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Viking Newsletter!


Logic Artists
Apr 1, 2015
Hey folks,

We're putting together a newsletter, should be coming out in the next week or two. And we'll be here on the subforum to chat over each update. If you'd like to be among the first to get the update you can sign up here on the website:


We'd like to note that we will have exclusive beta key giveaways for newsletter members! There will also be Codex exclusive beta giveaways (of course).


Oct 15, 2012
Am I the only one having problem? Somehow when I entered my email and click subscribe nothing happens. Anyway really looking forward to the new Expedition game, loved the first one.


Aug 22, 2014
Am I the only one having problem? Somehow when I entered my email and click subscribe nothing happens. Anyway really looking forward to the new Expedition game, loved the first one.

I had the same problem. No-Script breaks it if you are using that, just allow all.


Oct 15, 2012
Am I the only one having problem? Somehow when I entered my email and click subscribe nothing happens. Anyway really looking forward to the new Expedition game, loved the first one.

I had the same problem. No-Script breaks it if you are using that, just allow all.
Ah it works now, thanks! Should've remember to try disabling it.


Dec 28, 2013
Good luck with the game, I'm really looking forward to it.


Sep 25, 2012
Strap Yourselves In Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Yup, we got that first one.
Heilogsæl - Happy & Healthy

Greetings fellowVikings, and welcome to the inaugural Expeditions: Viking Saga. It’s clear that we share a common bond, so it’s our honor to share our knowledge with you, fine adventurer.

As we prepare to launch our next expedition here at the Logic Artists headquarters, we wanted to keep you up to date on everything Expeditions: Viking. Each month we’ll send you the latest developments and exciting new information about the game, along with some exclusive info that you’ll only find here.

Strap on your helmet, Expeditions: Viking is ready to invade.

Tíðendi - Events

2016 has kicked off with a bang that’s as big and as a loud as a Viking. When we launched Expeditions: Conquistador in 2013, we learned a lot, both about ourselves as developers, as well as what you, the community want from the Expeditions series. In many ways Expeditions: Viking embodies our growth as creators as well as the voice of the community, hewn from the feedback you've provided.

And so, with Viking, we wanted to tell a personal tale worthy of the title — EPIC. Manage your party, ready your weapon and embark on the most legendary adventure yet.

Since this is our first newsletter for Expeditions: Viking, we wanted to show you some of the things we’ve been working on. Many fans of the series have requested an improved character creator to make a Viking of their own. Additionally, we’ve been working on delivering the most awesome and (mostly) authentic Viking experience possible. Gather your party, select your allies and make decisions that will shape your empire - what will you choose?Game Informertakes an exclusive look at these features and more, so read more about it and take a look at some of the updated shots from the game! Read it here.

Freyja’s Viking Facts

We don’t know if you’ve noticed, but Vikings are pretty popular in the media. And, why not? They’re brave, strong, 100 feet tall, eat children… okay we made a couple of those up. But, this brings up a good point. Vikings as people appeared larger than life, and so the myths that surround them have become even bigger.

We want to tell the true story. Well, most of it anyway.

Each and every Friday at @expeditionsgame we’ll post some true facts about Vikings that are either exaggerated or missed entirely. We’ve named each one of these “oh so scholarly” posts Freyja’s Friday Fun Facts after the goddess Freyja, who’s known for her wisdom and whom Friday is said to be named after. Clever, huh?

Yet, there’s only so much truth you can drop in 140 characters, and we want to drop it hard. So, with that in mind, we’re going to bring you some cool tidbits that we think will be to your Viking, er, liking.


Despite popular belief, Vikings did not wear horned helmets.
To start off, did you know that Vikings totally did NOT wear horns on their helmets? I know, it’s true!

Vikings wore nothing emblematic on their helmets, despite what cartoons and popular sports franchises would have you believe. So the question then is, why are they depicted this way? Excellent question, I’m glad YOU asked!

I’m not sure if you’ve noticed but historical records… haven’t always been perfect, and to fill in the gaps,18th-19th centuryartists decided to lean on their imaginations a little more than their research.

They probably should have Googled that!

