You mean they made them more similar to banelings but still better?Widow mines were nerfed to shit twice already. First time they reduced the damage and then they made them visible after firing, turning them somewhat useless. I don't even bother using them anymore except vs protoss.
Just tank your rank or play fun modes like team games where the emphasis on build orders is more lax, I don't really see a point in trying to maintain a high rank to remain competitive if remaining competitive isn't something you're interested in.I miss being plat and below.. I was high diamond before taking a break because the game becomes "memorize all the possible build orders for every race and how to react" which gets really tedious compared to lower ranks where you can pretty much do whatever the hell you want and have a chance.
Yeah, I get you. In this case, maybe you can just move on. I still think 2v2 / 3v3 are less grindy and more lax about build orders, and that's why I enjoy them for some "social" Starcrafting, but they also have their own problems (extreme aggro 2v1 timings or, adversely, massive turtlefests, particularly against mech Terran teams). I still get quite a thrill from improvement, but it's really okay to stop once you figure you've reached what you wanted. It's all just for fun.Just annoyed at hitting this wall because at upper diamond people have their build orders pretty damn tight and you need to know exactly what's happening to prevent getting wiped by one of the 500 3-5 minute timing attacks. It's not a big deal, every game gets like this at some point but that's where the game starts to become more of a grind imo..
Then I decided to try to play Protoss just for fun. I have no idea what I'm doing, I don't know any build orders, didn't try to learn any tricks and don't bother with making stuff efficient, I play toss to relax. In a few weeks I exceeded my terran rank and I have far better winrate with protoss even tho I'm just doing random shit. GG Blizzard, nice balance.
Blog Entry 3/20/2019:
I've decided to come back after a long break!
I think I remember there being a top tournament winning protoss player who literally just cannon rushes every game and wins. I mean I know everybody at the top is very mechanically skilled but compared with the other races protoss just has an insane amount of bullshit that's really easy to play yet terribly hard to counter
Blog Entry 3/20/2019:
I've decided to come back after a long break!
Wanna party up? I'm playing pretty regularly (and badly). On both EU and US servers.
To the StarCraft community,
StarCraft is one of a kind, and we’re committed to making sure that those of you who love this universe like we do have a home here for many years to come. With that in mind, we want to let you know about a development change we’re making for StarCraft II as we continue supporting it for the long-term.
As many of you know, Blizzard continues updating its games long after the initial release—some of you will remember that we were actively patching the original StarCraft more than 10 years after it first hit store shelves. This year we celebrated 10 years of StarCraft II with one of our largest-ever patches, with massive updates to the editor, Prestige Talents for Co-op Commanders, and gameplay improvements delivered to players worldwide.
We’re going to continue supporting StarCraft II in the same manner as we have with our previous longstanding games, such as Brood War, focusing primarily on what our core and competitive communities care about most. What this means is that we’re not going to be producing additional for-purchase content, such as Commanders and War Chests, but we will continue doing season rolls and necessary balance fixes moving forward. On that last note, we’re not planning a Q4 balance update given that we did one a few months ago, but as always, we do plan to continue doing them as needed in the future. StarCraft II esports, which is part of the highest echelon of professional competitive gaming, will also continue going strong as it has been through our partners ESL Gaming and GSL.
We know some of our players have been looking forward to some of the things we’re moving away from, but the good news is this change will free us up to think about what’s next, not just with regard to StarCraft II, but for the StarCraft universe as a whole.
StarCraft is core to Blizzard, and we’ve learned that it’s a game that can change the lives of people who devote themselves to it, whether as a player, content creator, streamer, or member of the community (or developer). The outcome of each match is in your hands 100%. To become better, you have to look inward, be honest about any flaws, and dedicate yourself to improving. StarCraft teaches us that that process of improvement can be a reward in itself, and it’s certainly taught us a lot at Blizzard over the years.
You are one of the most passionate, creative, and dedicated communities in all of gaming. We’re eternally grateful for your ongoing support, and we’ll keep you updated on any and all plans we have for future voyages into the Koprulu Sector.
Uhn dara ma'nakai,
Rob Bridenbecker