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Starfield Thread - now with Shattered Space horror expansion


The Last Marxist
May 12, 2010
Where one can weep in peace
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
Finally pirated this just to poke around. Jeez, what a generic, bland even cynical effort. You could say that it's serviceable, but that's it.

I thought about The Precursors, a janky but earnest game from 2008 that did much of what this game does and looks far more lively and inventive on a miniscule budget. That looks actually better, not in technical fidelity of course, but in the crafting of the planets, the architecture, the fact that there are vehicles. ME series for all it's obvious failings also is on a par or better in many aspects and that also is ancient.

For this to be a 2023 game made for a gorrilion of dollaros it feels like a game from the mid first decade of the 2000's with a HD pack installed.

I'm racking my brain to think what this does better than the KOTOR's, Precursors, ME's, NMS's even the TOW's(at least to use a more graphically up to date game for comparison), and only thing is the Beth brand modding ability.

In the end this is what this game feels like, a tool for modders and maybe that's the redeeming feature of it as it was for me with Oblivion where the good game was Nehrim from it(as far as it could be on that base) and Skyrim with Enderal(which had the Nehrim guys, having learned from that, took it up several notches and made a superb game from Skyrim. Perhaps over the next decade we will get a TC of Starfield that puts it to shame and takes the idea further than all the hundreds of hacks could for Bethesda.

That's about it really.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Very irritated with the dumb way importing and exporting cargo works

The whole system is so half baked and poorly thought out its either something that was overdesigned and later gutted, or a system that someone on the dev team was so dead set on including they refused to listen to critique.

I'm more inclined to the former with Todd or whoever deciding they'll add the missing features in a DLC, because to me it just looks half-finished (then again so does their shitty inventory UI, so could just be them, being lazy or incompetent again). It's not the only part that seems half-finished, so does the horrible enemy variety despite the shootan being most of the actual game.

For me the basic concept of pairing launchpads and needing more for more pairs is not that much of a problem, it's the fucking UX design or rather lack of features around making it clunky as fuck it that is the problem. They could leave the links as they are without going for Fallout 4 like infinite storage and fix if:

It was possible to filter inputs and outputs, including a space reservation system similar to how containers (especially useful for train wagons) had in factorio. This is the biggest issue because the interlink cargo ship needs to fully unload and eventually it will get the cargo hold clogged up with even more copper or lead, thus stopping the transfer of everything else. This is also a problem for links within a base but you can design around it by being careful not to merge outputs, but with the damn interlink in the chain at any step, as the output of those always get merged on matter state (liquid/gas/solid) level.

The cargo interlink terminal could be fed with He-3 just from one side rather than needing it on both.

The cargo interlink launchpads weren't so fucking big OR if the outpost claim area was larger.

And connected with the above, if there was no hardcap on 3 interlinks per base IIRC, although again you need more space in the outpost, these things take too much space.

Finally the other gripe about this is that moving things to your ships cargo from the stacks upon stacks of containers scatter all over the place is a pain. There should be a global (as in all in the outpost) inventory access terminal available to the player and a barter-like interface for this so that it would be easy to see what I want to move or remove from the ship. That and per ship cargo and not this automatic transfer bullshit, at least give it as a toggle in the options.

Also after hitting almost level 40 and unlocking all base and weapon crafting skills, the only resources I can't easily buy from vendors that I would recommend to mine with an outpost are indicite and rhocite, but I have yet to see either on any planet and I think I already visited and checked over half the systems.
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Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
Amazing review of this piece of trash age

  • 14:25 - With a high end pc, the game still runs like shit
  • 12:30 - There is no FoV slider
  • 14:55 - IF you are a gun nuts. this game will gonna set you off (nailet it. Guns looks like toys)
  • 20:22 - NO gore in the game.
  • 22:10 - You can't even swim
  • 22:34 - Space is just a glorified loading screen
  • 27:44 - You can only have 3 guns maximum on your shit. WTF!!!!
  • 35:30 - Detailing why the progression system is shit
  • 36:18 - I"m not sure how they coudl dumb down it even more except by removing the ability to pick skills
  • 37:26 - This is the most bland scifi that I saw.
  • 42:50 - This are the ugliest generic NPC's which I ever saw in a video game
  • 44:20 - All named NPC's are flagged with essential, except in few quests, so you can't kill
  • 44:55 - In outer worlds, you can kill npcs
  • 48:40 - All your dialog options are shit too
  • 57:50 - You can't kill a obvious TRAITOR, even after turning him in.
  • Till 1h06m - A lot of examples of awful quests
  • 1h08m - He talks about the MQ. Spoiler : Is pure shit.
  • The MQ is worse than side quests, in nutshell, get artifacts, unlock skyrim style shoults, get attacked by "starborn"
  • And the end is pure trash.
He ends the video mentioning that FL4 was soulless garbage but was better than this.