Tala - Communicate

Handsome dudes: Søren Gravesen (aka Black Sweater), August Hansen (aka Blueshirt Mustache), Sune Weber Pedersen (aka Viking in Focus), and Ebbe Neilsen (aka Bald guy on the Left).
Phew! That's the first newsletter shipped and out the door. Thank you for taking part in the Viking community and we can't wait to share even more stuff with you next month!

Our team continues to channel that hardened Vikingenergy into Expeditions: Viking so that we have something awesome to show at the Game Developers Conference this March. We have a temporary website for the game(http://www.expeditionsseries.com/), so if you haven’t seen it yet, there’s no better time than now to stay up to date on everything Expeditions: Viking.

Atomical, if you'd rather I didn't put it up, lemme know.


Logic Artists
Apr 1, 2015
Yup, we got that first one.

Atomical, if you'd rather I didn't put it up, lemme know.

It's great that you shared it. I was going to do so myself after a couple days, giving people who signed up a chance to get first read. Anytime you want to share it's welcome here mate.

eh it is frigg who is goddess of wisdom and who friday is named after.

Noted. Though some folks argue they are derivatives of the same god, "Friggin Friday Fun Facts" does roll off the tongue quite nicely.


Jul 7, 2015
Speakin o Frigg an Freya, whats up wi whole Aesir an Vanir bit, seems a really strange part o mythology. Do you reckon it might be two races meetin an merging? Anyway keep it up, best o luck.


Mar 16, 2015
Looks a bit like Baldur's Gate but 3d :D

I didn't know they are making it more RPG like. I am not sure if I like that. I hope they manage to pull it off.


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
March Newsletter:


Heil og sæl - Happy & Healthy

Greetings fellow Vikings, and welcome yet again to the Expeditions: Viking Saga.
We hope that your voyages were peaceful, your drinks were strong and your celebrations were mighty!

The past month has been one of excitement here at camp Logic Artists. We’ve been hard at work, shaping the world of Expeditions: Viking. We’ve been gathering bannermen – for the months ahead have much in store.

In just a few short days the Logic Artists clan will head to the land of San Francisco for GDC. While the weather may not be very Viking-like, spirits will be high as we begin to show and share more of Expeditions: Viking.

Until then, strap on your helmets friend, because we’re only just beginning.

Tíðendi - Events

As our ship reaches stride we’re excited to share more with you, more about the world of Expeditions: Viking and more about how we’re making our Viking story as epic as can be.

In February Mark Richard of TechRaptor spoke with our very own Creative Director Jonas Wæver to discuss just that. With the conversation jumping from our near-authentic take on historicalfiction, to the vast changes we’ve made since Conquistador, this is an interview you’ll definitely want to read.


Read the interview on TechRaptor: http://techraptor.net/content/expeditions-viking-an-audience-with-the-chieftain

We’re also thrilled to share with you that that Expeditions: Viking will be making use of motion capture to deliver an experience more authentic than anything we’ve done before. Using this technology, we’re able to animate characters with a sense of realism, bringing players deeper into the battlefield.

As an exclusive reveal, we’ve decided to share with you, our most loyal of bannermen and women, an early glimpse.


Freyja’s Viking Facts

In case you missed last month’s newsletter: each and every Friday on twitter where we regularly post some true facts about Vikings that are either exaggerated or missed entirely. We’ve named each one of these “oh so scholarly” posts Freyja’s Friday Fun Facts after the goddess Freyja, who’s known for her wisdom and whom Friday is said to be named after. Clever, huh?

Yet, there’s only so much truth you can drop in 140 characters, and we want to drop it hard. So, with that in mind, we’re going to bring you some cool tidbits that we think will be to your Viking, er, liking.

To many February is the month of love. Not for VIkings.

According to many experts, February is the month of crimson, of blood, of Ragnarök; the apocalypse.

In2014 the Jorvik Viking Centre controversially predicted that February 22nd of that year would be the end of the world, inspired by a “Viking Calendar”. While the claim would, obviously, be debunked, and the existence of the rumored calendar questioned altogether, the irony of the romantic month of February playing host to the apocalypse would be poetic.

Maybe the psychic from Ghostbusters II was a Viking after all?

