Too cruel, Jaesun
Was the 3D version with the rotating camera ever completed or usable ?
Like with most Ultima Mods... they start out as a dream.... and end up that way too...... Just a dream.
True. Lazarus is a great game.
I miss Exult HD vaporware the most (the example pictures are missing).
I miss Exult HD vaporware the most (the example pictures are missing).
Yeah THAT was an interesting idea, but it involved editing AND distributing the edited original art, which would have the project shut down by EA faster than you can say r00fles!
The engine would just need to allow for different scaling of source graphics size and changes to how distances are calculated.
No such scaling algorithm (currently) exists, in the way Marzo was attempting to do, as well as adding more detail. The only way to do that would be to edit ALL the original art files manually (adding detail and scaling).