The One True Gamer said:
Helioth said:
Nope, it'll suck just as much as Oblivion, have 5(thousand) new graphical features, if not more, expand on some vaguely interesting but irrelevant 'elder scrolls literature'
(you know, like the gibberish at the start of the other games)
and have a bigger hype machine than any predecessor,
so the fans can delude themselves,
yet again,
into thinking they're enjoying themselves
when every single interaction in the game is a check to... see if you're still breathing.
Oh my god please do not tell me you actually just said that
Please do not tell me you are so utterly brain damaged as to have claimed that people can be tricked into thinking they are having fun when they are not
I think you must have failed the breathing checks quite a bit if you actually believe what you said
I concede the point that shitty voice acting is a huge problem. For my part, one of the biggest.
You obviously haven't visited the official oblivion forums, ever.
And/ or weren't around when the trolls visited this one and made x amount of new threads titled something akin to "oblivoin is gd gaem k!?".
And "I have fun without mounted horse combat, parallax lighting and an interesting / substantial quest line... and I especially love the simplistic speech-craft wheel".
Let's be honest, it's a grind, it's time consuming, it doesn't make you go ooh - ahhh, much, if at all.
As to your calling me stupid: perhaps people cannot be directly tricked into thinking they're having fun, but, they forget somewhere along the way that the aim of a game is to please and entertain, so they'll spend 10 to 40 hours looking for... something and give up when it's "finished".
Maybe their standard is so dreadfully low that they really do lap up terms like next gen and revolutionary and quote the babble verbatim until they go giddy with glee, whatever.
In the end: It's a shitty game, and anyone of reasonable intelligence ought to see it for what it is after a couple hours, tops.
I don't see how a distinction (of whether you can trick people like that or not) makes much of a difference, the fans they have are still, almost without exception, "tools".
Even the best mods the community has to offer have a moronic tint, straggling behind the product like an idiot does, their invalid, inbreeding parent.
Bethesda is just not into depth, or good gameplay, or anything much really, apart from selling their customers and pleasing their stock holders.
edit: with exception of some of the 'dark brotherhood' faction quests, what actual soul, what substance did Oblivion have, and when could a roleplay ever enjoy playing it?
Fuck, when could anyone enjoy it? Apart from a treehugger, who'd be happier outside anyway.
Its graphics carried it, and even then, so much more could have been done with them.