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We need to start our own thing (Codexjam 2021 recruitment)


Jan 30, 2007
Wrath is the last straw for me. Tabletop and CRPG gaming has been wholly co-opted by white left, genderfluid furries and anti-white racists. It's not only the devs, but based on the game's reception also a majority of the fans. This has been going on for a while. Like the frog in the pot, as the water gradually heats up. The water is boiling now, it's so fucking hot it's evaporating. There's no more denying, ignoring or minimizing what has already happened to our hobby.

At this point we're at a decision point and we have a few options.

1. Submit. Kneel, fly the pride flag, take the gene therapy, buy a fursuit and invent a new gender. Good luck with that one.

2. Just stop playing RPGs. Look around for another form of media these bastards haven't ruined yet and get what fun we can from it until they do. Again, good hunting. I don't like your chances.

3. Start creating our own shit. This is fabulously optimistic I know, but people do it. I don't mean right wing shit. Any form of propaganda ends up being bad art. I just mean shit that isn't woke left. I see this as being all that's left to me. I'm not particularly talented at anything, but I'd like to give it a go.

Some ideas:

Games are a collaborative effort. We need people with talent, we need a goal for something to create and we need effective management of those people to make it happen. We have none of those yet, so what we need to do first is create a social context where those relationships can form. I don't know if the codex is it, but it could be more efficient to start by using what already exists, gathering where like minded people are already likely to travel.

I think, personally, I have no hope of ever developing a cRPG. I don't have the technical background and it would take me a lifetime to get it. But authoring a PnP RPG may not be beyond me, and others who do have those skills, if I can help connect them with each other, may be interested in basing games on it. I'm not a great writer but I'm literate, and I think I make some pretty great characters in games. Some of them seem more like NPCs than PCs. I think I could do something like that, but it will still take a lot of learning to do it well.

This thread is a place to discuss ideas on how to get something started, both for me personally and any others who might want something like this to exist. Maybe, if we can get 3 or 4 of us interested we could run through a DnD module together, get to know each other. Then we can come up with ideas as to where to from there.

It isn't much, but that's the best I have. We have to do something.

Interested parties

Fedora Master

- Arsonist


- 2D programmer

- Artist

- Backstory writer (can presumably write other things too).


- Up for it.

- English

- Seems like a people person. Project manager? We'll end up needing one of those.

Bin gXi Lao

- Can write setting/dialogue


- Has an arts degree and looks good in skinny jeans.

- Can fight (kinda)

- Can write in English.


- Programmer

- Game development student


- Idea guy.
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Feb 7, 2021
Talk less, create more.

I think, personally, I have no hope of ever developing a cRPG. I don't have the technical background and it would take me a lifetime to get it.

Bullshit. Just take an Engine and start creating. If you are dedicated and apply yourself you can make a very short, ugly, basic RPG in a month and build from there. And it doesn't have to be Unity.
The issue is not that it's hard, the issue is motivation.

I'm not a great writer but I'm literate

Write more and you become better.

2. Just stop playing RPGs.

Just play Grimoire.

If all the people who have grand ideas™ and actually care™ would spend 1% of their time in actually creating something the world would be filled with incline.

Sorry for the minor rant, it's nothing personal. I just encounter too many people who have ideas but waste their life never creating anything.



Jul 13, 2021
Strap Yourselves In
Just play games from 20 years ago like the rest of us.
Pretty much this, yes. I still fortunately have a massive list of Amiga games I've not gotten around to and doubt I'll ever manage to even try all of them. I've long since resigned myself to acquiescence in acknowledging that the things I love, like AD&D lore and RPG video games are no longer made for people for, and by whom they were originally designed.

Even my greatest passion, medieval history, has for decades been subjected to the same (possibly even worse?) degradation, just look to the vitriolic forums-post style flaming that passes for critical analyses not only in learned journals but in actual published literature between adherents of schools as specialized and obscure as The Toronto School of History like Walter Goffart and those of the counter-revisionist Oxford school like Peter Heather, and the Vienna School like Herwig Wolfram and Walter Pohl. I couldn't get through Goffart's Narrators of Barbarian History without reams of overt personal attacks on Wolfram and his first edition History of the Goths. Then there are cultural landmines like the sense of ethnic identity or views through linguistic lenses of the history of the Völkerwanderung and notions like the origo gentis. So much of the discipline is now reactionary revisionist whitewashing.

Video games are treating historical periods with the same homogenized multiculturalist revisions and I even believe that the reason fantasy novels have bland Romance style covers these days is because of the ratio of male to female audience being grossly unbalanced. It's purely economical, unfortunately.


Jul 13, 2021
Strap Yourselves In
Welcome to the Kali Yuga mother fucker just bend over and enjoy the ride.
A day like 9/11 in particular recalls to mind the awareness of the inevitability of karmic consequences. A country can only live off the back of the third world for so long before Shiva finishes what Brahma started. What is hilarious is to me is the way in which American exceptionalism is attributed to one demographic while embodied obliviously by the other to a grotesque degree.


Nov 26, 2014
the aether
I can only imagine the morass of arguments and stalled progress a codex community-built RPG would devolve into. No matter what it is, there's someone on the Codex who thinks it sucks.

That said, I agree with the sentiment you're expressing.


