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Game News The quest for more money: Oblivion GotY edition


Waster of Time
Sep 15, 2006
Finnegan's Wake
Role-Player said:
Bradylama said:
Some people on this forum have torrented Fallout 3 times.

Nah, Fallout is older than torrents ;)
I first had Fallout 1/2 copied from a friend and bought them a few months later.


May 1, 2006
Why would anyone buy a game that horrible and with such little replay value more than once? (Talking about Oblivion here.)

The game isn't even redeemable by mods unless you spend around 5 or so years working to remake the game, and by then I would have just made my own...
Oct 19, 2004
Thomewhere between here and there
Personally, I love this GotY/Platinum Edition/Collection idea. I never buy games when they get first released anymore -- too many damn patches just to get the thing working approximately the way it should -- and if it's a game I might like, I'll want to get the "full experience" anyway. At least this way I don't have to worry about futzing around with individual patches, updates, content additions, (as much) downloadable content, and various small files spread around 101 different disks and folders on my hard drive.

It might take a couple years, but I can wait that long for a game.... although I've got to say I'm a bit surprised at the turnaround for Oblivion; seems like just yesterday people were raving about it being the greatest game of all time, and now they're already releasing a Greatest Hits collection for it?

Besides, by the time things really have been patched and expanded as much as they're going to be, I figure the user reviews shouldn't be as heavily biased one way or the other. People will get over their mindless gawking at an Oblivion's graphical splendour and start commenting on the actual game, and the bitter disappointment/rage at an Oblivion's "Dumbing down" will be blunted by the fact that the next generation of games will look to be even stupider than the last one was, so maybe there'll be some more moderate reviews from the other side as well.


Jul 24, 2004
Shepardizing caselaw with the F5 button.
I really dont have a problem with another rollout of the same game. People respond differently to new packaging, awards, and getting additional content.

You put the same product before the consumer in multiple ways hoping they'll bite. It's done all the time.

Still doesnt change the fact that there's a booby prize of a game inside.

xedoc gpr

Sep 26, 2006
Fallout_Fan_VII said:
After installing and patching, I started... I "played" for 10 or so minutes, and said, "Screw this" and went to find my copy of Arcanum.

Hold on a second.....you bought Morrowind because you read it had been redeemed by user mods.....so you played the vanilla game for 10 minutes and threw it away....?


Sep 4, 2006
East Texas
xedoc gpr said:
Fallout_Fan_VII said:
After installing and patching, I started... I "played" for 10 or so minutes, and said, "Screw this" and went to find my copy of Arcanum.

Hold on a second.....you bought Morrowind because you read it had been redeemed by user mods.....so you played the vanilla game for 10 minutes and threw it away....?
Jan 24, 2007
Wouldn't you like to know!
xedoc gpr said:
Fallout_Fan_VII said:
After installing and patching, I started... I "played" for 10 or so minutes, and said, "Screw this" and went to find my copy of Arcanum.

Hold on a second.....you bought Morrowind because you read it had been redeemed by user mods.....so you played the vanilla game for 10 minutes and threw it away....?

Well, first off, I didn't throw it away.

Second off, I had never played Morrowind before, so that thread got me thinking that it might be worth $10, used. I went back to the Goodwill, where I had seen it earlier, and it was still there.

I installed it, patched it, and then,since I had never played it before, it seemed logical to try it out, first.

However, after 10 minutes, I really didn't want to play it, at all. If the first 10 minutes of the game were that crappy, I didn't even want to bother spending hours downloading and installing mods, just so it might be playable. Instead, I decided to find my copy of Arcanum.

Is that clear enough, for you?

Texas Red

Sep 9, 2006
This happens to me and new games often. You have to get in to them. Its annoying but eventually rewarding.

xedoc gpr

Sep 26, 2006
I installed it, patched it, and then,since I had never played it before, it seemed logical to try it out, first.

However, after 10 minutes, I really didn't want to play it, at all. If the first 10 minutes of the game were that crappy, I didn't even want to bother spending hours downloading and installing mods, just so it might be playable. Instead, I decided to find my copy of Arcanum.

Sorry, I'm not getting it. You read the thread, knew that everyone thought Morrowind was only redeemed with mods, and that it sucked otherwise. But what? You didn't believe them? And decided to shell out your money to make sure they were telling the truth about it sucking without mods?

And by the way, for a new player, the first 10 minutes of Morrowind are pretty much the highlight of the Morrowind experience.

Don't worry, it was a nice little story.

