You shouldn't be doing this. A teen guy insisting on being a woman really fucks with my brain. What do you even say to somebody like that? If you're really that guy form the yahoo answers, don't listen to what those idiots said to you. Being a trans isn't fucking normal and you're too young and retarded to be making a decision like that. Which of course won't stop you but it has to be said.
Talk with intelligent people, not the retarded inbred mongoloids from some yahoo answers and certainly not with the insane asylum residents on here.
I told you I am a woman, the only male part of me is my body, I am a woman on the inside.
Fuck you!!!!!, it is normal, there are thousands (millions even) of people like me, don't judge just because you don't understand. I am old enough and mature enough to make this decision, again, most of the people I know are mature, besides age shouldn't matter that much, plus I am very mature compared to others my age. I already told you I am almost a legal adult.
I have talked with plenty of intelligent people, I also don't see why the website matters, there are plenty of intelligent people on there too. Also, I drew my conclusion by myself (like most people like me do), I just need someone to talk to. I myself have an IQ range from about 140-160 (you may not believe me, but I assure you I'm being honest and I'm not lying)
I also recommend that you read my post on my life on to the previous page if you haven't already done so.
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