GarfunkeL said:Heads up!
Sky UK won't allow me to see the site either.
Pinging times out.
Tracert gets me as far as Easynet server at before timing out.
Well, if it's not a shitty ISP it's a shitty country.likaq said:I'm not from Sweden Horse.
Potato here.
Because in this way they use the Arctic shortcut instead of a more expensive Atlantic cable?GarfunkeL said:Ok, just connected again. For shit and giggles I ran traceroute again and lo' and behold, for some fucking reason my connection goes through Telia. Why is a British ISP routing a connection from England to Canada through Swedish servers? DOES.NOT.COMPUTE
Why World of Warcraft doesn't lag
In Depth: The lag-beating tech that keeps Blizzard ahead of the game
Blizzard also recently renewed its agreement with Nordic telephony and hosting specialists TeliaSonera to provide hosting services for them across Europe, essentially providing the bandwidth that connects Blizzard's servers to the millions of connections that lead back to your computer as you play World of Warcraft.
For its part, TeliaSonera is proud to note that it has, "enjoyed a longstanding relationship with Blizzard Entertainment since 1999, providing hosting for both World of Warcraft and the online-gaming service in Europe." Malin Frenning, Vice President of TeliaSonera, has also stated that her company is "striving to enable the best gaming experience possible" for its customers' games and "to become the provider of choice to the online gaming industry."