Just started, the game is interesting but the atrocious UI and lack of feedback is really painful. Some actions are also repetitive and there is a lot of spamming "end turn".
Honestly it looks like an alpha but apparently it's the third game, i don't really want to play the first one then lol.
I don't know how you get the info about deep ones or death level in a city, i have still no idea how Orders work too.
Oh and i still don't get how army fights or if you can control them.
Some strats and agents seem completly broken. I had a guy who could basicly "stunlock" heroes forever. Since i had another agent with very high menace in the same city every heroes would try to hunt him and then get stuck in the city. It was absolutly ridiculous, i had like 12 heroes in the same city at one point. My main guy would fight them but the AI was spamming too many heroes so i could not kill enough of them since i had to spend time and money replenishing lol.
Balance wise, it seems to get harder with map size, a small map is basicly autowin just with enshadowment. The problem is to find the sweet spot where the game is challenging but not too punitive. The AI ability to spam trash heroes is kinda annoying too because fights are not interesting at all.
I would have liked to be able to move and get "actions" on every tiles and not just cities and road too. Would probably be a nightmare for the AI tho. There is a massive potential for an improved version imo. Make the game easier on the eyes, better UI, cleaner and cut all the boring "spam" stuff, make it faster. It's really boring when you have to wait 25 turns for a simple task and the only thing happening is the same kind of events (there are only like ten seriously). Add more content (items, events whatever...) and try to make combat a bit more interesting maybe (adding actions/spells and allowing multiple heroes/agents to join).
I think it's a one man work but as often (see Pierre or the dwarf fortress guys) even if those guys are brillant they have no idea about how to get their game to the next level since it requires you to work with OTHER competent people and having business/social skills

Kinda sad that no other developer tried to do something with this concept (except the scam kickstarter game lol).