Tala - Communicate

Are we done, already? Time flies when you’re doing doing research, making games and writing newsletters! Thank you for joining us for yet another month and for being an incredible part of the Expeditions: Viking community.

As we look forward to GDC we know that next month’s letter will only reveal more. So until next month friends, drop us a line on Twitter or Facebook. We love reading everything you guys send in and we try to respond to as many of your messages as we can.


Our character creator is more diverse than our staff.

Until next month fellow warriors.

Be your friend's
true friend.
Return gift for gift.
Repay laughter
with laughter again
but betrayal with treachery.

- The Havamal


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
April Newsletter:

Happy & Healthy

Greetings fellow Vikings, and welcome yet again to the Expeditions: Viking Saga. We hope that your voyages were peaceful, your drinks were strong and your celebrations were mighty!

Spring is in full swing and we’re hot on the march spreading the good word about Expeditions: Viking!

The Logic Artists team recently invaded the UK and set up camp at EGX Rezzed. Overall, the event was a great success with many visitors enjoying what they played from our newest build. If you just signed up for this newsletter at Rezzed, thank you for subscribing and reading — we really appreciate it.

Sound the horn, we’re here.

As our ship returned from the land of San Francisco for the Game Developers Conference, we found ourselves reminiscing about the bannermen and women that we met along the way.

With a hotel as our battleground, our charming bearded Marketing and PR Manager, Alex Mintsioulis, and our Creative Director, Jonas Wæver, showed an early preview of Expeditions: Viking to a select group of media.

“There's a lot of potential with Expeditions: Viking, and I'm curious to see how everything plays out in the full game.” —Javy Gwaltney, Game Informer
Special thanks to xBeau Gaming and Gamers Global for stopping by and previewing the game as well!

Wisdom (from GDC)

In addition to meeting with media and YouTubers, Jonas and Ali gained their own version of Viking wisdom at the many GDC seminars over the course of the week. One in particular was the talk from Obsidian’s Game Director, Josh Sawyer, about the tuning of attributes in Pillars of Eternity.

“Sawyer's talk was probably the most narrow and in-depth design talk of the week, focusing purely on the considerations Obsidian made while designing and tuning the character stats in Pillars of Eternity. Of course this was particularly important to us as we're working on a game in the same genre as Pillars, but it was just fundamentally refreshing to attend such an in-depth design talk.

Sawyer went into the historical context of the game's stat system, shared a lot of lessons he'd picked up during development, and finished off with a very honest and balanced discussion on the pros of cons of the system they'd ended up with. We were particularly pleased when Sawyer recommended never mixing stats and character classes, which is well in line with the class-less character system in Expeditions: Viking.

Overall, great talk with lots of food for thought.”

— Ali Emek, Producer at Logic Artists
In Development
Want a sneak peek at what we showed at EGX Rezzed and what we’ll be showing at PAX East? The image above is from a quest in Expeditions: Viking named “The Passage Grave”.

The amount of ways a player can enter this cave are too numerous to list in this newsletter, but note the spectral forms you see inside the cave. While there’s no magic in Expeditions: Viking, it doesn’t mean that you won’t encounter situations where your characters believe they’re experiencing something or someone mythical and magical.

Freyja’s Viking Facts

In case you missed the previous newsletters: each and every Friday on Twitter, we will regularly post a true fact about Vikings. We’ve named each one of these “oh so scholarly” posts Freyja’s Friday Fun Facts after the goddess Freyja, who’s known for her wisdom and whom Friday is said to be named after. Clever, huh?

Yet, there’s only so much truth you can drop in 140 characters, and we want to drop it hard. So, with that in mind, we’re going to bring you some cool tidbits that we think will be to your Viking, er, liking.

A Berserker is a type of Viking warrior famous for their large appetites for battle, as well as at the dinner table.

Upcoming Journeys

Next week, we travel back to the United States for a special visit to PAX East. We’re excited to show a brand new piece of the game to everyone visiting the Boston area, and we’d also like to extend a special thank you Alienware for the complimentary PCs that will be running Expeditions: Viking on-site.
And now, we leave you with this...

Be your friend's
true friend.
Return gift for gift.
Repay laughter
with laughter again
but betrayal with treachery.

