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S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl - coming November 20th

Hell Swarm

Jun 16, 2023
Surely the conflict is with the Russian government, not part of Ukraine's own population? Considering Russia has claimed the latter as one reason for its invasion, this behavior by GSC kind of validates the Russian propaganda.
What would ever give you the impression that an extremely corrupt country's leader cares about it's population? The Ukraine Elites are upset their golden goose is being taken away from them. They would nuke every man, woman and child on the planet if it made them an extra shekel.

Stalker is so huge in Russia they have stalker festivals don't they? How much money is left on the table if you cut off that market? Would be funny if the game flopped because vodka-kin couldn't prop up the sales.


Apr 20, 2019
Stalker is so huge in Russia they have stalker festivals don't they? How much money is left on the table if you cut off that market? Would be funny if the game flopped because vodka-kin couldn't prop up the sales.

I think i posted before that its one of the more dumber acts of self-immolation I've seen a gaming company commit to, the CIS region accounted for over 60% of SOC sales iirc.

Not only will they drive up the piracy (Russians are going to play the game regardless, in other words), but they are, from the outset, killing off their largest market. They seem to think redditors are going to pick up the tab and I think they are in for a shock when they realize most of that audience is very faddish and there is going to be some "zone" fatigue due to the plethora of "in da zone n shit" titles that have come out and will come out while they are taking forever to release this game.

Its a real "cut your nose to spite your face" situation
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Jul 4, 2023
The conflict started when russian-spaking parts of Ukraine threatened to secede in response to being discriminated against, to which the newly-installed government said "lol no here bomb fak yu"

What would ever give you the impression that an extremely corrupt country's leader cares about it's population? The Ukraine Elites are upset their golden goose is being taken away from them. They would nuke every man, woman and child on the planet if it made them an extra shekel.
I was thinking of GSC's lack of inclusion and diversity, but likely they're under pressure from the government.

Hell Swarm

Jun 16, 2023
Stalker is so huge in Russia they have stalker festivals don't they? How much money is left on the table if you cut off that market? Would be funny if the game flopped because vodka-kin couldn't prop up the sales.

I think i posted before that its one of the more dumber acts of self-immolation I've seen a gaming company commit to, the CIS region accounted for over 60% of SOC sales iirc.

Not only will they drive up the piracy (Russians are going to play the game regardless, in other words), but they are, from the outset, killing off their largest market. They seem to think redditors are going to pick up the tab and I think they are in for a shock when they realize most of that audience is very faddish and there is going to be some "zone" fatigue due to the plethora of "in da zone n shit" titles that have come out and will come out while they are taking forever to release this game.

Its a real "cut your nose to spite your face" situation
A lot of stalkers fans aren't interested in 2 at all. And I dare say a large chunk of the fanbase in english speaking countries is "alt right" aligned and won't like all the virtue signalling they're doing over Ukraine either. Stalker was at it's peak fanbase wise around the same time as that political mess.

Wasn't the studio head a complete fuckhead too? I remember stories of him arriving to work in foreign sports cars while his employees were barely able to afford lunch.


Apr 20, 2019
I don't know if any of that shit about sergiy is true or just memes. Ukraine is a relatively poor country but I can't imagine its programmers are struggling that badly. But it was also probably very different in the early 2000s.

I'm not personally interested in S2 because I've come to realize that devs making good games is often serendipity resulting from limitations and when they actually get the means to make the games how they want it's almost always shit. See: metro series. It seems to me to be very likely that S2 will be closer to metro exodus or CODMW2019 than it will be to SoC

Hell Swarm

Jun 16, 2023
It seems to me to be very likely that S2 will be closer to metro exodus or CODMW2019 than it will be to SoC
I can't tell Metro and CoD apart. They're the exact same set piece cinematic shooter. I would expect Nu Stalker to be like Ubisoft games rather than those though. There's no way Microsoft is pushing this and not expecting all the modern quest marker stuff.

Ol' Willy

Zionist Agent Vatnik
May 3, 2020
Reichskommissariat Russland ᛋᛋ
Completely different languages. Like Serbian and Croatian.

Ol' Willy

Zionist Agent Vatnik
May 3, 2020
Reichskommissariat Russland ᛋᛋ
I think i posted before that its one of the more dumber acts of self-immolation I've seen a gaming company commit to, the CIS region accounted for over 60% of SOC sales iirc.
Ukraine has opened a criminal case against Sergei Grigorovich, the founder of the GSC Game World studio, known for developing the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series. Reason: doing business with Russia and illegally crossing the border.

The point is that the game maker was publicly rooting for Ukraine, but in reality everything turned out to be a little different. All this time, Grigorovich continued to sell games in Russia, while hiding his income from the tax authorities - he and his assistants used crypto bridges and Russian payment systems.

According to rough estimates, Grigorovich’s company earned more than $5 million a year from selling games in the Russian Federation. And the most annoying thing is that it seems like he even paid taxes in Russia.

It is also reported that on March 28, 2022, Grigorovich illegally crossed the border of Ukraine using a permit for volunteers. And then he took all his money abroad


Dec 13, 2019
Ukrainian authorities sabotaging the project, holy based.
How so? The game director and CEO of GSC Game World is Evgeniy Grygorovych, not Sergei Grigorovich (assuming the bit about the criminal case is even real to begin with, considering barely anyone is talking about it and this news is supposedly as old as March. Normally media shamelessly copy any juicy news).

Hell Swarm

Jun 16, 2023
So let me get this straight. In 2024 it's considered bad to give you opponent's fighting age men a reason not to fight? Clown world keeps getting dumber. If you cared about your people and had a weapon that made your opponent's soldiers stay at home and stare at a screen for hours on end why would you NOT use it? It's like broadcasting porn but on an even larger level. The more guys playing cheeky breeky games the less of them getting cheeky with your breekies on the front lines.


Aug 8, 2023
Ukraine has opened a criminal case against Sergei Grigorovich, the founder of the GSC Game World studio, known for developing the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series. Reason: doing business with Russia and illegally crossing the border.
source of this was a random katsap telegram post a month ago btw
not that i expect ziggers to be any better, truly the lowest common denominator


Jan 26, 2015
Haven't been following this one very closely, is there any actual gameplay footage? All I can find is a bunch of scripted shaky cam cutscenes, and some really short "gameplay" that's obviously contrived just for the video.


Nov 5, 2007
Haven't been following this one very closely, is there any actual gameplay footage? All I can find is a bunch of scripted shaky cam cutscenes, and some really short "gameplay" that's obviously contrived just for the video.
Unless you count the leak, no.


May 1, 2020
I notice that the op is wrong with the title. It's Chornobyyyyyyyyyyl, correct it immediately.


Oct 23, 2017
Enough cinematics. Show the fucking A-Life system. If it exists and would give the game the longevity the originals had, why wouldn't you show it?


Oct 23, 2019
why wouldn't you show it?
Because it doesn't exist. Come on man, put two and two together. They got the money from Microsoft, they'll get money from all the nostalgia driven players of the originals, they'll get the money from people who don't even care about the game but want to support Ukraine. Journalists will also love them because of that. And if anyone dares criticize the game, they will be accused of being a Putinophile and a fascist. It's a win-win situation for them. They can just put together a linear, setpiece driven shooter and call it a day. I don't even think something like A-Life would be possible in UE5, especially not with modern programming in games.

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