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Preview The screenshots Bethesda didn't want you to see


Oct 23, 2002
Today, a small tribe of Goblins were assaulted and killed inside their residence in the Great Forest. Hurgal, 31; Urgan 29; Urg,24; Unga, 33; Ungabunga,27; and Gru, 42; were found apparently hacked to death by assailents who may have been in the employ of local farmers. No further details are available at this time.

Poor Gru. Who could possibly hold anything against those who abound in the dark?


Professional Throne Sitter
Staff Member
Jun 18, 2002

Consider too that most newspapers from the time came out after the TV reports and seem to be written with the mind that everyone already knows he's dead. That said, a "Death to the Heathens!" article would be nice. Someone, somewhere would surely be speculating or laying blame on who the deadly assassins were and guessing their motivations.
  • Los Angeles Herald Examiner -- EXTRA, Headline: "Kennedy Shot -- Condition Very Critical," Night Final.
  • Boston Traveler -- EXTRA, Headline: "Kennedy Shot -- Condition Critical"
  • New York Post -- Headline: "JFK Shot," Latest Stock Prices
  • Chicago American -- Headline: "JFK Shot, Near Death," Diamond edition
  • Bakersfield Californian -- Headline: "President Shot Down by Gunman in Dallas; Wound in Head Feared Fatal"
  • South Bend Tribune -- Headline: "John Kennedy Shot; President Gunned Down in Dallas Motorcade," Home Edition
  • Chicago Daily News -- Headline: "Kennedy Shot Down by Dallas Sniper," Red Flash Edition


Dec 31, 2002
It's as bland as Bioware writing has been of late:

"Cut to the facts!"

"We need more superficial emotional/moral/ethical content ASAP!"

Stale bread ready to be thrown to the ducks at the pond, all squaking and quacking, so zealous they nearly bite your fingers off.

"Give us our scraps! We demand more scraps!" -- Dogs underneath the table of our cultural heritage.


Jun 30, 2005
Vault Dweller said:
P4 3.4 with 2G RAM is a crappy PC? Since when?

It's what Oblivion looks like when you turn all options off. Something you usually do to play it on an old rig. Thus what Oblivion looks like on a old rig.

Not really a revalation that it's possible for the graphic to suck when you turn off all the filters and effects they rely on.

Human Shield

Sep 7, 2003
theverybigslayer said:
rpgcodex = graphics whores

I can't believe it.

We are style whores. We want consistant style and graphic design. If things and people look out of place compared to the world, it is a graphic design problem regardless of the amount of polygons.

Levski 1912

Jan 9, 2006
It's what Oblivion looks like when you turn all options off. Something you usually do to play it on an old rig. Thus what Oblivion looks like on a old rig.

Not really a revalation that it's possible for the graphic to suck when you turn off all the filters and effects they rely on.

Except the Russian article stated they had maxed out all options. Stop making excuses, imbecile, that's what Bethesda's PR department is for. You don't want Pete fired, eh?


Apr 7, 2005
waiting for a train at Perdido Street Station
It just looks like an old build to me. The missing textures indicate that. It probably is very close to what most gamers will see when they play the game. But I didn't think that the graphics were too bad - not as bright and shiny and polished as the hype pictures but then I don't have a cray or a 512mb graphics card. *shrug*


Dec 29, 2004
Well, they said that they maxed all AVALABLE options. Truth be told, some graphics settings may be inavalable in that beta/demo.
But I do doubt that we'll se a LOT of improvement... and not that it looks horrible.
I wonder about animation, though. In that video it looks ways better then in Morrowind, but stil subpar.


Pointing and laughing.
Dec 12, 2002
About 8 meters beneath sea level.
Well, the graphics look great. The font is a bit too big, but heck, that never spoiled a game for me before. The newspaper seems a bit uninspired, but perhaps it's from an old version or the real drama starts later. Graphics, sound et all are very nice, but personally I'm more interested in the quests, gameworld and atmosphere of a game. Atmosphere seems okay from these pictures, the other points I'll see when it gets out.

Though I wonder how this thing will look on my old rig, if I even get it to run.


Dec 29, 2002
Krakow, Poland
Divinity: Original Sin Wasteland 2
The screens don't impress me. I'm playing Gothic 2+NotR now and it doesn't look worse, being also without bloom, which (lack of bloom) is always a good feature. OK, maybe the character models and trees are a bit less detailed. But Khorinis is bustling with NPC activity...


Nov 6, 2005
Putting Old Gods to Bed
I'm not very impressed with the screens.

The shot 'Sunset out on the Road' has the same tree 4 times. This wouldn't normally matter but it is a very distinctive tree and looks like a cut and paste....


Jun 30, 2005
Levski 1912 said:
Except the Russian article stated they had maxed out all options. Stop making excuses, imbecile, that's what Bethesda's PR department is for. You don't want Pete fired, eh?

Owh sure and a thousand reasons why those setting don't work, they were playing a beta. I'm not really going for the whole "corperate cover up", this ain't the x-files. But believe what ever suits your fancy.


Sep 6, 2003
Arse of the world, New Zealand
Oh well, the gfx don't always look perfect, but they do look alright to me. If previous games are anything to go on, then yes, it will run like shit on our PCs. Which wouldn't be too much of a problem if it wasn't for the addition of twitch combat etc.
But still, they did delay it for optimisation and shiz so maybe it won't be as bad as the doom-sayers (inc. myself) are saying.

My main criticism, as pointed out by anyone who isn't stupid, is still the super-sized font. Holy fucking shit that is annoyingly big.
I hope you can resize it (I doubt it), because it will look bizarre close-up on my 19" screen.

