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The Mass Effect 3/BioWare Thread


Keep trying Drocon.... emotional engagement you seek is right behind that bush there.


Formerly M4AE1BR0-something
Jul 6, 2011
Keep trying Drocon.... emotional engagement you seek is right behind that bush there.

How many people did you kill in war hiver? How many women? Is that why you are so guilty and feel the need to whiteknight?
He claims to have survived the wars just with his father's revolver IIRC

I don't even want to know what that means...
[removed other more or less harmless silly claims he made, I'm still too much of a white knight to want to risk starting war related trolling]


The "whiteknight" angle as stupid as it ever is was a premise morons desperately cling to. If you think repeating it is an argument then youre truly a dumbfuck or epic proportions.
How many times have you been told youre stupid dumbfuck? Was it not enough already?
Who is it that youre telling those fantasies to? Yourself?

Try again.
cmonn drocon.... you must reach that brown pile and lick its sweet emotional juices... cmonn, its right there... you can already feel its intoxicating smell cant you?
just imagine... how great it will be to slurp it all...
You can smell it... but you dont see it... isnt that frustrating?


Formerly M4AE1BR0-something
Jul 6, 2011
The "whiteknight" angle as stupid as it ever is was a premise morons desperately cling to. If you think repeating it is an argument then youre truly a dumbfuck or epic proportions.
How many times have you been told youre stupid dumbfuck? Was it not enough already?
Who is it that youre telling those fantasies to? Yourself?
You talking to me? Listen closely, dear macaque : I actually defended you twice, and better than you ever managed to, too
as in, with actual argumentation, I know the concept is a little alien for lesser creatures like you, but I know that you can learn what it is one day
Try again.
cmonn drocon.... you must reach that brown pile and lick its sweet emotional juices... cmonn, its right there... you can already feel its intoxicating smell cant you?
just imagine... how great it will be to slurp it all...
You can smell it... but you dont see it... isnt that frustrating?
Whoa dude who taught you to be so witty my penis is dripping from the sheer power of the insults in your post

imagine what the women reading this are feeling... I want to be a white knight like you too hiver, I want to slurp the virtual forest of pussy too!


Formerly M4AE1BR0-something
Jul 6, 2011
The "whiteknight" angle as stupid as it ever is was a premise morons desperately cling to. If you think repeating it is an argument then youre truly a dumbfuck or epic proportions.
How many times have you been told youre stupid dumbfuck? Was it not enough already?
Who is it that youre telling those fantasies to? Yourself?
You talking to me? Listen closely, dear macaque : I actually defended you twice, and better than you ever managed to, too
as in, with actual argumentation, I know the concept is a little alien for lesser creatures like you, but I know that you can learn what it is one day
Try again.
cmonn drocon.... you must reach that brown pile and lick its sweet emotional juices... cmonn, its right there... you can already feel its intoxicating smell cant you?
just imagine... how great it will be to slurp it all...
You can smell it... but you dont see it... isnt that frustrating?
Whoa dude who taught you to be so witty my penis is dripping from the sheer power of the insults in your post

imagine what the women reading this are feeling... I want to be a white knight like you too hiver, I want to slurp the virtual forest of pussy too!
You only get the full effect if you've seen the guy's pictures.

Hey baby, I'm a war hero, and I'mma protect you!


No I'm not a lesbian, I'm a MAN damn it!

What is ironic is that by your pictures youre clearly weaker then me in every way.
It will be even more ironic when i first electroshock you several times just for the lulz and "bravery" - so you piss your pants and then proceed to beat you into intensive care for several months where you will eat through a straw until your jaw mends back again.

Meantime, maybe ill leave a few fingers so you can write here on the forums how brave or courageous i was.

Hows that for irony?


and you fail to achieve emotional engagement.... tsk...tsk...
just a sad pathetic fuck on a never ending loop, talking to himself.


