, maximum is 33.
- Long las always does damage. Minimal is 5, average is 17, maximum is 32.
Weren't you saying autofire is significantly better against lightly armoured dudes? And this is a Rare heavy stubber vs a Scarce long las.
And mind you, these calculations are true for the autofire shooter if he rolls sub 20 on his roll. For the long-las dude it's sub 40 (or sub 50 if he has red-dot sight).
As for allocating hits to different dudes - this is usually worth it only if you have a killing machine like a heavy bolter.
Overwatch? Only useful vs melee, and is even less likely to succeed cuz of the lack of aiming.
I'll give you suppressing fire, though, but only because the pinning mechanics have always been ridiculously broken.
Highly agile targets often don't care about autofire just the same as they don't care about accurate because they can just about dodge everything.
As you can see, autofire remains fucking baller, while accurate is still extremely one-note.
All you need in your entire posse of acolytes is one (1) dude with an autogun to keep everything suppressed while everyone else pops moles with accurate guns. And the autogun shooter doesn't even need to shoot it well because pinning happens no matter if there's a hit or not.
Psykers getting their psy rating times five as a bonus to all of their focus power tests made their test values ridiculous and virtually impossible to resist for opposed contests unless you were also a psyker and had Bastion of Iron Will.
It's like the change of power focusing from DH1's PRxd10 to WP + PRx5 was a bad idea!
And thank fucking God for that, the minor powers were the worst part about DH1's psykers. Enjoy having DnD 3.5e Wizards doing everything better than everyone else!
They hardly did everything better than everyone else.
And yes, I'd prefer them to be more like DnD 3.5 wizards with more flexibility than what their current state is.
the risks for using minor powers were, well, minor at worst.
They were the same as for every other power, wtf are you talking about. Rolled a 9 on the focus roll? PERILS! Minor and major had no difference in this regard.
You know, I didn't think you could sink to new levels of retardation, but I have been proven wrong. Clearly, abandoning any semblances of balance in favor of psykers ruling everything forever is the wise move to make here. "Probably the worst thing about guns that actually do damage is that all of them can be dodged. That's right, you can dodge bullets. Do I even have to comment on this?"
Are you fucking stupid? Do you really see nothing wrong in being able to DODGE spontaneous combustion? Or a fire shield engulfing the psyker? There are a multitude of other ways that could be implemented to protect yourself from these, but of course FFG being FFG, they had to go for the easiest and least sensible way out, aka 'just dodge!'
You say that, but we both know that you barely touched Only War to begin with.
Then 'we both' know wrong. Or do you want me to upload my scenario.txts, all combat maps and player character sheets? IIRC we played it for like half a year.
Sure, let's just ignore all the horrible problems with the original DH.
Right. Because I completely ignore all of them! ALL OF THEM!
Your counterreview is shit, your opinions are shit and you are shit. Kill yourself. Dickhead.
Jesus Christ, I spent way too much time on this crap.