Pointing and laughing.
Adventures. A genre that was nearly as dead and forgotten as the crpg since their heyday in the 90’s. For over a decade you only had the occasional fan project like AGD Interactive's remakes, Scummvm and zero budget indie games to keep the flame burning. Recently however adventure gaming seems to be back on its feet. With small time indies consistently cranking out quality games and several of the developers of 90's fame being back and working on their own new titles.
The bigger studios in the meantime have seemingly become infatuated with turning games into interactive movies. Something I didn’t ever expect to see again after the short boom of that genre with the introduction of the cd-rom and torrent of fmv games that came with it. Still, that they are making adventure-like games again after years of nothing is worthy of note in itself.
So, what’s the big deal? Well, I grew up with adventure games. I fondly remember playing Leisure Suite Larry and not understanding one bit of it as a small child. Staring at an amiga in a shop that was running Indiana Jones and the fate of Atlantis and being amazed at those graphics. Laughing my ass off with Sam and Max. I absolutely adored those games.
Yet, for years now I have not played any.
Sure, I got Scummvm installed and with it a healthy dose of classics. I bought quite a few of Wadjet Eye’s games. My gog account is brimming with classics. Those new Sherlock Holmes games look fascinating. Did toy around with Telltale’s games and got Life is Strange collecting dust on my Steam account. Check out every trailer when a new game is announced and then look forward to it. And yet I haven’t taken the time to sit down and play all the way through an adventure.
Let’s change that, shall we? So, here’s where I need your help. I want to start out with a nice, short adventure to get back into things. Then I’ll write down my thoughts on the game when I finish it and pick a new one. Will I start with an old classic I know and love? Shall I try something new? I dunno, so help me choose. And do tell me why I should pick your pick.
Well, the first I played was The Blackwell Legacy. Really enjoyed that one.
Now, help me pick out another one. What will you guys have me play? A classic? Telltale's take on a popular comic? Or a cyberpunk indie effort? Help me out, people.
A: Beneath a Steel Sky
B: The Wolf Among Us
C: Cypher: Cyberpunk Text Adventure
The bigger studios in the meantime have seemingly become infatuated with turning games into interactive movies. Something I didn’t ever expect to see again after the short boom of that genre with the introduction of the cd-rom and torrent of fmv games that came with it. Still, that they are making adventure-like games again after years of nothing is worthy of note in itself.
So, what’s the big deal? Well, I grew up with adventure games. I fondly remember playing Leisure Suite Larry and not understanding one bit of it as a small child. Staring at an amiga in a shop that was running Indiana Jones and the fate of Atlantis and being amazed at those graphics. Laughing my ass off with Sam and Max. I absolutely adored those games.
Yet, for years now I have not played any.
Sure, I got Scummvm installed and with it a healthy dose of classics. I bought quite a few of Wadjet Eye’s games. My gog account is brimming with classics. Those new Sherlock Holmes games look fascinating. Did toy around with Telltale’s games and got Life is Strange collecting dust on my Steam account. Check out every trailer when a new game is announced and then look forward to it. And yet I haven’t taken the time to sit down and play all the way through an adventure.
Let’s change that, shall we? So, here’s where I need your help. I want to start out with a nice, short adventure to get back into things. Then I’ll write down my thoughts on the game when I finish it and pick a new one. Will I start with an old classic I know and love? Shall I try something new? I dunno, so help me choose. And do tell me why I should pick your pick.
Well, the first I played was The Blackwell Legacy. Really enjoyed that one.
Now, help me pick out another one. What will you guys have me play? A classic? Telltale's take on a popular comic? Or a cyberpunk indie effort? Help me out, people.
A: Beneath a Steel Sky
B: The Wolf Among Us
C: Cypher: Cyberpunk Text Adventure
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