Undisputed Queen of Faggotry Bethestard
Oct 24, 2018

I just had to paste this to piss Vic off.
I already saw that in the BG3 thread and all I could think was how they ripped Starfield off with that graphic

who would’ve thought a safe-bet fantasy RPG using the DND ruleset and AAA animated fetish sex is getting higher scores from normie journalists than an experimental space RPG.


Mar 16, 2015
I don't really have any good recommendations for what metrics the public can use to evaluate that, but I can confidently say that concurrent steam numbers (which were always a metric you had to be careful using when comparing games that are available on other platforms) are a terrible metric to use in this case. And anyone trying to claim Starfield has flopped based off that is, well, kinda retarded.
an interesting metric might be to look at how many members the subreddit has, which would roughly indicate how many people are interested in a game, compared to other games! It's 600k for starfield, and 848k for BG3 at the moment.


Not really, it just shows how much of woke retards are interested in each game. And it is logical one with butt bear sex has more retards.


Mar 16, 2015
did the same happen to film and tv with Netflix? Asking because I really have no idea.
Hasn't it? I don't have Netflix and I don't watch TV, but as far as I can tell from the internet and people I know, that certainly seems to be the case. You hear about all these Netflix shows that nobody watches, you turn on the TV and start flipping through a hundred channels and can't find anything worth your attention before you finally settle on watching Discovery's show about chimps in the zoo, just because they seem about as miserable as you feel. Hell, I have TV as part of my internet package, but I never watch it.

The thing about cable models is that they incentivise the old "there's nothing better on" model of consumption. You're not gonna go out and buy a videogame or a DVD just because it's inoffensively mediocre, it needs to appeal to you somehow, but if you're already paying ten bucks a month for a subscription package and you've got some time to kill, you "might as well" settle for the least shit thing on even though you know it'll leave you with a feeling of ennui by the end.

Meanwhile, the people running the crap factory have a stable income that's unlikely to vary short of collossal fuckups in adverse market conditions, and their only remit is to occasionally make their crap slightly less crap than the competition's crap. One or two tentpoles will keep the entire thing running 'cause you won't cancel whatever service has Game of Thrones on, and under that umbrella they'll keep hiring their friends and associates to make the rest of the crap you've never heard about and wouldn't watch if you were the one getting paid instead. And the scope of the business makes it unrealistic for the shareholder to be able exercise any genuine control over its course even in the unlikely event that they do know anything beyond "number go up."

And that's how, ten years from now, you're gonna be playing Assassin's Creed 23. "Because I pay for it anyway and there's nothing better on."
Netflix is full of shit that barely anyone watches but it also has a fair number of entertaining shows and movies.


Mar 16, 2015
I did a quest yesterday where it had skill checks and shit.. I have not seen that in Bethesda game yet. It even had multiple ways to do parts of the quest. I ran into few quests now with both options.. interesting.
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Undisputed Queen of Faggotry Bethestard
Oct 24, 2018
so let me be frank for a minute here. yesterday's patch really made me lose faith in this project.

They fixed some bugs with 3 quests and then "Various stability and performance improvements to reduce crashes and improve framerate."

That's it, after 2 weeks of people playing the game. Then, they deceptively open up with a list that isn't in the current patch, but is planned for future updates, TOP community requested features!!

  • Brightness and Contrast controls
  • HDR Calibration Menu
  • FOV Slider
  • Nvidia DLSS Support (PC)
  • 32:9 Ultrawide Monitor Support (PC)
  • Eat button for food!
You have to be shitting me, right? These are a must-have at this point and the only reason why they are requested is because they are urgently lacking. Even still, these things are just planned? How long do we have to wait to get a FOV slider?

Given the recent update I do not believe they have the capacity to flesh out the lacking systems in the game. These people get paid millions and all they could do in 14 days was "Various stability and performance improvements to reduce crashes and improve framerate." which by the way didn't do squat for me.


