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Review Space Hack reviewed at RPGDot


Nov 9, 2002
Monkey Island
Tags: Rebelmind; Space Hack

<a href="http://www.rpgdot.com">RPGDot</a> have a <a href=http://www.rpgdot.com/index.php?hsaction=10053&ID=1199&sid=4374ce618dd4284689b7fd50115ed52b>review</a> of Space Hack/Maximus Strong Space Mercenary etc. etc. etc., a wacky action RPG. They rate it <b>7/10</b>.<blockquote>Personally, on the 1-10 scale, I would rank Space Hack a solid 7 out of 10. (I would probably rank it a tad higher if my editors allowed half point scores!) There is a LOT to like about this game, particularly if one is a fan of the original Diablo. Space Hack, like Diablo, allows one to explore a linear world and kill endless hordes of monsters with high rewards in items and currency. Is it a mentally challenging game in which one loses oneself for hours at a time? No, it is not and by Rebel Mind's own description, it was never intended to be. But it is a game that is curiously addictive, graphically easy on the eyes, and very satisfying. Gamers can get all this for USD$19.00, a price at which buyers will get every penny's worth and more.</blockquote>So basically it's just another action RPG? That's great, but what's the point of making these games if they're not going to do anything new or interesting compared to existing titles?


Oct 21, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
Haven't played the game yet, but i'm not really sure what the point of indy developers making games like SpackHack and Fate. I'm not saying they suck, but why do a rehash of what the big boys put out but with lesser graphics? The only thing indy developers have going for them is that they can think outside the box.


Sep 20, 2003
FrancoTAU said:
why do a rehash of what the big boys put out but with lesser graphics?

Fate may not have had cutscenes or spiffy orchestral music but I thought the ingame graphics were pretty strong.


Jul 11, 2005
Shevek said:
FrancoTAU said:
why do a rehash of what the big boys put out but with lesser graphics?

Fate may not have had cutscenes or spiffy orchestral music but I thought the ingame graphics were pretty strong.

i agree. I wished Sacred had Fate engine...it would be so much better.


Aug 23, 2005
FrancoTAU said:
... but why do a rehash of what the big boys put out but with lesser graphics?

Well, if they are an indie, maybe to make money for a bigger product. At least they advertise it as an action game. Heck, they could have made it an FPS from the game's description on Meridian 4's web site.

So, they make something different at a cheap price for Diablo fans. Nothing wrong with that. While they call it "Action/RPG", it's obvious they aren't trying to pass it off as an RPG.

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