Formerly M4AE1BR0-something
Jul 6, 2011
and you fail to achieve emotional engagement.... tsk...tsk...
just a sad pathetic fuck on a never ending loop, talking to himself.
I'd rather be that than someone who doesn't even know what he is talking about... not that you're not being both right now

as for emotional responses... well, you're not fooling anyone hiver


back? again?


ok then... ill just quote my answer to that again

How many times have you been told youre stupid dumbfuck? Was it not enough already?
Who is it that youre telling those fantasies to? Yourself?

Try again.
cmonn drocon.... you must reach that brown pile and lick its sweet emotional juices... cmonn, its right there... you can already feel its intoxicating smell cant you?
just imagine... how great it will be to slurp it all...
You can smell it... but you dont see it... isnt that frustrating?



Christmas Turd, Stress Reliever

Price: £2.99 OUT OF STOCK

This festive turd sporting a santa hat is the perfect secret santa gift! Sure to help relieve the tension in any offfice this stress reliever literally is what it says on the box .... "A really crap christmas present"!


I know its not christmass but i think we can all agree drocon really needs a fix right away.

Slurp it... you can even invite your friends, ahem...

(shhh... let him fantasize he has any! dammit)


I feel... young!
Staff Member
Feb 16, 2008
Future Wasteland
Strap Yourselves In
What in the fuck is going on in this abortion of a thread?

I'll remind you assholes that this isn't GD.

Get a life, all of you. Especially hiver.


Dec 29, 2011
Codex 2012

What the fuck's with the shitflinging? If I had known asking about hoopy would result in whatever this is, then I never would've asked.

This turned into a flamewar already...mods...please LOCK this thread!!!...:(


It's still good, it's still good!

Why is Shepard so cold to Tali? :(

If romancing Tali:
1. Shepard never says he loves her. She says it multiple times to him, but Shepard never does. In other romances, Shepard says it to the LI, but with Tali it's like he's uncomfortably avoiding it.
2. In the Geth ship, Tali pulls him up from the falling elevator and he just says "I'm alright". Not even a "thanks"? I'm sure this is the same for any other character, but it was just wierd.
3. On Rannoch, she's talking about how great it's going to be to have a home, and when Shepard asks if the quarians will get used to living in one place and Tali responds about how they've been used to carrying their homes around with them, Shepard silently hands her a rock. Good job, Shep. Smooth. (Edit: I agree this one is on the edge, the sentiment behind it is certainly nice. It just seemed to fit the pattern)
2. Post-Rannoch, Shepard can't even bring himself to ask her to stay on the Normandy. "Because I respect you, dammit" is a horrible line, IMO. That's what people say when they just "want to be friends".
3. The romance scene is basically just a lazy fade-to-black. There's nothing there at all. This is not specific to Tali, though. However,
4. The post-romance pep-chat is really cold. In other romance scenes, Shepard tells the LI that the LI being there means everything, or that he'd not want to be anywhere else or something similarly touching. Shepard will say he loves the LI and kiss. But with Tali, he says he's not sure if there will be anything left, and when she says she reaches for him in times of trouble, he just says "Thanks" and walks away. WTH? Who is this guy?
5. In the final good-bye, the only redeeming part is Tali woefully saying she wants more time. But Shepard can't say anything of any value or sentiment even at this point. Just "I know". Seriously? What a cold ass.

Tali: I love you!
Shepard: Thanks, I'm alright.

Edit: To be clear, #s 4, and 5 are the ones I dislike the most. And of course, there are others that are incomparably underdeveloped. I'm in no way meaning to diminish any complaint about any other relationship with my observations.

We just want more:


Why you hate Tali, BioWare?

Seriously? You want to complain about how undeveloped the Tali romance is? It's one of the more developed romances in the game.

I'd much rather they bulk up Jack, Thane and Jacob romances than add even more to an already well-developed romance.

And for the record, I was uncomfortable with my Shepard saying she loved Kaidan since she was renegade and just using Kaidan, but I had to say it because that's what the dialogue was. You can't please everyone. Some will want to say it while others won't.