As for the newspaper content itself? Big deal. Not exactly brimming with pizzaz but holy shit it ain't that bad. Maybe I've played too many badly translated games lately...


Apr 7, 2005
waiting for a train at Perdido Street Station
Proweler said:
Owh sure and a thousand reasons why those setting don't work, they were playing a beta. I'm not really going for the whole "corperate cover up", this ain't the x-files. But believe what ever suits your fancy.

I think the general opinion is that the game will require a stellar PC to run anything like the official screenshots. Yes, it's a relatively old build just so they could check the translation but it's not so old as to be totally different from what your average PC user will see when they get the game and want to play it with anything like a playable framerate. It's not a hard concept to grasp but you seem to keep missing it.

Corporate cover up is good. Whatever did happen to that preview which never appeared? You don't think that, say, a company told the website something like "If you publish it, don't expect us to give you anything in future and we'll ask you to take down any copyrighted material too..."? No. What happened was those nice Russians said "Comrade Peter, we love you so much that we will not publish a preview without your say-so because our eyes and writing will not do justice to your game. Please forgive us for not being suitable enough to write about the game and come join us for some vodka next time you are in Russia to shag some cheap whores, erm, here on business".


Jun 30, 2005
Mefi said:
I think the general opinion is that the game will require a stellar PC to run anything like the official screenshots.

That's nothing new, it happens with almost every game that comes out and every time everybody moans about it. Law of Nature.

Yes, it's a relatively old build just so they could check the translation but it's not so old as to be totally different from what your average PC user will see when they get the game and want to play it with anything like a playable framerate. It's not a hard concept to grasp but you seem to keep missing it.

Not old, there are older screens about that have more detail. The graphical options are limited in this build. From those russian screens alot of things are just missing. No grass, not even at shortrange, ect.

Corporate cover up is good.

Nah, it's still a two way relation. Sales are hurt if a big magazine tells you to bugger off and review the game in the next edition a month are it. The stuff didn't represent that actuall game so they take it down again. Looking at the abundance of other screens from other mags it's not hardly doubtable.

Vault Dweller said:
Tristan da Cunha said:
HardCode said:
The one lady NPC looks like a fucking vampire. Her face is pale and a different skin tone from her body. Could Bethesda have been THAT far still in beta at the time these were taken?

What exactly is the source of those 27 screens? I am wondering if someone simply experimented with the face gen variables and decided just to play on, despite the changes they made.

Russian localization build.

That explains alot. Shouldn't have been up in review in the first place.


Jan 11, 2006
I've had the screens for months now, they're ok. I definitely think the dialog font is too big, but it may have been decreased in size by now. I couldn't really tell from the pics how big the camps are, but i hope they are bigger than the ashlander camps. I really have to play the game before i really hate it or really love it.


May 20, 2004
Third Eye

Third Eye

For any one who has had their eye poked in what is called a glaucoma test,

for any one whose near sighted vision has self corrected to 15 minutes of 20/20, and sprinted on to bi and tri focal 'optical correctness',

for any one who needs extra light and NO glasses to read the amperage rating on Buss Fuses,

do we REALLY image that Beth is going LARGE PRINT for - our - reading ease?

No, I'd be tempted to bet a new pair of tri focals (a $300 plus retail value!) that a game publisher has other pedio-centric focal points to consider.

Actually I am more interested in this forum's discussion of Beth's pre production advertisement integrity.... how the barker's come on about SUPER graphics, the paid ads and back scratching reviews, the possible hype, has translated to actual graphic performance under various hardware configurations.

Sure it will be pretty, and the eye candy may cover any textual - factual - irrational exuberance. A graphic performance may exist as an ever expansive fig leaf to cover the average projected ass of any composite profile.

What would be of interest, would be screen shots via various hardware config's on the same game screens. Console versions are of course necessary for the comparisons, and 'political correctness' in this pan platform, holistic age. of mass media entertainment penetration,and touchy feel-e marketing to the 5 to 25 'youth demographic.

Jul 15, 2004
Re: Third Eye

4too said:
Third Eye

For any one who has had their eye poked in what is called a glaucoma test,

for any one whose near sighted vision has self corrected to 15 minutes of 20/20, and sprinted on to bi and tri focal 'optical correctness',

for any one who needs extra light and NO glasses to read the amperage rating on Buss Fuses,

do we REALLY image that Beth is going LARGE PRINT for - our - reading ease?

No, I'd be tempted to bet a new pair of tri focals (a $300 plus retail value!) that a game publisher has other pedio-centric focal points to consider.

Actually I am more interested in this forum's discussion of Beth's pre production advertisement integrity.... how the barker's come on about SUPER graphics, the paid ads and back scratching reviews, the possible hype, has translated to actual graphic performance under various hardware configurations.

Sure it will be pretty, and the eye candy may cover any textual - factual - irrational exuberance. A graphic performance may exist as an ever expansive fig leaf to cover the average projected ass of any composite profile.

What would be of interest, would be screen shots via various hardware config's on the same game screens. Console versions are of course necessary for the comparisons, and 'political correctness' in this pan platform, holistic age. of mass media entertainment penetration,and touchy feel-e marketing to the 5 to 25 'youth demographic.


Do you happen to write for Timecube.com? :)


Oct 21, 2004
Elwro said:
The screens don't impress me. I'm playing Gothic 2+NotR now and it doesn't look worse, being also without bloom, which (lack of bloom) is always a good feature. OK, maybe the character models and trees are a bit less detailed. But Khorinis is bustling with NPC activity...

You can also increase model and texture detail and even edit the ini to crank up AA and Antisotropic filtering. It's pretty sharp looking then and the game has a great feel. Everything feels believable.

I also did like how Gothic 2 had those model/texture detail options Morrowind only had Resolution and Fog.

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