halflingbarbarian said:Crispy do you walk straight into packs of cazadores or something for them to charge at you in this way? You can snipe a single target at the edge of a pack from far away, and even if you miss, only 1-3 will notice you and be on alert. Shoot a few more times, and even if you miss, the few on alert will break away and move towards you so you can pick them off in smaller clumps.
Maybe I'm exaggerating a little borne of the initial criticizm thrown my way ITT; I can admit that. But to answer your question, no, I'm not just blindly stumbling into a swarm of them and yes, I've used the exact same techniques as you have. Hell, at level 30-ish, I still have to with the larger groups of them. Overconfidence in this game is a bad thing, even if it's somewhat amusing at the time you commit it.
But I'd guinuinely like to see like a 10th level character, especially during someone's first playthrough of NV, try to take on a pack of stock Cazadores, and especially at Hard difficulty. Some are trying to make it sound like it'd be exceedingly easy of an encounter, but I think they'd be exaggerating in the opposite direction.
Also, I realize this entire conversation is a bit banal at first glance, but I think it's worth it nonetheless due to its tangential and interesting side issues re: game balance and encounter design -- and the, I guess, controversy that can surround that. It's not like I sit up at night and bite my fingernails at the memory of those damned bugs...