So what's a good weapon to use in SotFS for a primarily melee/physical character? My trustworthy mace is still doing ok but there's been several situations recently where it hasn't done so well like group fighting or enemies that don't stun too easily.
1) MURAKUMO. It's fast, powerful and fun as fuck. The one handed sweeps are excellent for multiple enemies. Stuns well too! If you haven't reached Ornifax yet, you can get a boss version by trading the Flexile Sentry soul with Straid. Don't forget to 2HR2 enemies off cliffs when possible for maximum lulz.
I'm guessing you're a strength build? Some alternatives that spring to mind are:
2) POISE up and continue to use the mace. The 1hR2 is pretty good for hitting multiple mooks so long as you can take some hits. Which happens a lot in DS2 anyway. May as well fuck them up while they're at it. Not a strat for higher New Games but trading damage is viable for now.
3) ZWEIHANDER. You say you've reached the Iron Keep so I assume you have it. Really awesome weapon as long as you don't mind the speed.
4) LARGE/GIANT club. Slower than the mace obviously but a lot more fun imo. The pancake attacks can trivialise much of the game. Both a blessing and a curse. But there's more to them than that one attack.
Personally I don't like dual wielding but that is another option. It's very stamina consuming though. Not a problem if you use the broken straight sword (BSS) but it does limit your options. Some combos I like:
1) Rapier in right hand, BSS in the left. This gives you thrusts, sweeps and parries. Good for any situation really. Not so great for stunning but you kill so quickly it's not really needed. However with the stone ring it does alright. I love this combo because it's fast, deadly and uses very little stamina. The low damage of the BSS might seem crap at first but it's damage is gravy imo. It's real benefit is that it gives you sweeps with a rapier. And for fuck all stamina. Besides the BSS is still ok when infused with elemental or mundane.
2) Rapier in right hand, katana in left. Like option 1 but it uses more stamina in exchange for even greater damage. This is an excellent combo if you are conscious of counter damage. And you don't have to use the sweeps all the time so it's pretty easy to manage stamina. Chaos Rapier + Chaos Blade against enemies weak to fire is a combo of immense and profound beauty.