Ah, Lady Webb, or should she be called Madam Exposition? Yeah - a lot of what she says would've been great to show in the actual game.
Instead, we get the infodump - and actually I was really wondering just how the hell she came across this info in general? He didn't share any of this with her, and she was basically a Leaden Key cipher operative with a relationship with the dude. What, he divulged this information more freely to some random henchmen instead? "Hello Redshirt 1112345, I possess souls, but if they aren't weak enough, I can't really, also, if I can possess you, I might make you kill the shit out of yourself or dance naked in Wael's temple, hm hm, decisions"
No, seriously woman, how did you come by this info? Oh, you have your ways? Uh-huh.