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The Legend of Skye: the most Monkey Island looking game since Monkey Island


I like Thief THIS much
Jan 4, 2007
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.

The artstyle is so close to the original Monkey Island, it feels like it was made by the same people.
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Glory to Ukraine
Nov 16, 2012
The actual location design looks like shit based on the steam screenshots.

I bet the gameplay is shit as well. It's not enough to make the game look like it was made during the Gulf War for it to be good.


Jul 12, 2015
Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.

The artstyle is so close to the original Monkey Island, it feels like it was made by the same people.

We will step into the shoes of a young druid who will be called upon by her tribe to undertake an important mission. After some events in her village, she will have to leave behind the safety of the forest and venture into a world full of dangers. The fate of the grove will be in her hands.

Fatberg Slim

Mar 4, 2022
Some thoughts on the game after finishing it:

- The comparisons to Secret of Monkey Island are apt. Besides the interface and art style, some puzzles seem to be directly inspired by those in MI or MI2 (e.g. keeping the fuses lit, guessing the password to the druid's black market store), although they subverted this in at least one case (the safe in the nerd store isn't dealt with the same way as in MI, despite the game suggesting that it is)
- Puzzle design was uneven. There are some good logical puzzle chains but in other cases I was just doing things because the game let me, not because I understood what the actual outcome would be or had a specific solution in mind. The game doesn't always do a good job of explaining why seemingly logical actions aren't possible (e.g. you need to start fires on a couple of occasions, and despite carrying around objects that the game explicitly tells you are made of metal and flint you cannot strike them together to cause a spark)
- Graphics, sound, and interface were OK. I could mostly tell what things were and I think the only time I needed to go pixel-hunting was intentional. Some jankiness in how the main character walks, like there are too few frames to accommodate her walking speed. The various verbs had a reason to be there - "push," "pull," "use," etc all could give different responses. The background music didn't make me want to turn the volume off and it kept some consistent themes across various areas without going full iMuse
- Game was more light-hearted than actually funny
- No game options other than text language. I would have appreciated a hotkey for the options menu. Moving the cursor near the upper right corner of the screen causes the inventory list to scroll to the beginning, which annoyed me more than it should have
- Little to no SJW content :salute:
- Ending wasn't great, but at least it wasn't meta like some other recent games

Overall it was fine and took maybe 7 - 8 hrs. I may be overly positive though just because it uses a list of verbs and not the standard modern 1 or 2 actions. It was better than their previous effort (The Castle) and reminded me of a more subdued version of 3 Skulls of the Toltecs in terms of tone and polish. The company seems to be working on a new game and hopefully they're trending in the right direction.
Feb 28, 2011
Chicago, IL, Kwa
This looks fun and I will pick it up and give it a go because I love point and clicks and am willing to throw money at anyone who is trying to keep the genre alive, but I have to seriously question your perception of aesthetics if you think this looks like an early 90s LA Monkey Island game.

UI aside, those screenshots give off Legend of Kyrandia vibes if anything.

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