Pete: "We're here talking with Pete, the PR guy for the upcoming Oblivion."
Pete: "So tell us Pete, just how great is Oblivion?"
Pete: "Oh, it's great, as you've seen. It's really great."
Pete: "Any other amazing stuff you want to mention?"
Pete: "We're not ready to talk about the other stuff yet. But trust us, it'll be cool."
Pete: "When's the release date?"
Pete: "Holidays, definitley!"
Pete: "Thanks for the interview, Pete!"
Pete: "You're welcome Pete!"
Elder Scrolls Forum: "New Topic: New Interview with Pete Hines!"
ES Fanboy 1: "Pete said it! The release date is this holiday season!"
ES Fanboy 2: "All release dates are subject to change."
ES Fanboy 3: "Woo hoo! Can't wait! I'm preordering now!"
ES Fanboy 2: "Go ahead, but you might not get it until next year. [Smiley]"
ES Fanboy 5: "Good information. Thanks for the heads up.
ES Fanboy 6: "Old news."
ES Fanboy 5: "Well, some people just heard about it today. [Wink]"
ES Fanboy 6: "We all should know by now it'll be out by the holidays. This review isn't anything new."
Daniel Kay: "Does this review talk about adding any lizard pr0n?"
ES Fanboy 7: "Dude, this isn't for us, it's for people who only check the website once in a while."
ES Fanboy 7: "Daniel Kay, no, it doesn't."
Daniel Kay: "[Sad]"
ES Fanboy 6: "I don't care. I want to hear some real information."
ES Fanboy 8: "Holy [censored]! A dev! Please dev can you tell us anything about the release date??"
ES Fanboy 7: "Yes, please dev, anything on a release date?"
ES Fanboy 6: "Yes, please inform the less intelligent of us how the release date will be these holidays."
Mod 1: "No personal attacks please. [Smile]"
ES Fanboy 9: "Great, new information. Thanks!"
ES Fanboy 10: "Nice to hear about that release date again. Now I know I'll be getting this for christmas!"
ES Fanboy 11: "But he said holidays."
Frankie: "Listen, number 7 is right. There IS NO RELEASE DATE! He said "most likely" not "definitely". Games get delayed. They're just SHOOTING for a holiday release date. You don't know ANYTHING about game development. I do. I know what's going on with Bethesda, and it's not finished and it could be released any time from this christmas to mid next year. I repeat: THERE IS NO RELEASE DATE!"
ES Fanboy 7: "Thanks, Frankie. [Wink]"
ES Fanboy 11: "I thought he said definitley"
Frankie: "No, he didn't."
ES Fanboy 11: "I really thought he did. Can anyone check?"
ES Fanboy 12: "I would, but I don't know how to click on links and find stuff."
ES Fanboy 6: "The game is pretty much done by now. With the Xbox360 coming out it should arrive near launch. Or on launch. I think I remember reading somewhere where they said it would be a launch title."
Frankie: "NO ONE said it would be a launch title. And how do you know it's done by now? It's not, so quit trying to argue over this. Bethesda even said it themselves: IT'S FINISHED WHEN IT'S FINISHED. Case closed."
ES Fanboy 13: "I just read it, and tons of cool new stuff! I think he said definitley, but I'm not sure."
ES Fanboy 7: "He said "aiming for". He's not certain. Don't confuse these things, that's what leads to alot of the mess around here. [Wink]"
ES Fanboy 13: "Oh okay. Can't wait either way!"
ES Fanboy 14: "Everyone knows it's coming out July 2006. [Wink]"
ES Fanboy 15: "What??"
ES Fanboy 16: "2006?? I can't wait that long!"
ES Fanboy 17: "You've gotta be kidding me! No way, 2006??"
ES Fanboy 6: "He's joking. Sheesh."
ES Fanboy 18: "lol u guys are gulable."
ES Fanboy 19: "Hey! The dev came back! Hey dev, any word on a release date?"
ES Fanboy 16: "YES! Pleeezze tell me it's not going to be 2006! [Worried]"
ES Fanboy 6: "Any word on this, dev?"
Dev: "Believe in me and ye shall find peace."
ES Fanboy 20: "Agreed."
ES Fanboy 18: "Thanks dev!"
ES Fanboy 5: "I totally agree dev! Thanks for posting!"
ES Fanboy 21: "Agreed, fully."
ES Fanboy 22: "Sounds good to me."
ES Fanboy 23: "Yes, thank you. Agreed."
ES Fanboy 24: "I also agree."
ES Fanboy 17: "I feel the same way."
Daniel Kay: "Any word on lizard pr0n, dev?"
Frankie: "Thanks, dev, perhaps now people will listen. [Wink]"
ES Fanboy 11: "Great! Cool! Thanks dev!"
ES Fanboy 13: "Agreed!"
ES Fanboy 1: "A dev posted in my thread! Thanks dev!!"
ES Fanboy 5: "I always love when a dev posts. It's so great."
ES Fanboy 21: "That's what really seperates us from other communites. The devs post here and help us out. [Smile] They really care about their fanbase."
Mod 1: "Thanks for the head's up, dev!"
ES Fanboy 6: "They're aiming for holidays."
OverrideB1: "YOU DON'T LOVE US, DEV!"
ES Fanboy 7: "The release date hasn't been determined yet, man! The dev said for himself!"
Newbie: "Will my computer run oblion? pentium 3, 64 mb ram, geforce2. PLEZE HELP!!"
ES Fanboy 21: "Welcome! Have a fishy stick! Please post computer questions in this [LINK] topic!"
ES Fanboy 6: "Look, why wouldn't they release it during the holidays? Having a launch title would be a great business strategy! Bethesda needs to captitalize on this market."
ES Fanboy 23: "Because it's not done yet.
ES Fanboy 7: "They're going to sell great even if they don't reach the launch date. It's already selling like crazy on preorders. And look at all the new members we're getting here."
ES Fanboy 25: "Please direct computer questions to the right thread! Edit: Beaten to the post."
ES Fanboy 26: "Yay! New interview! Great information, thanks!"
ES Fanboy 6: "They said they've been aiming from day one for a release date. I don't think they're going to miss it."
ES Fanboy 7: "Day 1? Let me see your source."
ES Fanboy 6: "Hold on, I'll look for it, but some dev said it."
ES Fanboy 26: "I think I read somewhere about day 1. But maybe my mind fails me."
ES Fanboy 27: "Yes! A holiday release date! Can't wait for it!"
Mod 2: "Okay, this thread has gone on way too long and has had hints of flaming."