Problem is what you dislike someone else may like. The fact that Shep never says love to Tali may be someone else's preference. Why should yours override theirs?

And watching my boyfriend do a playthrough with a Tali romance, I saw nothing cold about it. So what if he didn't say love? That's not necessary to have a warm relationship.

There was tons of teasing and flirtation involved in the Tali romance that no one else got so that makes up for not having a date, I think.

Sometimes I think the Talimance is wasted on people who don't even seem to understand all of it. No offence intended.

BioWare romance: 2deep4u.


Dude gives her her homeworld back.

Liara loses hers. Ashley loses hers. Kaidan loses his. Garrus loses his. Jack loses hers. Miranda loses hers. Jacob loses his and dumps yours ass. Thane's was lost ages ago, and he dies.

The Shepard-Tali romance is one of unspoken things since ME1. You remember, right? Where she's a girl out to become a woman, who learns something unfortunate which should kill her. And you save her?

Shepard doesn't need to say "I love you". Men lie. Actions don't. He gives her a planet.

A planet.

An entire planet.

If in Tali's opinion, three words were more important then a planet - then Tali would've been wrong. But she's not. She doesn't need Shepard to say one word - what we do shows who we are, and what we feel. And what he feels - well, three words don't contain it.

dafuq is this, Twilight? Get this "it's not mushy therefore it sucks" bull**** out of here.


I don't understand people who accept Bioware's extremely lazy "romance scene" at the end of the game for Garrus and Tali. The argument made in this thread is that "they're aliens!".

So? Liara is an alien and you get 360 degrees of boobs and ass. I didn't even really need a sex scene, just something that isn't an extremely shoddy copy-pasted format. They made something worse than the ME2 romance scene, and good god that's saying something. Besides, wouldn't a sex scene showing a naked Garrus or a naked Tali really bring home the point that, I don't know, they're ALIENS?
I didn't really need a sex scene, but the game needed one to show that they are Aliens!

Shepard is cold to Tali?

You may need to get some Morinth romance:


Sheppard: Hey Morinth, how are you ?
Morinth: Aaaaaaaaaaa
Sheppard: Hard times for ya ?
Morinth: Aaaaaaaaaaaa
Sheppard: It was never been so simple with you, where have you been since we defeated collectors ?
Morinth: Aaaaaaaaaaaa
Sheppard: Ok, fine! I get it, you are still upset because i don´t sent any message when i was on Eart. Fine you wanna this way ok, if you change your mind you know where to find me.

This guy needs to be hired ASAP.

Guess what......Miranda never said she loved my Shepard......ever.

Bioware has one chance to make it right........

The days of role-play Shep are over.

In ME1 and 2 my canon Shep was very sweet when it came to Tali and a dick to everyone else.
Glad I'm not the only one who felt this way. Tali was my favorite LI by far, but her ME3 romance was so half-baked. After her final romance seen I was like "that's it??" Shepard pretty much came across as being a distant, emo dick.

The reason why Shepard acts so distant after sleeping with her is because he's tormented by his doubts and fears about whether victory over the Reapers might not really be a victory with so many friends and allies dead. You obviously haven't been watching how mentally and physically stressed out Shepard is. you may not have noticed it, but Tali has, and she is doing everything she can to keep him sane and confident. If that isn't true love there, I don't know what is.

Shepard: "We've lost so much already... Sometimes, I..."
Tali: "You don't know if it was worth the fight? When I feel that way, I reach for you."
Shepard: "Thanks."

At least he had the decency to thank his girlfriend no matter how depressed he was.

8 pages of posts like these in a single day.



collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
I think it goes like...the girl thanked him, and then..

"No problem, babe. I've got this. *proceeds to kick the nearby robot really hard on the kidney*"


Notorious Internet Vandal
Jun 1, 2008
Cell S-004
MCA Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
Anyway, on the subject of Mass Effect... Seems people really care about seeing naked aliens. Though my bet for not having Garrus there is because without their clothing mountains Turians probably look ridiculous (and Bioware probably first thought up how they look with armor).

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