Mar 16, 2015
that’s what I’ve been trying to tell you guys, it’s more of an RPG than FO3 and 4
The problem is that these quests are a drop in the bucket compared with standard go to X and kill Y or deliver Z to A quests which are still 90% of all quests.


Nov 11, 2018
I don't get the obsession over FOV slider. Yes, it's weird it's not there, especially since they added it to FO76, but you can literally change your FOV by adding two lines to an ini file. FOV sliders weren't even a thing until like 2015 or so, console commands like cg_fov in Quake engine games were the norm instead.


Mar 16, 2015
that’s what I’ve been trying to tell you guys, it’s more of an RPG than FO3 and 4
The problem is that these quests are a drop in the bucket compared with standard go to X and kill Y or deliver Z to A quests which are still 90% of all quests.
I think the 4 factions and main quest are better than those random quests.
Main quest has so far been a bunch of fetch quests that also have some random dungeon delving vs Spacers and similar bandits.
Faction quests are more interesting but that is like 5-10h of content at best.


Undisputed Queen of Faggotry Bethestard
Oct 24, 2018
I don't get the obsession over FOV slider. Yes, it's weird it's not there, especially since they added it to FO76, but you can literally change your FOV by adding two lines to an ini file. FOV sliders weren't even a thing until like 2015 or so, console commands like cg_fov in Quake engine games were the norm instead.
it's just weird not to have basic functionality in the game. Like indoor/city maps. I thought it was a design choice but apparently they couldn't figure out how to do it in time.


Nov 11, 2018
I don't get the obsession over FOV slider. Yes, it's weird it's not there, especially since they added it to FO76, but you can literally change your FOV by adding two lines to an ini file. FOV sliders weren't even a thing until like 2015 or so, console commands like cg_fov in Quake engine games were the norm instead.
it's just weird not to have basic functionality in the game. Like indoor/city maps. I thought it was a design choice but apparently they couldn't figure out how to do it in time.
I agree, but some people are acting as if the lack of FOV slider meant you can't change FOV at all or need to use some third party program like Widescreen Fix that hacks the binary, while all it takes is just a simple addition to an ini file that takes 10 seconds max.

Should Bethesda have included FOV slider in the game? Absolutely.
Does it really matter that they didn't? Not really, since it's very easy to change anyway.


Love fool
Feb 7, 2013
Smyrna - Scalanouva
Divinity: Original Sin 2
I don't get the obsession over FOV slider. Yes, it's weird it's not there, especially since they added it to FO76, but you can literally change your FOV by adding two lines to an ini file. FOV sliders weren't even a thing until like 2015 or so, console commands like cg_fov in Quake engine games were the norm instead.

If you have some motion sickness like me, "wrong" FOVs make the game unplayable. I wasn't able to play some of the Half Life mods because of that. Nowadays it's better since we can mod it ourselves.


Undisputed Queen of Faggotry Bethestard
Oct 24, 2018
easy way to get some xp and money is to scan gas giants from space. they don't have anything on them so just scanning with R makes it a complete scan and gives you a data slate that you can sell for 4500 credits and get some xp


Undisputed Queen of Faggotry Bethestard
Oct 24, 2018
I don't get the obsession over FOV slider. Yes, it's weird it's not there, especially since they added it to FO76, but you can literally change your FOV by adding two lines to an ini file. FOV sliders weren't even a thing until like 2015 or so, console commands like cg_fov in Quake engine games were the norm instead.

If you have some motion sickness like me, "wrong" FOVs make the game unplayable. I wasn't able to play some of the Half Life mods because of that. Nowadays it's better since we can mod it ourselves.
I have motion sickness but it never happened with bethesda games for some reason. It happens with old 3D games though and I can't play them for long periods at a time. Wonder if it has something to do with FOV

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
easy way to get some xp and money is to scan gas giants from space. they don't have anything on them so just scanning with R makes it a complete scan and gives you a data slate that you can sell for 4500 credits and get some xp
People hated the scanning in ME2, but love it in Starfield.

It's all so tiresome.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
I have motion sickness but it never happened with bethesda games for some reason. It happens with old 3D games though and I can't play them for long periods at a time. Wonder if it has something to do with FOV
For me, it has to do with a lot of things. Refresh rate might play into it, and motion blur definitely makes me sick. I think screen tearing will do something similar, and that might happen in older games.

Deus Ex did it to me a little, and Anachronox fsr made me really sick while playing. But Unreal Tournament was usually fine, strangely, as was Quake 2, I think. Weird.

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