So I beat blue smelter demon. Solo.
Didn't take as many tries as I thought. Not that I'm saying that he needs to be harder mind you; he does deal a lot of damage with autotracking bullshit. Not to mention that the trip to him is a massive pain in the ass. I don't mesure how good a boss is by the amount of time I wasted on him.
I only managed to get to him because I was running a light build that prioritizes magic defense. No idea how a heavy build would get to him without murdering everything in the way, as you have hexes slowing you down and fuckers constantly attacking you.
The gauntlet is pretty easy to run through though? I don't know why people make such a big deal out of it. Even with a high % equip load, you have to only roll like 2 and 3 times, and have a time to heal when you drop down, if you fuck up. Personally, the road to Alonne was a bigger pain in the ass.
The hallway of death with the fireballs, or the long way? I had to take the long way, because whenever I tried the hallway of death I got slaughtered by those grunts coming out after I got stunned by a fireball. There's probably a really easy way of doing it, but I don't know what that is.
The long way really isn't that hard if you have a light build, as the hexes don't stop you too much. It's heavy builds that have me perplexed, as you'd think the hexes would really hurt then.
As odd as it may sound though, I prefer Iron Passage to the Caves of the dead from a design standpoint. In the caves it just felt like they threw down a bunch of shit everywhere just to constantly stunlock you with projectiles.
The passage at least felt like they carefully thought of ways to dick with you other than "hur durr, projectile spam everywhere at all times"
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