Bought Morde because he's getting banned all the time. Figured must be a powerful champ. Played 20 games, still suck and feed with him. Wtf.
- He can't lane against poke champs. He can't get near minions to farm. He can E them, get a temporary shield and maybe hit one more minion while his shield is up. Then he backs off and lets his enemy free farm the lane. Sometimes his shield isn't even enough, because the poke is too strong, like in case of Brand. Then it's a complete mess, the lane is lost.
- He can't teamfight for shit, cause he's a melee champ. As soon as he gets near anyone, his shield of 300-something hp is of no help at all.
- With no gapcloser, it's very hard even to 1v1 versus a LOT of fast champs like Vayne. Can't kill mid either. Even hitting them with Hextech Gunblade isn't enough. And he's got no escape in case something goes wrong while chasing.
- If by some miracle you manage to be aggressive in lane (due to your shield being able to absorb all poke), you're gonna get ganked. Place a ward - ok, but then 3 minutes later you must back. Place a pink - it'll get rekt as soon as the jungler comes. And frankly, wards don't always help either, given his total lack of escapes.
Wtf. How is this champion supposed to carry games?