Comrade Hamster

Jun 7, 2007
The Manstructoplex
sportforredneck said:
Two expansions then a Game of the Year edition...
This might be a bit anal, but I thought Knights of the Nine was a compiled content pack, not so much an expansion per se. In any case, I agree that it hardly seems worth noting that Oblivion has a GOTY edition. It's pretty much a standard action for big "blockbuster" games. But in other news, the sun has consistently appeared in the sky, and pie is still tastes like pure awesome.


Jun 11, 2007
Jedi_Learner said:
Publications that gave Oblivion "Game of the Year" and "RPG of the Year" awards deserve to die painfully for spewing such bullshit.

Can't believe I posted that, without having played the game! I guess I was looking for Codex cool points! Woo hoo! Anyway, does anyone know where you can buy the GOTY Edition cheap in England? After buying and winning Arcanum on the recommendation that so many of you like it, I was disappointed and couldn't see what the fuss was. Now Planescape Torment and Fallout, now there I can see the fuss! So does anyone know? I've checked Play and DVD, my usual purchasing websites in England.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Jedi_Learner said:
Jedi_Learner said:
Publications that gave Oblivion "Game of the Year" and "RPG of the Year" awards deserve to die painfully for spewing such bullshit.

Can't believe I posted that, without having played the game! I guess I was looking for Codex cool points! Woo hoo! Anyway, does anyone know where you can buy the GOTY Edition cheap in England? After buying and winning Arcanum on the recommendation that so many of you like it, I was disappointed and couldn't see what the fuss was. Now Planescape Torment and Fallout, now there I can see the fuss! So does anyone know? I've checked Play and DVD, my usual purchasing websites in England.
I'll bite.

"Can't believe I posted that, without having played the game!"
So did you have a chance to play it yet and form your own opinion?

"After buying and winning Arcanum on the recommendation that so many of you like it, I was disappointed and couldn't see what the fuss was."
And what's your opinion of the game? Why were you disappointed?


Glory to Ukraine
Apr 27, 2007
Kyiv, Ukraine
Vault Dweller said:
Jedi_Learner said:
Jedi_Learner said:
Publications that gave Oblivion "Game of the Year" and "RPG of the Year" awards deserve to die painfully for spewing such bullshit.

Can't believe I posted that, without having played the game! I guess I was looking for Codex cool points! Woo hoo! Anyway, does anyone know where you can buy the GOTY Edition cheap in England? After buying and winning Arcanum on the recommendation that so many of you like it, I was disappointed and couldn't see what the fuss was. Now Planescape Torment and Fallout, now there I can see the fuss! So does anyone know? I've checked Play and DVD, my usual purchasing websites in England.
I'll bite.

"Can't believe I posted that, without having played the game!"
So did you have a chance to play it yet and form your own opinion?

"After buying and winning Arcanum on the recommendation that so many of you like it, I was disappointed and couldn't see what the fuss was."
And what's your opinion of the game? Why were you disappointed?
according to sheek grandpa.. oh, you know.


Jun 11, 2007
Vault Dweller said:
So did you have a chance to play it yet and form your own opinion?

I haven't played Oblivion at this moment in time.

Vault Dweller said:
And what's your opinion of the game? Why were you disappointed?

***Arcanum Spoilers - Do not read unless you have got to the end!***
Before playing Arcanum I decided to play Temple of Elemental Evil. In TOEE I thought the combat system was great fun, but the story and in particular the quests lacking. For Arcanum it was the opposite. The story was interesting, and was really the only thing keeping me from finding another game to play. I really dislike the combat system in Arcanum. In real-time everything moved too fast for me, and in turn based it was usually the same tactics again and again. I didn't like my companions rushing blindly to their doom, and I was really happy when I found the Worthless Mutt. I found most of the companions dull, and the ones with voice overs inconsistent. Raven and Virgil talk to Nasrudin, Loghaire and Magnus talk to each other when you find the Iron Clan, but Loghaire says nothing when you find the Dwarven bodies in Kerghan's Castle, nor does he say anything to Kerghan, who started the events which lead to the Blackrock Mountain Clan being banished and Loghaire going into exile. I know this might seem like a little thing to most people, but I pick up on these things, and it puzzles me.

