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Preview Silverfall pre-love at Action Trip


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Tags: Silverfall

Our good buddies at <a href="http://www.actiontrip.com/">Action Trip</a>(who we don't know at all, at least I don't) have a <A href="http://www.actiontrip.com/previews/silverfall.phtml">preview</a> of <a href="http://www.silverfall-game.com/en/news.php">Silverfall</a>. It's actually a pretty interesting read, probably because I didn't know much about the game until recently. Anyway, clippage:
<blockquote>Running around the game itself, I was impressed by the how open-ended it was. Right from the get-go, I had the choice of doing the primary quest to move the story along or I could choose from about 10 secondary quests. The secondary quest had a nice variety, some of which where the means to unlock different aspects of the game. One for example, required me to track down a goblin's missing safe. Once I returned it to him, I was then able to store extra equipment there. It also unlocked the ability to buy insurance, so when I died, my gear stayed with me rather then being left at the "grave site".</blockquote>
Hey, gotta say that's a nifty feature there. Side quests with some pretty slick rewards behind them beyond money, l3wt, and some experience.
Spotted at: <A HREF="http://www.bluesnews.com">Blue's News</A>


Apr 29, 2006
Meshuggah City
That is pretty nice, if more quests are like that. Not just the one, included solely for incompetent player's who whine when the equipment goes away to another place.

Quest arrow is back, as well. Of course, for an action game it's not so bad.

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