So, DJ Sona? Well made skin I guess, but not my thing at all. The butthurt it generates from people who wanted the next ultimate skin for just about any other champ is glorious though.
Doing my provisionals slow as fuck after each game win I do an asston of practice just to try and try to keep multiple roles at a high level.
Doing my provisionals slow as fuck after each game win I do an asston of practice just to try and try to keep multiple roles at a high level.
You should practice only one role that you enjoy playing. Trying to keep multiple roles at a high level is an unrealistic goal - even at high elo, people mostly stick to a designated lane or role that they enjoy playing, for a good reason. You should either practice one champion at one role, then expand your knowledge of him, or play multiple champions at one role, and improve. You can get past silver/gold/platinum like this very easy. I know it seems counter-intuitive but just play what champion/role you like and you will improve, it'ss far more effective than trying to play every role at a high level and trying to stay consistent while doing it, which leads to a very schizophrenic playstyle. There was a guy in S2 on NA that only played Heimer, whatever role he got, and he held a diamond rating consistently. There was also a player on EUW in S3 that made a new account and just played support Sona until diamond 1 (this was before masters). I got 2 of my accounts to diamond 1 by only playing Twisted Fate (back when he was a viable pick) because I never bought RP and he was cheap + I was good at him.
Btw in gold elo just practice playing aggressive early game. Those players don't know how to trade and junglers there are mostly braindead so you shouldn't worry about getting ganked.
Lollipoppy has the creepiest splashart in the game. That alone makes it worth it.
Tried Nemesis Draft. Seems like a more boring ARAM where instead of blaming Rito's RNG.for giving the enemies a better team you get to blame your teammates.