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The Guild Wars 2 Thread


Jul 11, 2023
Anet backing off from where they were going with Heart of Thorns difficulty was the worst thing they did.
The story of Heart of Thorns was shit but the maps and mob challenges were still the apex of the game in my view.
It's all nerfed to hell now and mounts have pretty much deleted any challenge the maps posed to players.


Jan 23, 2016
Terra Australis
Anet backing off from where they were going with Heart of Thorns difficulty was the worst thing they did.
The story of Heart of Thorns was shit but the maps and mob challenges were still the apex of the game in my view.
It's all nerfed to hell now and mounts have pretty much deleted any challenge the maps posed to players.
Go back in time and read all the posts made online around the time HoT launched. You will see nothing but complaints about how difficult HoT was.

The nerfs were exactly what the larger GW2 community was shouting out for. Less Challenge > More Gemstore > More shiny skyscale skins > More Profit.

Can you blame Anet?
Feb 3, 2022
Anet backing off from where they were going with Heart of Thorns difficulty was the worst thing they did.
The story of Heart of Thorns was shit but the maps and mob challenges were still the apex of the game in my view.
It's all nerfed to hell now and mounts have pretty much deleted any challenge the maps posed to players.
Go back in time and read all the posts made online around the time HoT launched. You will see nothing but complaints about how difficult HoT was.

The nerfs were exactly what the larger GW2 community was shouting out for. Less Challenge > More Gemstore > More shiny skyscale skins > More Profit.

Can you blame Anet?

The outcry was because Anet had cultivated the expectation that you could beat overworld content by yourself with your brain turned off. Vanilla mobs were easy and everyone just run around by themselves in berserker gear killing everything. This was how GW2 players played the game for three years until HoT's release, when they walked into Verdant Brink and suddenly they are getting killed trying to 1v1 a raptor in berserker gear. Then as the months went on, people began to adjust. They learned that you don't want to be trying to 1v1 HoT mobs in berserker gear. They learned to start adjusting their builds to include more defense and CC. They learned to group up and start fighting alongside other players. And so on. This adjustment late into the game would not have been required had the game frontloaded the difficult content from the get go like FF11 did where it is literally impossible to solo after level 10.


Jan 23, 2016
Terra Australis
Going off the recent Teapot Developer stream. You can watch it here (I've timestamped it)

From the video we've gathered;

- The primary goal for the new mode will be being an easier gamemode than conquest that newer players can understand

- Less depth than conquest, so new players can focus more on learning pvp fighting and less on learning how to play a complex map. But still some depth and decision making to keep veteran players engaged.

- The goal is to narrow the gap between new and experienced players in the new mode, so that newer players can still contribute meaningfully without needing to be a veteran PvPer.

- Conquest will remain the primary gamemode for tournaments. The new gamemode will be more like a stepping stone for new players. It is not their intent to replace conquest

- For more experienced players it will be a more relaxing break from grinding conquest

- When the new mode comes out, it will be in a live Beta state, and it will be further developed and refined as time goes on

- The map for the mode is currently being developed and it will be very unrefined when it goes live. With greyboxes, untextured shapes, and temporary art. The map will be a very much unfinished prototype, but it will provide a space for them to build the gamemode in over time.

- The goal is to get the mechanics in and the gamemode built on the new map with very little developer resources. When it goes live and players give feedback on how to improve it, they will begin to put more development resources into it

- They learned from Stronghold that putting a lot of resources into a new mode without gathering feedback first was a bad investment in development. And want to take this slower, multi-staged approach to developing the new mode. They want to make sure they get it right.


Sep 12, 2022
(i didnt watch the video, i may not know entire context, but) bringing up stronghold as a point of reference seems bizarre. stronghold mode is almost 10 years old. im no pvp expert, i dont know how much was introduced in-between, it seems not much, but this alone speaks a lot about how neglected pvp has been.
And want to take this slower, multi-staged approach to developing the new mode.
the game is 12 years old, gw3 was already hinted by ncsoft, why do they even bother at this point? imo all these attempts to revitalize both pvp and www are not only futile but also pathetic. arent www enjoyers extremely unhappy with recent updates?


Jan 23, 2016
Terra Australis
the game is 12 years old, gw3 was already hinted by ncsoft, why do they even bother at this point? imo all these attempts to revitalize both pvp and www are not only futile but also pathetic. arent www enjoyers extremely unhappy with recent updates?
It's just to help sell the expansion. And judging by the way they talked about it there's no ambition left for PvP at that studio. I'd be surprised if the new mode was anything more than a footnote at the very bottom of the list of things they managed to get approved, where things like new shiny gemstore skins are always at the top. (Got banned from their forums again for saying this. Wow..)
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Feb 3, 2022
arent www enjoyers extremely unhappy with recent updates?

