I really enjoy The Retarded Hunt.
In a subgenre of subgenre ( AAA new age story driven RPG?) I think this is the best one so far.
They did failed at main story, namely the Wild Hunt but its not like its terrible only really, really weak.
Someone said that Eredin is not the bad guy in the books. I tend to disagree. He is clearly portrayed in the books as the new big bad...even by Witcher world gray standard he's an evil bastard.
However they should give him more room and something more than corny one liners.
At the end the hunt comes off as stupid bunch...do they have some evil cunning plan or they just sit around jerking off and wait for Ciri to jump through worlds?
I think it came down to resource management- they had to put too much into "immersive open world" because that's how you roll these days. Never mind that its only an eye candy, the game overall would be so much better if they spent that into story/gameplay.
But you have to be open world these days because...Skyrim.
Combat was always lackluster nothing new here. To me the most fun parts where with Ciri and her superpower jump. Character with this and some other superpower shit would be great. The combat problem would fixed itself.
Also is it just me or did they pretty much copy pasted the main story from ME1
3? in the way it unfolds?- 4 color cupcakes done in orderly fashion( finding Ciri)+ gather your team for a suicide mission ( Kaer Morhen Battle) + defeat the Catalyst after a great battle (Naglfar+ White Frost Tower)
I mean White Frost Ciri flashbacks are the same thing as flashes from Shepard after the Catalyst mindfucks you with his stupid choices.
Its only done a lot better.