I'm not what you would call a graphics whore, but I didn't like the animation style at first. I was use to it by the time I got to Stillwater. And speaking of which, I didn't particularly like some of the quests. I thought the quest to learn the location of Qin'Tarra was poorly made, and after going to the Orge Island and learning about the Gnome conspiracy I killed him, only to find his name on the "Good" Journal kill statistics. When you go to the First Panarri Temple in Caladon I couldn't get past two guards guarding a door who attacked me if I attempted to open the locked door. So I had to use a spell from a long distance to open it, and then I was able to just walk past them without notice! I was glad that I chose a Spellcaster rather than a Technologist as it was less work collecting all these items. I never bothered making any of the items Magnus or Payne could make as I thought you had to collect too much. At the end I was able to convince Kerghan of his error, and before I could use the device on him he said something like, "My road ends here traveler, I wish you luck on yours." and then he attacked me to which I can only assume is a bug, a bug Troika games are infamous for. The final encounter was not very exciting either, especially after what he does to you after you leave the Isle of Dispair where he saps you of your fatigue and goes, "Have you seen my power? Do you yet understand?" in that cool, evil voice of his. And I figured out the ending from that encounter. There are many times Kerghan, Kraka-tur, Gorgoth, The Bane of Kree and Nasrudin are mentioned being banished to the void, and what does Kerghan decide to wear while pretending to be Nasrudin? A Necromancer's Robe? Bah! Another thing I didn't like about Arcanum was the damage weapons and armour could recieve. You find one of those bloody Stone Golems which damages any weapon you strike it with, and your character has to hold all their weapons otherwise they re-equip them and charge blindly on! I thought it was great being able to skip a large combat area underneath the Wheel Clan to talk to Loghaire, but I had a quest to find a personal possession so I had to go through it anyway! The combat does get better as your party levels up and you get the Dog, but I found it mostly boring.

I like some of the touches in Arcanum. The fact that if you get over > 80 Magick Applitude you cannot ride the subway train in Tarant or barter with a Technologist shopkeeper. Or that when I asked Gilbert Bates (Very funny, richest man in Arcanum, I wonder who it is?) about the labour disputes he got upset and went, "Why do you ask, Half-Orc? Are you a union sympathezer?" I just can't see myself playing Arcanum again, as most of the combat is unavoidable and extremely tedious. It doesn't help that the same battle music plays again and again and again and again only to be played at the Wheel Clan! It drives me insane! I was so glad when I got the Teleportation Spell, and I got fed up with the same dialogue and encounters with the Orcs and the Assassins. I can't recommend Arcanum unfortunately, as I found it disappointing. I might of found it different if I had played it in 2001, but I can't remember what I was doing at the time. I really wanted to enjoy Arcanum, but after the ending cinematics and the slideshow, I was upset to put it back on my shelf. I was really, really disappointed. Maybe I'm just outgrowing computer games, or becoming more and more depressing. I haven't played Fallout for seven years (I remember finished it before the millenium) and I'm afraid of playing it, in the worry that I won't enjoy it as much. I'm not being sarcastic or lying to you, I really am afraid. It happened with Throne of Bhaal. If you read this all, thank you.
***End of Spoilers***


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
Hohum, the battlemusic is always randomly generated from 10 sound snippets I think, so it always sounded different to me. Actually I really liked that. Shrug!


Jan 30, 2007
Joe Krow said:
... I always love it when you folks try to impune the profit motive. It makes you sound like children.
And I always balk when people make statements like this. It's as if you have no self interest at all. It is one thing to understand someone is out solely to make money, but as a consumer (of anything) it is your duty to be totally focused on your own needs and wants from a product. I can appreciate the profit motive until I'm blue in the face, I'm still not going to see Alien vs Predator 2. Their profits are not your concern.

But it runs deeper than that. Games are a creative media, and as such it is not at all unreasonable to value creativity over profit motive. To scorn companies who held this ideal and went under because of it is fucking retarded. Not everyone is driven solely by profit. Some aim for purer goals. I'm not one of them, but I admire their character and appreciate what they create. Maybe I sound like a child to you, but you sound like a dick to me so I don't care.


Jun 11, 2007
Jasede said:
Hohum, the battlemusic is always randomly generated from 10 sound snippets I think, so it always sounded different to me. Actually I really liked that. Shrug!

I went through the music files in the Arcanum Directory after finishing the game and there are indeed different beginnings to the battle tune, but they only last three or four seconds before playing the Wheel Clan tune. Don't get me wrong, I thought the music as a whole was perfect for the setting (I love the Qin'Tarra music) but I wish there were more variety in the battle music.


Mar 14, 2003
You can replace the music by going to the game folder, taking a particular file out, and putting in some other music file (just rename it to whatever the former file was called). I chose to use some Baldur's Gate battle music I found on the net.


Jun 11, 2007
I always play on my first run the original sounds, music and official content before I move on to any fan made modifications or different music Jora. I don't see myself willing up the courage to play Arcanum again though. So does anyone know where I can find Oblivion GOTY Edition for cheap? Pleeeeeease tell me.


Mar 14, 2003
Try Prelude to Darkness instead. It's free, it's amazing, and apart from technical problems there aren't many bad things you can say about it.


Feb 26, 2005
Jedi_Learner said:
Vault Dweller said:
So did you have a chance to play it yet and form your own opinion?

I haven't played Oblivion at this moment in time.