The WvW population is a shadow of its former self. We last got a new map, the Desert Borderlands, nine years ago, and it wasn't even designed by the WvW team (which was laid off). It was designed by a PvE map designer who didn't understand WvW tactics, so it was poorly received. And no new rewards were added either. So people were spending years fighting on these same old boring maps after having gotten all of the rewards, and eventually they just couldn't do it anymore and moved on with their lives to greener pastures. It also does not help that GW2 neglected to balance WvW, so escorting caravans became pointless. Defending castles became pointless. In the end it just boiled down to two zergs circling around the map flipping the same castles one after the other to maintain maximum participation to farm the Gift of Battle to craft legendary weapons. Or two zergs out in the field stacking on top of the commander with everyone in voice chat as the commander tells everyone which direction to dodge as each zerg tries to one shot the other. Not the battlefield fantasy people want. The infamous Maguuma server wound up employing that battlefield fantasy by having everyone spread out into a "cloud" so they couldn't be one shotted by an enemy zerg's AoE, but again by this point most people had left the WvW scene, leaving a very particular kind of autist who thinks stacking on top of a pin and being told by a personality over discord which way to dodge is fun, and those people got upset by the cloud tactic.


Jan 23, 2016
Terra Australis
Where's the hype for this expansion? It's only 2 weeks until release and there's nothing but crickets..

Last week there was a Housing livestream where 3 devs unenthusiastically showed off it's features and seemed to run out of things to talk about 10 minutes in because it is so basic. And this weeks GW2 news is a bunch of gemstore skins 20% off.

They still haven't shown us the new PvP mode.

What's going on at Anet? Are they 90% focused on GW3 or something? It's so fucking lame.
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Feb 3, 2022
I am interested in that cool Ranger spear leap animation, mounted combat on Warclaws, and the Northwestern USA wilderness setting. Unfortunately, the expac is coming out at the same time as the next WoW expansion is, which is more appealing to me due to the higher production values, aesthetic, high fantasy underground areas, hero talents, and the delves. My online friends will be playing it, but WoW is a subscription game so you have to play it when they are playing it and still subbed. You can't put it off like GW2 where you can still play anytime. It also appears that the GW2 mini expacs are not selfcontained stories, but actually continue the continuity from End of Dragons and I have to play Secrets of the Obscure first. I won't be getting around to GW2 until maybe a month or two after TWW launches.

Another issue is that my online friend group is playing ESO right now, so my attention is split between playing that with them, and playing WoW in preparation for TWW. I can't fit a third MMO in there.


Oct 26, 2012
What's going on at Anet? Are they 90% focused on GW3 or something? It's so fucking lame.
I wish it was something more than just typical ArenaNet marketing ineptitude. They just can't advertise to save their life.


Aug 1, 2013
Where's the hype for this expansion? It's only 2 weeks until release and there's nothing but crickets.
I think it's the 1-2 combo of the expansion releasing a week before the next WoW expansion does and the rather underwhelming showing of Secrets of the Obscure. Sure, End of Dragons fell short compared to the first two but they went back to a region from the first game there, so they had that going for them.


Aug 1, 2013
Updating spears:



Spear-wielding elementalists sought to harness the power of natural disasters to bring calamity to their enemies. It is the most visually ambitious weapon we have created, and we couldn’t be prouder of the Art Team’s work. However, in the beta, the damage wasn’t as impressive as the visuals were. We agree with the feedback that the weapon’s power level landed too low, and you can expect to see damage increases for all game modes, especially for the capstone etching skills.

Alongside damage enhancements, we’ll be making the following quality-of-life adjustments to the weapon. Etching durations will be increased by a few seconds, while Ripple’s distance is now controllable through a ground target. Seethe and Energize will not affect autoattacks, and the visual noise of etchings has been reduced. We’ve also added a strike-damage component to Fulgor and rebalanced some of its effectiveness away from the damage over time in PvE for a more immediate effect. We’re hoping these changes result in a smoother experience with greater impact.


