Nah. Im a consumer.
Well... i did just create a coffee... (
and a small fart)
Small increases sum up into big ones.
Yeah... imagine that?
So like , in P:E you do all these fights. You fight and fight and fight, hack, hack, hack, slash, slash, slash....for days and days and days and even months of (in game) time and nothing happens.
All those fights you won - and survived - taught you nothing at all.
Right - right?
All that magic goes through your hands, or head or whatever... and you dont learn anything at all? Hundered and hundreds of times you perform spells, release energies.. - nothing.
No, you have to wait for some arbitrary point where it all dawns on you at once!
And you go see this old master and he teaches you something and you just know how to do it right at once. No training, no repetition needed to say, become proficient with a technique or a spell.
At best the screen fades to black - while the gameoworld waits frozen for few minutes or a day or two.
And then - voila! You just know it and no matter how many times you perform that technique nothing ever changes at all! You dont become incrementally better with it, you dont learn maybe how to incorporate that technique with some other.
Your strikes dont become a little bit faster, or harder or defense gets a little bit better, right?
And the you read something from the book and you immediately know how to do it!
Its like riding a horse or driving a car. Someone tells you how to do it and you just do it!
Practice means nothing at all.