—The Havamal


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
May Newsletter:

Happy & Healthy

Greetings fellow Vikings, another month has passed and we welcome you back (or for the first time) to the Expeditions: Viking Saga.

Our travels continued with a trip to the harbor of Boston, showing off Expeditions: Viking to the good people of eastern North America at PAX East! Event-goers got a chance to play “The Passage Grave”, and the response was exciting and extremely valuable to our team as we head forward with development. If you’re a recent a subscriber from PAX East; welcome aboard!

PAX East

PAX is always an exciting time, and Boston provided a lively spirit in many many ways. We’re extremely excited to preview Expeditions: Viking to a whole new set of travelers, and along the way we met some fellow vikings too!
A few lucky attendees even walked away with their very own mead horns to celebrate the occasion. Of course, we had to test them out first with a little mead of our own. Cheers to everyone who came by and visited us during the show!

PAX East was a fantastic opportunity for us to show off what’s new to media, YouTubers, Twitch broadcasters, but most of all, to players just like you. Here are some of the takeaways from previews at the show.

“The way the story tones, historical accuracy, and gameplay come together is not often seen in strategy games. Moreover, the dialogue is wonderful, and the branching paths and actions make the non-fighting elements as rewarding as anything else.” —Patrick Hancock, Destructoid

“As a big fan of Viking culture this game really appealed to me on a personal level, firmly grounded in historical accuracy and dripping with Viking trappings.” —Terry O’Brien, MMORPG
In Development

This month, we wanted to show you our evolution in the animating process for Expeditions: Viking using motion capture. In this new developer diary, one of our animators, Katrine Poulsen, walked us through the process of utilizing motion capture and applying it in-game.

Expeditions: Viking Developer Diary — Motion Capture
[Click to Play]
What’s Next!

As we head into the warm days of summer, Expeditions: Viking will continue its voyage to release with new development blogs highlighting character design and player choice. We’ll also have plenty more to share about our expeditions abroad, as we continue to share more information about the game!
Freyja’s Viking Fact

Source: Wikipedia
We’ll leave on a high note with this gruesome depiction of an act known as the “Blood Eagle”. Viking poetry alludes to this form of torture, where the ribs were severed from the backbone and the lungs carved out and presented on the victim’s shoulders in a manner to which the lungs were likened to the folded wings of an eagle. If you want to see a dramatized version, see this clip from the show Vikings.
Last edited:


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
June Newsletter: http://us12.campaign-archive2.com/?u=8430a702915dc85c54a9bdad1&id=d2250a375d&e=fd715c3a5c


Heil og sæl - Happy & Healthy

Greetings and well met fellow Viking. We're pleased that you've joined us once more (or for the first time) for this Expeditions: Viking saga.

As the fairer weather sets in, we toil away to bring you more news on your favourite Viking themed RPG. This week sees us not only looking back at RPC Germany and a nice article from TheDailyCrate, but also looking ahead to what July might bring (you should probably pay attention at this point).


Expeditions: Viking and Dwarves -
Sharing a passion for beards, ale and axes everywhere we go.

Tíðendi - News
We're entering the "quiet" period in the gaming industry, with summer coming up, but that doesn't mean we're taking it easy.

With less big events to attend, we set our attention to some smaller gigs with kindred spirits, and have been busy planning our own little thing. We'll get to the latter in just a minute but first, being fans of viking garb and kit, we set sail to Germany, to bring them much Viking goodness at the RPC (Role Play Convention), with a little sneak peek at the game for all the fine folk there.


Did you know that Vikings believed in Zombies? They were called the Draugr which literally means "walk-again". A hit TV-show in the year 700 would probably be called "The Walking Again". Doesn't quite have the same ring to it though.

Right from the first newsletter, we've brought you articles of those fortunate enough to get some hands on time with our game. This month will be no different. The wonderful people over at The Daily Crate gave us a lovely little writeup after dipping their feet in our world, and you should absolutely give it a read.


Loot and vikings and boxes, oh my!

In Development
For us character design is an important part of bringing the historical world of Expeditions: Viking to life, so to speak. In this developer diary, featured inGameinformer, August Hansen breaks down the art team's motivations and research discoveries when tackling character design.