Necromancers aim to execute their foes with both spear and soul shards. With a gameplay loop of building and spending these soul shards, we saw that the shard economy was too dominated by Isolate and Distress. We are increasing soul shard generation outside of the fourth spear skill, and soul shard duration will now be refreshed when you gain more shards. With those changes and a lowering of the threshold needed to immobilize with Addle, we are hoping the weapon has a more consistent power level and doesn’t feel as weak when you miss Isolate. Additionally, Extirpate will now generate life force as well, to help you follow up on its big hit.


Mesmer spear provided a unique gameplay pattern, and we were happy to see it find use in many places. The beta event gave us clarity about how we could make the weapon feel even better. The largest problem we got feedback on was that the weapon’s performance varied a lot depending on whether you had Clarity. Clarity will now be gained by hitting Mind the Gap, regardless of whether it was an outer-edge hit. But that outer edge will still be important! We’re updating the visual to better outline where that hitbox is, and the skill will still deal increased damage as well as a guaranteed critical hit on the outer edge.

Imaginary Inversion is also seeing a shift in how the skill functions. To help the consistency of the tools it brings, it will now always clear conditions from you at the start of casting, with no Clarity required. It will also heal you if you evade an attack, even if you don’t land the attack portion. Clarity will now increase this healing.

The final large change to the weapon concerns its phantasms. We saw in the beta that the lancers routinely got outplayed by terrain, whether that was a cliff or a small pebble. The lancers have taken a more vertical approach to their attack, and they will now jump in the air and launch a spear at their target instead. This spear will damage an area on impact, a much more reliable follow-up for the mesmer.


Thief spear endeavored to bring the skill-chaining mechanic used by assassins in the original Guild Wars® into the modern game. We were pleased to see how it turned out, but we found that it could use some polish. We will be changing a rule for how the skill chains progress; the chain will now always progress when you use a skill instead of relying on hitting a target. This aims to help the weapon feel smoother with the skill queueing system and enhance its reliability in competitive modes. The weapon ended strong in PvE, so there will be some unsurprising downward adjustments to its damage output. Its finishing skills and stealth skill will have their target cap raised to help thief spear’s identity as a cleaving weapon.


Much like elementalist spear, ranger spear had a strong narrative theming, but it didn’t quite follow through fully in the game. Some of its skills, like its stealth skills and Bee’s Sting, lacked the damage needed to make it a competitive option against other ranger weapons.

Additionally, due to the popularity of traps and other pulsing damage skills, it was hard to weave in and out of stealth and complete your attack before you were revealed. To remedy this, Panther’s Prowl will now grant Hunter’s Prowess for a short duration. Hunter’s Prowess will allow you to use your next stealth skill even if you were revealed.

Another issue was Panther’s Prowl and Spider’s Web sharing a cooldown. This was consistent with the rest of the weapon’s skills, but it made the opportunity cost for using Spider’s Web too large. We’ll be separating their cooldowns so that using Spider’s Web feels good and you don’t have to worry about wasting a charge of stealth.


Engineer spear surged onto the scene, finding a home mainly in condition-based builds in PvE. It sported competitive numbers but was still rough around the edges in places. Keeping track of who was focused and for how long wasn’t an easy task, so we’ll be adding a visual aura to your focused target. We’ll also be adding an effect to the player when they have a focused target, making it easier to determine how long the mark will persist. Some casting times were also a bit slow; they’ll be sped up to help the weapon feel smooth. Lastly, Devastator will see speed increases, a range increase, and a significant reduction in its aftercast.


Revenant spear aimed to be a heavy weapon that built up strength, culminating in powerful damage. However, in the beta we saw that this weight was unwieldy and its punches lacked impact. Casting times are being decreased across many skills, and we are increasing the condition variety of the skills to help its damage stick.

Crushing Abyss’s maximum stacks has been reduced from 5 to 3, making the weapon reach its maximum potential a lot faster. Abyssal Blot will now pull immediately, helping the weapon set itself up better. The result of these changes is a more fluid weapon with more tools to secure its damage.


Guardian spear shone brightly in WvW, especially in large-scale fights. Spear’s biggest pain point was how its second skill functioned. Pressing the key again to stop early felt awkward and had a few bugs. Helio Rush is seeing an update similar to the elementalist’s Ripple: it is now a ground target, and you will stop when reaching the target location. Its tool kit is getting some updates, like improvements to its self-healing and healing on Solar Storm, and Symbol of Luminance will now always apply resistance to allies once.


Spear on warrior was met with mixed reception. It was a strong option in PvP but didn’t stand out in other places. Its range threshold mechanic also didn’t garner a warm welcome. Warrior spear will be updated to feature a new mechanic.

