DA2 was released not 2 months ago. Including it in the sale seems so god damn desperate.
Gragt said:Multi-headed Cow said:Maaaaaaaaan. I'd be all over Section 8 Prejudice if not for GFWL. I find GFWL tolerable for singleplayer games, but it's fucking terrible in my experience for multiplayer.
I know GFWL sucks but I still find it tolerable and I found that they kinda worked out the kinks over time. I'd still be happy to do without but for the price (which is even discounted now!) and the apparent quality of the game (if it's really the same with new stuff, then it's just fantastic), then I can look past it. Honestly I see a lot of people complaining that they won't buy S8P because of GFWL but I'd say try to look past it given the advantages of the game. Maybe the game will tank, which would be a shame for a multiplayer game that tries to get up to 32 people on a same server, but I'm willing to support it at that price. First game was a bit rough around the edges (including GFWL) but it had so many features that it was easy to forgive them.
Bottom-line: if S8P is anything like the first game but better, even marginally, and you like the concept of the two game modes, 32 players per game, highly customisable skills and loadout, and dropping from orbit anywhere on the map instead of simply respawning, then don't let GFWL stop you.
Anyway isn't the Ultimate version of DA:O missing some DLC?
Edit: nevermind, it looks like the missing stuff are just items for pre-order and other crap like that. Hardly a miss. I wonder if it won't be on sale again for summer, and cheaper.
Metro said:Super Meat Boy was 75% off like... under a month after it's release.
CrimsonAngel said:I am interested in getting the game, but GFWL is something i can't support for any thing multiplayer the scars from having to deal with it for DoW2 are to deep.
The game looks fun in a Unreal tournament kind of way so we will see, but for now i still need convincing.
taviow said:Metro said:Super Meat Boy was 75% off like... under a month after it's release.
I know, but doesn't this seem different, considering it's EA and all? Not to mention giving ME2 for free with DA2 just a month ago if I'm not mistaken.
Yeah, if you ever run into this issue your best bet is generally going to Steam, settings, downloads+cloud, and change your download region until you find one that isn't taking a shit.Gragt said:S8is out. And I can't download it because of bullshit Steam serv0rs. I'll blame GFWL anyway because it sucks.
Edit: looks like a mirror problem.
Multi-headed Cow said:Yeah, if you ever run into this issue your best bet is generally going to Steam, settings, downloads+cloud, and change your download region until you find one that isn't taking a shit.Gragt said:S8is out. And I can't download it because of bullshit Steam serv0rs. I'll blame GFWL anyway because it sucks.
Edit: looks like a mirror problem.
Looks like 1,200 people playing on Steam. Wonder if it'll die out like MNC or not. I'm not removing it from inventory to check out the bots. If I like how the bots handle fairly well I'll probably pick it up since I'll know I'll have something in case the community dies.