Feb 26, 2020
Are you peeps really so annoyed by all that? I mean it annoys me too, to a point, but is just a rolls eyes. How many times did I have to roll my eyes for the opposite even in great games like Planescape Torment? :roll:


Apr 23, 2015
Iron Tower Studios games : AoD, Dungeon Rats, Colony Ship

Atom and standalone Trudograd expansion (coming out in 2 days)

Elex and Elex 2 ( coming out this year )

KoTC and KoTC 2

Underrail + Expansion

I wonder how many people paying money to woke devs and then complaining about gay writing haven't played these games


Mar 14, 2011
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire

New Pathfinder sounds better and better every time I hear about it. I still want to play Kingmaker before I buy Wrath, unfortunately. If Elden Ring gets in some "too woke :(" content, it'll be perfect.
Jun 23, 2020
While I don't really agree with your statement of "Tabletop and CRPG gaming being wholly co-opted by white left", I still think the idea of creating something with other codexers is interesting, I have some RPG projects of my own both for tabletop and computer but working alone and only when I feel like make the progress go really slow, but I bet that working with other people might give me enough motivation to finish something. I know how to program 2D games, I am a mediocre artist and I can write some good character backgrounds every now and then, if anyone is interested just tell me.
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Cleveland Mark Blakemore

Golden Era Games
Übermensch Developer
Apr 22, 2008
Wrath is the last straw for me. Tabletop and CRPG gaming has been wholly co-opted by white left, genderfluid furries and anti-white racists. It's not only the devs, but based on the game's reception also a majority of the fans. This has been going on for a while. Like the frog in the pot, as the water gradually heats up. The water is boiling now, it's so fucking hot it's evaporating. There's no more denying, ignoring or minimizing what has already happened to our hobby.

At this point we're at a decision point and we have a few options.

1. Submit. Kneel, fly the pride flag, take the gene therapy, buy a fursuit and invent a new gender. Good luck with that one.

2. Just stop playing RPGs. Look around for another form of media these bastards haven't ruined yet and get what fun we can from it until they do. Again, good hunting. I don't like your chances.

3. Start creating our own shit. This is fabulously optimistic I know, but people do it. I don't mean right wing shit. Any form of propaganda ends up being bad art. I just mean shit that isn't woke left. I see this as being all that's left to me. I'm not particularly talented at anything, but I'd like to give it a go.

Some ideas:

Games are a collaborative effort. We need people with talent, we need a goal for something to create and we need effective management of those people to make it happen. We have none of those yet, so what we need to do first is create a social context where those relationships can form. I don't know if the codex is it, but it could be more efficient to start by using what already exists, gathering where like minded people are already likely to travel.

I think, personally, I have no hope of ever developing a cRPG. I don't have the technical background and it would take me a lifetime to get it. But authoring a PnP RPG may not be beyond me, and others who do have those skills, if I can help connect them with each other, may be interested in basing games on it. I'm not a great writer but I'm literate, and I think I make some pretty great characters in games. Some of them seem more like NPCs than PCs. I think I could do something like that, but it will still take a lot of learning to do it well.

This thread is a place to discuss ideas on how to get something started, both for me personally and any others who might want something like this to exist. Maybe, if we can get 3 or 4 of us interested we could run through a DnD module together, get to know each other. Then we can come up with ideas as to where to from there.

It isn't much, but that's the best I have. We have to do something.

I agree. Best to do it yourself or you will find it won't get done.

I'm doing what I can towards this end. I built my new engine to be the basis of many RPGs orbiting it. A cluster of rules and settings and genres but the same engine in all of them.


Jul 31, 2011
The Desert Wasteland
I agree with the OP’s point 100%

Just play games from 20 years ago like the rest of us.

This is the solution. Thankfully the old games still work, and they are impossible for (((publishers))) to modify. Torrent them on a VPN.

If you are on the Codex, you should focus on the living history of computer role-playing games, not press kits for pozzed propaganda.
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Jul 8, 2006
I can not believe there are so many people who like fucking furries, it was shocking to me that faggot fox thing won the poll against the based ratkin..WTF is wrong w/ these faggots? Fucking pillow raping losers, turning AD&D into some stupid cartoon bullshit.
Dec 12, 2020
Wrath is the last straw for me. Tabletop and CRPG gaming has been wholly co-opted by white left, genderfluid furries and anti-white racists. It's not only the devs, but based on the game's reception also a majority of the fans. This has been going on for a while. Like the frog in the pot, as the water gradually heats up. The water is boiling now, it's so fucking hot it's evaporating. There's no more denying, ignoring or minimizing what has already happened to our hobby.

At this point we're at a decision point and we have a few options.

1. Submit. Kneel, fly the pride flag, take the gene therapy, buy a fursuit and invent a new gender. Good luck with that one.

2. Just stop playing RPGs. Look around for another form of media these bastards haven't ruined yet and get what fun we can from it until they do. Again, good hunting. I don't like your chances.

3. Start creating our own shit. This is fabulously optimistic I know, but people do it. I don't mean right wing shit. Any form of propaganda ends up being bad art. I just mean shit that isn't woke left. I see this as being all that's left to me. I'm not particularly talented at anything, but I'd like to give it a go.

Some ideas:

Games are a collaborative effort. We need people with talent, we need a goal for something to create and we need effective management of those people to make it happen. We have none of those yet, so what we need to do first is create a social context where those relationships can form. I don't know if the codex is it, but it could be more efficient to start by using what already exists, gathering where like minded people are already likely to travel.

I think, personally, I have no hope of ever developing a cRPG. I don't have the technical background and it would take me a lifetime to get it. But authoring a PnP RPG may not be beyond me, and others who do have those skills, if I can help connect them with each other, may be interested in basing games on it. I'm not a great writer but I'm literate, and I think I make some pretty great characters in games. Some of them seem more like NPCs than PCs. I think I could do something like that, but it will still take a lot of learning to do it well.

This thread is a place to discuss ideas on how to get something started, both for me personally and any others who might want something like this to exist. Maybe, if we can get 3 or 4 of us interested we could run through a DnD module together, get to know each other. Then we can come up with ideas as to where to from there.

It isn't much, but that's the best I have. We have to do something.
Tradcels want to make a game? This should be fun.

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