Vault Dweller said:
And what's your opinion of the game? Why were you disappointed?

***Arcanum Spoilers - Do not read unless you have already came!***
Before masturbating to Arcanum's Half-orc females I decided to fornicate myself with an electric dildo. In this I thought the self-fucking system was great fun, but the lube and in particular the battery life lacking. For Arcanum it was the opposite. The sheep sex was interesting, and was really the only thing keeping me from finding another game to play. I really dislike the regular women-fucking system in Arcanum. In real-time she fucked too fast for me, and in turn based it was usually the same tactics again and again. I didn't like my companions not being naked female dwarves, and I was really happy when I found that you could fuck sheep. I found most of the men dull, and the ones with voice overs not very orgasmic. Raven and Virgil have a threesome with Nasrudin, Loghaire and Magnus suck each other off when you find the Iron Clan, but Loghaire doesn't perform necrophilia when you find the Dwarven bodies in Kerghan's Castle, nor does he get naked with Kerghan, who started the events which lead to the Blackrock Mountain Clan being gang-raped and Loghaire turning homo. I know this might seem like a little thing to most people, but I pick up on these things better than I pick up dildos with my ass, and it puzzles me.

I'm not what you would call a beastiality hater, but I didn't like the animation style at first. I was use to it by the time I had intercourse with the sheep about thirty times. And speaking of which, I didn't particularly like some of the fucking sound effects. I thought the quest to learn the location of the all-sheep village was poorly made, and after going to the Sheep Orgy and learning about the Penis conspiracy I raped him, only to find his name on the "Naughty" Journal sex statistics. When you go to the First Sheep Temple in Caladon I couldn't get past two guards guarding a door who ass-raped me if I attempted to open the locked door. So I had to use a spell to increase the size of my dick from a long distance to open it, and then I was able to just walk past them without the ass-rape! I was glad that I chose a Child Rapist rather than an Ass Monkey as it was less work collecting all these sex items. I never bothered having sex with any of the corpses Magnus or Payne could prepare as I thought you had to cum too much. At the end I was able to convince Kerghan to rape me, and before I could use the vibration device on him he said something like, "My ass ends here traveler, I wish you luck cuming on yours." and then he ass-raped me to which I can only assume is a bug, a bug Troika games are infamous for. The final encounter was not very exciting either, especially after what he does to you after you leave the House of Rape where he brutually violates you and goes, "Have you seen the size of my penis?" in that sexy, evil voice of his. And I figured out the ending from that encounter. There are many times I felt like just quitting and having sex with my dog, but I wanted to continue and see what the hype was about. It was tough keeping me in the game with so little sheep sex. Bah! Another thing I didn't like about Arcanum was that it required the use of both your hand, so I couldn't finger my ass while playing it. I couldn't also conjure up any dirty-sanchezs, which would have been a great feature. The only thing that kept me coming back was the sheep fucking, which attributed to my 90+ hours of play time. The game does get better as your party levels up and you get to have sex with the Dog, but I found it mostly boring.

I like some of the children touching in Arcanum. The fact that if you get over > 80 Child Rape Skill you cannot molest adults in Tarant or suck off a dwarf. Or that when I asked Master Bates (must have been named after me) about the sex slave disputes he got upset and went, "Why do you ask, Half-Orc? Are you done fucking all my sheep?" I just can't see myself playing Arcanum again, as most of the child rape is unenjoyable and extremely tedious, which it doesn't have to be. There also isn't enough of a variety in the animals that you can fuck. I counted TWO, a dog and the sheep. Why can't I have sex with cows, or squirrels, or elephants? I don't count dwarves as being animals, as they played the same sex sounds that humans did. I can't recommend Arcanum unfortunately, as I found it disappointing. I might of found it different if I had whacked off to it in 2001, but I can't remember what I was doing at the time besides brutually violating myself with a cattle prod. I really wanted to enjoy Arcanum, but after the ending cinematics and the slideshow, which featured neither sheep fucking nor child molestation, I was upset to put it back on my shelf. I was really, really disappointed. Maybe I'm just outgrowing computer games, and moving onto more of these wild sexual escapades in real life. I haven't played Fallout for seven years (I remember finished it before I fucked my first pidgeon) and I'm afraid of playing it, in the worry that I won't enjoy it as much, since I don't remember if you were able to fuck the dog or not. I'm not being sarcastic or lying to you, I really am afraid. It happened with Leisure Suit Larry: Gay and Proud. If you read this all, thank you.
***End of Spoilers***


Dec 27, 2006
Is the GOTY edition out yet?
While i have not actively sought it out i have not seen any indication of it on shelves at the local gaming boutiques or big box marts or store chains.

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