Schizophrenic monolog
Yeah, yeah, but will it stay true to the very end of a playthrough in final release? Iirc, Underrail's Early Access version only gets to Junkyard, and it was received very well. The game then gets final release, and everybody, even Blaine, start flipping their shit when they arrive in Deep Caverns, and that game takes 7 years to make. Though, granted, the game was made by just 1 people, before eventually he was joined by 2 more. Torment: Tides of Numenera? I'm sure inXile got what it takes to deliver the game in the initially planned est. time of delivery, they made WL2 after all and I'm sure as hell they could learn a lesson or two from there. But then, things happen, whatever that is, and for some reason they had to delay the game for many times.
So, what does one successor matters?
That's an answer i can't give you now.
We'll have to wait, until i'll finish the game.
But, I do believe that in most cases, after few hours you can "sense" if the game is good for you.
And in my case, it was good - BIG TIME.
But you can't deny his involvement with the original Torment was quite vast. One had to wonder why is his involvement with a supposed successor to the original Torment has to be limited in such kind of way. After all what happened, you saw how he'd done 3 out of 4 DLCs for Fallout: New Vegas, and what could've been of Ulysses as he originally planned, had the engine and resources suffice to do the job.
Unless you haven't played through nearly everything he made in the past, I'm sure you would want something more than just Durance in Pillars of Eternity.
unfortunately, I don't know Chris. So, I don't know the reasons beyond his actions.
But, the truth as i see it, is that Chris can work with all the CRpg companies out there, so that must be HIS decision to take minor parts in all the games that he's involved with.
I'm pretty sure that if he wanted to direct a project of his own in Obsidian, Feargus won't turn him down!
I guess somebody need to ask him why he hides in the shadows...
Wow, really?
Yes really!!!
Here's the list:
Colin McComb
Colin is an award-winning designer with over two decades of experience in designing tabletop & computer RPGs. He was a key designer for TSR's Planescape setting & wrote many products for the Dungeons & Dragons franchise (including the award-winning Birthright Campaign Setting) & Paizo's Pathfinder setting. He worked as a designer on Fallout 2 & Planescape: Torment & was a writer for Wasteland 2. Colin's self-published work includes the first two books in his Oathbreaker series.
Adam Heine
Adam was part of the Planescape: Torment team as a scripter & designer, moved on to design work on the canceled TORN project, & has since been honing his creative writing skills.
George Ziets
George was the Creative Lead of Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer, directing the game's overall creative vision. He was also the Creative Lead on Obsidian Entertainment's Dungeon Siege 3 & is one of the writers of Project Eternity. He is also part of the Numenera editorial team.
Nathan Long
Nathan is a fantasy author who has penned numerous Warhammer Fantasy books, as well as his own Waar series. He has also penned film screenplays including Guyver: Dark Hero, & wrote for Wasteland 2.
Chris Avellone
Chris was the lead on Planescape: Torment, as well as Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II, Alpha Protocol & the Fallout: New Vegas Dead Money, Old World Blues & Lonesome Road DLCs. He has contributed to numerous RPGs including Neverwinter Nights 2, Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer, Icewind Dale, Icewind Dale II, Project Eternity & Wasteland 2.
Tony Evans
Tony has been working as a game writer & designer since the late 1990s, working on such cRPGs as Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2, Dragon Age 2, Neverwinter Nights 2 & Mask of the Betrayer (among other things designing the Skein, writing One of Many). He was also the lead designer on NWN2: Storm of Zehir.
Mur Lafferty
Mur has written for several role-playing games including Vampire, Mage, Exalted, & World of Warcraft the RPG. She started podcasting in 2004 with her show Geek Fu Action Grip, & in 2005 began producing the award-winning podcast I Should Be Writing. She's published several audiobooks via podcast, & her debut novel, The Shambling Guide to New York City, came out in May 2013, with its sequel, Ghost Train to New Orleans, out in March 2014. She was a 2012 nominee for the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer in Science Fiction or Fantasy, & the 2013 winner of that award.
Brian Mitsoda
Brian Mitsoda started out with Interplay in quality assurance in the 90s, working QA on Planescape: Torment, but was soon promoted & was the lead writer on Black Isle's TORN project. After its cancellation, he joined Troika Games & designed & wrote Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines. He has since opened his own studio, DoubleBear Productions & ran a successful Kickstarter to fund his turn-based zombie survival RPG, Dead State.
Patrick Rothfuss
Patrick is a fantasy writer best known for the award-winning three-volume series the Kingkiller Chronicle, consisting of The Name of the Wind, The Wise Man's Fear & the upcoming The Doors of Stone.
Shanna Germain
Shanna is the lead editor of the Numenera RPG & co-owner of Monte Cook Games, as well as a writer with a diverse portfolio from erotica to the dark sci-fi/fantasy/horror anthology The Lure of Dangerous Women.
Natalie Whipple
Natalie is the author of YA novels Transparent & Blindsided, House of Ivy & Sorrow, & Relax, I'm a Ninja. Her first contemporary YA novel, Fish Out of Water, is due out February, 2015.
Gavin Jurgens-Fyhrie
Gavin's past projects include Diablo III, Horizon: Zero Dawn, & fiction for Blizzard Entertainment.
Mark Yohalem
Mark has written the stories & dialogue for a number of computer games, including: Primordia, Kohan II: King's of War, & Heroes of Newerth. He has also published two dozen short stories & a variety of articles on game design & narrative.
Leanne C. Taylor-Giles
Leanne is a Scriptwriter at Ubisoft Montréal who joined the industry with the dream of someday working on the sequel to Planescape: Torment. She has a masters in branching dialogue systems and a tattoo of the symbol of torment which, so far, hasn't been all that bad, really.
There you go, people, with your criticism = hate worldview.
Fuck, even the Codex aren't safe from this bloody plague.
You have to admit, the loss of the original NumaNuma Pools system is one of the very unfortunate thing to happen to this game.
Don't know how to replay to this....