Click here to watch the video

Freyja’s Viking Facts

In today's day and age, it's often hard to distinguish fact from fiction. The pre-recorded era is hard to keep track of at the best of times, and the ability for people to make up their own, more colourful facts, doesn't help matters along.

But fret not. Stuck at a party talking about historically accurate viking facts, but don't know what sources to believe? Well your friendly neighbourhood Logic Artists have your back!

Each and every Friday at @expeditionsgame we’ll post some true facts about Vikings that are either exaggerated or missed entirely. We’ve named each one of these “oh so scholarly” posts Freyja’s Friday Fun Facts after the goddess Freyja, who’s known for her wisdom and whom Friday is said to be named after. Clever, huh?

Yet, there’s only so much truth you can drop in 140 characters, and we want to drop it hard. So, with that in mind, we’re going to bring you some cool tidbits that we think will be to your Viking, erh, liking.


Disclaimer: This is not an accurate depiction of the Vikings first
steps on American shores. T'is but Columbus in a silly hat.

Not everything you've heard about vikings is true and some of what you might not have heard, is.

While the exact year is unknown, it is estimated that around year 1000, the Viking Leif Erikson discovered what would later be known as America. It was given the name "Vinland" (pronounced "Winland").

Now, there are two theories as to why, with the most popular pointing to the nordic word "vin" (wine) and the pressence of natural grapevines in the area they're believed to have landed in.

The other theory suggests that the pronounciation is actually "vinland" with a hard vowel. This would imply the use was that of the proto-norse "vinju" which means meadow or pasture.

Regardless of whether the vikings named the land for the landscape or the drink, one thing remains:

The Vikings, as would prove to be a theme amongst Europeans coming to the Americas for the first time, got on terribly with the locals.

If you're curious as to why this tends to be the result, why not check out Expeditions: Conquistador on steam. Odds are you'll fare better than the Vikings did. You see, archaeologists found a slew of arrow heads in the ruins of the first settlement, so it's not a stretch the assume that the Vikings were "persuaded" to leave whence they came and never return.

Tala - Communicate

While not swinging a magic hammer or riding a chariot across the sky, Chris is bound to bring a bit of divine RPG thunder, either way.

And now, the reveal we've been teasing at. Some of you might have heard about Chris Avellone. If the name doesn't ring a bell, some of the games he's worked on most surely will: Fallout 2, Baldur's Gate, Planescape: Torment, Icewind Dale, KOTOR2, Neverwinter Nights 2. Those seem more familiar? Heh, we thought so. Well, it's our absolute pleasure to reveal that he's dropping by our office to do a little workshop with us. See if some of that RPG-God magic can't sprinkle over our viking world.

Which is cool for us, and obvioiusly you when the game comes out. But there has to be more to this, right? I'm glad you asked!

We'd love to take some questions and the like from you guys, so if there's anything you'd like to ask Lord Chris, about game design, RPG's or anything else you can think of, we'd love for you to throw the questions up on Twitter orFacebook, and we'll pick a few for him to answer.

Till next time
Be your friend's
true friend.
Return gift for gift.
Repay laughter
with laughter again
but betrayal with treachery.

- The Havamal -
Last edited:
Jan 30, 2005
Moblin Villige
Yes, Logic Artists invited me by to check out the game for 2 days and give what advice I could on narrative and other design/development aspects. I think we chatted with the whole team for about 3-4 hours, both formally and informally, then we had break-away sessions with specific aspects (narrative/system design).

It was a great trip, I really like the studio set-up and the developers, they're a good bunch of folks (and humble). Also, what I thought was interesting about E: Viking is that the tendency to play "Lawful Good" in most games is subverted by the culture and political set-up in E:V - the options that build a strong community and nation aren't necessarily what a LG would do if you want to do the "right" thing to keep stability and prosperity, and I thought that was great because it made me pause to question each decision before passing judgment. Also, the companion introduction is pretty solid, too.

Anyway, great visit, was flattered to get the invite. : )


Logic Artists
Apr 1, 2015
Thanks for the visit, advice, and for being such a good sport in answering our myriad of questions on the speed quiz!

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