Hajo said:
I think it's worth a try. And finally, even if he and the other admins don't do anything, I just had to say this.
Complaining almost never works for this kind of thing on any forum and as the Codex doesn't sell anything, it can do what it wants, so it only needs to listen to what it likes. Best way for these things to be reversed is to let it all blow over and once everyone has forgotten or stopped caring why the title was there it might get removed. Kind of like parole.
Hajo said:
Many years there haven't been images of me on the web, because I was afraid of jokes like yours. Now you got me.
I'm glad I had the privilege to give you your first taste of PWNAGE then.
I didn't want Exitium thinking he was getting special jpg treatment from me just because of his high cheekbones.
Hajo said:
Someone once said I run away from problems. Often I do. I've thought quite a while if posting a message like this is worth the risk. Today I decided it is.
Risk? What risk? It's an internet forum, no one is going to hunt you down and murder you. The worst that can happen is getting a bit of abuse, and anyone who has been reading these forums for any length of time and is still surprised by that then they are incredibly naive or mentally deficient.