We want to emphasize the force the warrior is launching their spears with, but in a different way. Instead of effectiveness varying by distance, skills will now do more damage to the first target struck. Spear Swipe will get some updates to its functionality, such as a cooldown refund if you evade an attack with it. The most important note is that the spearmarshal has been sent back to remedial javelin school, as Spearmarshal’s Support has been improved and will now track the target better.

Happy with the damage boost on Ele Spear, it was a bit low.


Jan 23, 2016
Terra Australis
I'm banned from the GW2 forums again for criticizing the game. I swear they are so much worse than even the EA forums. I never got banned for calling out EA's shitty work on the Sims 4. I think the GW2 moderators are in full damage control mode leading up to the expansion release. You cannot say anything negative about any of the upcoming features without being removed from the conversation and all of your posts getting deleted.

It's no wonder they are in damage control since it's just been revealed that none of the new maps in Janthir Wilds will have a meta event and they're going back to Hearts. They're also turning the Warclaw into a psuedo-flying mount in an attempt to coerce people to get off their Skyscale for 5 minutes (as well as enticing them to buy Warclaw skins, ofc). But all it manages to do is look 20x more retarded and broken than Skyscales flying everywhere in PvE as you'll now be watching blobs of Warclaws bounce back and forth in WvW between Keeps. This game is being made exclusively for stupid people now. And this is after finding out that the new PvP mode will be a bare bones baby's first PvP mode and they have no ambition to make it better than Conquest. GW2 is dead after this release.
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Jan 23, 2016
Terra Australis
I just put in a support ticket to refund my pre-order. Fuck you ArenaNet.

The only thing I was looking forward to was spears. But if I can't be part of the conversation as a paying customer, then I'm not paying for your game anymore, you cunts.
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Jul 11, 2023
I haven't been on the official forums in years but I had no idea it got this bad.
It's also sad to see Teapot right back to shilling Anet and Guild Wars 2, I guess his WoW pivot isn't paying off as well as he hoped.


Jan 23, 2016
Terra Australis
I haven't been on the official forums in years but I had no idea it got this bad.
There is a passage ritual before you are let into the club and it involves being banned until you learn that the forums are only for shilling Anet and being hostile to anyone who posts criticism.

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Jan 23, 2016
Terra Australis
It's also sad to see Teapot right back to shilling Anet and Guild Wars 2, I guess his WoW pivot isn't paying off as well as he hoped.
It's not what he wants to be doing. There's a certain reluctance and insincerity in his body language whenever he talks about GW2 in a positive light. I used to watch him a lot more in the PoF / Pre-EoD days, back when having some glimmer of hope for the game was still reasonable. But I've since unsubscribed to him, it's become too painful to watch.


Oct 23, 2017
As much as I dislike WoW and FFXIV, at least they let you criticize their games on their forums from what I've seen. Guild Wars 2 and The Elder Scrolls Online have some real power tripping cunts in charge of managing the allowed "discourse".


Aug 1, 2013
As much as I dislike WoW and FFXIV, at least they let you criticize their games on their forums from what I've seen. Guild Wars 2 and The Elder Scrolls Online have some real power tripping cunts in charge of managing the allowed "discourse".
WoW just doesn't have mods on their forums because they cost money.
Jan 7, 2012
As much as I dislike WoW and FFXIV, at least they let you criticize their games on their forums from what I've seen. Guild Wars 2 and The Elder Scrolls Online have some real power tripping cunts in charge of managing the allowed "discourse".
WoW just doesn't have mods on their forums because they cost money.
This is why companies love reddit, they mod for free.


Jan 23, 2016
Terra Australis
Here's my new low-effort video from the current sPvP ranked season 42. I've played over 400 matches this season and feeling myself winding down now and only doing it for my daily. I made these highlights from only about 20 recent matches..

Playing ranger untamed mainly. Dual maces are going to get nerfed, no question about it. They are just too good. They've got regen, healing, barrier, multiple CC's, and nice damage all in one.
Feb 3, 2022
Here's my new low-effort video from the current sPvP ranked season 42. I've played over 400 matches this season and feeling myself winding down now and only doing it for my daily. I made these highlights from only about 20 recent matches..

Playing ranger untamed mainly. Dual maces are going to get nerfed, no question about it. They are just too good. They've got regen, healing, barrier, multiple CC's, and nice damage all in one.

You need to choose more exciting battle music than something I'd hear blasting from a car outside my window.


Aug 1, 2013
Main theme.

Not as much of a banger as SotO, but it fits the area.

Ten hours until release.

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