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Preview UGO ogles KOTOR


Nov 9, 2002
Monkey Island
Tags: BioWare; Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

<a href=http://www.ugo.com>UGO</a> have <a href=http://www.ugo.com/channels/games/features/knightsoftheoldrepublic/pc.asp>previewed</a> <a href=http://www.lucasarts.com/products/swkotor/>Knights of the Old Republic</a>, <a href=http://www.bioware.com>BioWare</a>'s soon-to-be-released-on-PC Star Wars RPG. Here's a snippet on changes in the Xbox version vs. the PC release.
<blockquote> Given that the game has been out for a while, and that the core mechanics aren't changing from platform to platform, I won't go into the finer points of gameplay; if you want the full scoop, you can read our review of the Xbox version here. The good news is that this isn't turning out to be the rush-job port many companies would offer, with no consideration of the differing needs of gamers on different platforms. BioWare is tweaking the interface to work with the standard mouse-and-keyboard setup. Now, instead of icons that are constantly on-screen, you'll get pop-up menus during combat and more elements relegated to the corners, freeing up screen real estate and allowing you to better take in the whole scene. In addition, the ability to use the mouse to click on items, doors and enemies makes it not only easier to move around and tackle objectives, but quicker, too; if you can click on a door in the distance, you can get your character to run to it rather than having to constantly press a control stick for movement. It doesn't solve the minor problem of KOTOR's requiring you to traverse really big distances on foot, but it does make it more palatable.</blockquote>
Viewable area is something that's needed fixing in BioWare RPGs for a loooooong time now.
Spotted at <a href="http://www.bluesnews.com">Blues News</a>


Oct 19, 2003
The state of insanity.
Well, the thing about KoTOR is, at least in the XBox version, the viewing distance was superb. No fog whatsoever. For example, on Dantooine when running around in the grassy plains area, you could see a hill off in the distance and if there were some Kath Hounds on that hill, you could see them as well. And by distance, I mean it. Kath Hounds are on the average about the size of your character and you could see them so far off that they would be literally specks in the distance moving around on the side of a hill or whatever.

I assume that for the PC version they might add fog as an option for people with low end systems, but I just can't see it working out so it looks good. It would ruin the whole ambience of it all.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
Hmm.. That sounds pretty cool. 8)

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