After the rather disappointing experience with the Llylgalmyn Saga remake of Wizardry 1 didn't satisfy my craving for blobber, I've decided to give The Bard's Tale another try.
Since before the Remaster appeared I have wanted to try the original 8 bit Apple version, which I suspect is the only bug free original game.
But the original games had some very crude mechanics that is a bit of a turn off, the main one being that a character's AC determined chance to hit in 1 and 2.
There were also balancing problems. In BT the mid game is too easy, while in BT2 and 3 things get too easy after the first area, and even if the enemies always get initiative they never hit you.
I know the Remaster fixes the crude to hit mechanics of 1 and 2 (with AC 10 Brian the Fist would not have been able to hit anything in the original), but it also introduced some problematic grammar mistakes (I'm pretty sure it's only Markus losing his voice, not the whole party):
Another thing that bothers me about the Remaster is the artwork. I remember being very impressed with the audiovisuals of the Amiga version; everything from the colours used and the animations, and of course the monks chanting when they heal you at the temples. The chanting is still there, but the artwork is a decline, I think. I really dislike this modern cartoony style that infests nearly all games nowadays. If they opt for this style they should have made completely new portraits instead of "enhancing" the old ones.
But I guess I can get used to it, and if the balancing issues have been fixed the Remasters may be the ultimate versions.
OTOH I need to check out that Apple version too, so I think I'll try that first. Finding reliable information about design and bugs differences between versions is not easy, so I guess I must do it myself.