I've been listening to the Age of Wonders soundtrack quite a bit recently as I work. Going to leave it as a link so the topic doesn't take even longer to load -
A particular favorite is Content Workforce at
I've had some thoughts on it and older game music recently. The melodies are very strong and memorable but also distinctly video gamey. Age of Wonders used sample-based mod tracking. All of the sounds are fairly low quality Amiga samples. It uses both relatively realistic-sounding samples, like strings, guitars and flutes, but also weird synth samples as well, often at the same time. Because all the samples are low quality, the realistic instruments like the strings don't sound out of place when the synth instruments are playing, which would not have been the case if the game had used higher quality instruments. There are also different expectations with high quality, realistic-sounding instruments. I think older video game music is ultimately pop music, which is something that's much more difficult to make with orchestral instruments exclusively. The closest non-video game analogue I can think of to the Age of Wonders soundtrack is Enya, which as far as I'm aware is entirely synth-based.
So I guess what I've drawn from listening to the Age of Wonders soundtrack over and over is that it's easiest to make video game music (catchy pop-style melodies) with instruments that aren't trying to sound real. Old chips, synthesizers, low quality samples. This is because there are expectations (and I guess physical limitations? I don't know) for what can be done with real instruments. Maybe certain sounds are more appropriate for certain kinds of melodies.
Maybe I'm incorrect! I've also been listening to the
King of Dragon Pass soundtrack a lot too, which contradicts a lot of what I'm saying. Maybe not though, I don't know. King of Dragon Pass is trying to create a natural, earthy folk music and Age of Wonders is this mid-late 90s new age derivative that couldn't really work outside of a video game.
Anyway, I like them!!!!! They're good soundtracks to listen to while working!