imagine being shortsighted enough to endorse crazy people peddling someone's personal info or even daring to joke about it
imagine being shortsighted enough to endorse crazy people peddling someone's personal info or even daring to joke about it
says rusty the CIA guy
Homosexuality is caused by chugging soy lattes.Hey hey hey, woah woah woah, what white nationalism? It's all second degree humor. I write about niggers & jews all the time, and I'm an internationalist communist. I think he got the wrong website.
P.S. homosexuality, on the other hand, is a mental illness.
Back this up with evidence or reinstate kalin as global deranged shitposter!we've all seen Corvinus' mom naked,
I referred to a user by their real first name once and everybody lost their minds.What personal info? Every codexer knows Infinitron's name is Tovi, so what? I don't see his surname being posted by Kalin or anyone's one thing to be aware that Infinitron happens to have a name and surname like anyone else and it's another to follow him around sharing this personal info compulsively for no real reason whatsoever tbh
call me old-fashioned but internet and irl should be kept apart
This is what happens when you give power to jews. Infinitron turned out to be a petty coward with thin skin, with behaviour befitting NeoGaf not RPG Codex.
Imagine just slamming Grauken as hard as you can. Just going full speed, grabbing him with both arms, lifting him clear over your head, and just slamming him down into the concrete with every fiber of muscle in your body. The noise of his destruction would be akin to a gunshot, but rather than the crack of a supersonic bullet, it is the collective cracking of every bone in his tiny body. He could just be waddling his little midge waddle and suddenly find himself lifting into the air, and the next time he blinks he is launching towards the sidewalk at literally breakneck speed. Every little midge bone in his little midge body would be broken, if not outright shattered. Compound fractures would tear through both his skin and pierce his internal organs. Blood and cranial fluids would leak from the multiple open fractures across his skull. His lower teeth would be driven into his unhinged jaw. And as the life fades away from him and his vision would turn black, he's look up at you and beg with his eyes "Why?" Yet your casual stride away from him would give him the only answer he is worthy of: "Why not?" You see, Grauken's entire midge life is utterly beneath the notice of actual humans, and snuffing his pathetic life out was an action done so casually and so carelessly it was far beyond your notice. It was a thoughtless impulse, one already forgotten. The one and only reason nobody had ended his pitiful midge life earlier was because nobody else could be bothered. He wasn't even worth the time to put any conscious thought into killing. With that realization, Grauken releases his bowels (a runny midge poop, as midges lack the intestinal length to properly process food) and dies. Nobody bothers burying him.
That's called living in a preferred world, son. You're blatantly trying to downplay the issue. I don't give a fuck about the ironyuri/DU spat, but using someone's credit card information against them is a special kind of fucked up and untrustworthy behavior. That's my hang-up.An old commie faggot called yuri kept calling DU by his real name. DU retaliated by replying in kind as a lesson in not connecting people's real names to Codex stuff. Yuri argued that DU's name was publicly available, whereas DU could only have acquired Yuri's first name from his donations to codex kickstarter campaigns - thus DU was doxxing him using Yuri's financial information. Yuri and a few other low-quality posters (e.g. Bruticis) threw a strop and left, with some of them spamming Obsidian/InXile on twitter with these allegations. In the end everyone moved on, as nobody likes communists.
Thing is, his handling of that exact topic in this thread so far undercuts that message and makes it feel more like one of those curated statements you put out to make an issue go away. He's trying to play that shit off as a fucking joke. It's like he misplaced his balls and turned into a defensive little faggot who can no longer admit he fucked up and so needs to play stupid games instead.I'd like to remind everyone that DU admitted what he did was wrong and sincerely (and thoroughly) apologized for it.
was she at least milf tier?My real name isn't a big secret. Similarly, we've all seen Corvinus' mom naked, but that doesn't mean you should be posting pics of her everywhere. That's just rude. Keep your shitposting in GD and Shoutbox where it belongs.
Unrepentant DU
Imagine just slamming Grauken as hard as you can. Just going full speed, grabbing him with both arms, lifting him clear over your head, and just slamming him down into the concrete with every fiber of muscle in your body. The noise of his destruction would be akin to a gunshot, but rather than the crack of a supersonic bullet, it is the collective cracking of every bone in his tiny body. He could just be waddling his little midge waddle and suddenly find himself lifting into the air, and the next time he blinks he is launching towards the sidewalk at literally breakneck speed. Every little midge bone in his little midge body would be broken, if not outright shattered. Compound fractures would tear through both his skin and pierce his internal organs. Blood and cranial fluids would leak from the multiple open fractures across his skull. His lower teeth would be driven into his unhinged jaw. And as the life fades away from him and his vision would turn black, he's look up at you and beg with his eyes "Why?" Yet your casual stride away from him would give him the only answer he is worthy of: "Why not?" You see, Grauken's entire midge life is utterly beneath the notice of actual humans, and snuffing his pathetic life out was an action done so casually and so carelessly it was far beyond your notice. It was a thoughtless impulse, one already forgotten. The one and only reason nobody had ended his pitiful midge life earlier was because nobody else could be bothered. He wasn't even worth the time to put any conscious thought into killing. With that realization, Grauken releases his bowels (a runny midge poop, as midges lack the intestinal length to properly process food) and dies. Nobody bothers burying him.
I didn't know who Infinitron was until I came to the Codex. While I am a UDIC member, and I did read that abyssmal story many, many years before, I did not make that link between the two until that drama blew up a couple of years ago. My opinion of infinishill was made in the absence of his now infamous far-below-the-depths-of-Khyber-shit-tier "story".What were you thinking when you wrote that piece of fan fiction?
He was an actual child when he wrote it. Some people who have been on the internet since they were kids change their names to distance themselves from the cringe in their past, others just accept it.
That's called living in a preferred world, son. You're blatantly trying to downplay the issue. I don't give a fuck about the ironyuri/DU spat, but using someone's credit card information against them is a special kind of fucked up and untrustworthy behavior. That's my hang-up.An old commie faggot called yuri kept calling DU by his real name. DU retaliated by replying in kind as a lesson in not connecting people's real names to Codex stuff. Yuri argued that DU's name was publicly available, whereas DU could only have acquired Yuri's first name from his donations to codex kickstarter campaigns - thus DU was doxxing him using Yuri's financial information. Yuri and a few other low-quality posters (e.g. Bruticis) threw a strop and left, with some of them spamming Obsidian/InXile on twitter with these allegations. In the end everyone moved on, as nobody likes communists.
If you're one of those "there is no such thing as wrong methods, only wrong targets" retards, then you can go fuck yourself.
Thing is, his handling of that exact topic in this thread so far undercuts that message and makes it feel more like one of those curated statements you put out to make an issue go away. He's trying to play that shit off as a fucking joke. It's like he misplaced his balls and turned into a defensive little faggot who can no longer admit he fucked up and so needs to play stupid games instead.I'd like to remind everyone that DU admitted what he did was wrong and sincerely (and thoroughly) apologized for it.
To put this shit more simply: DU has done a solid job of convincing me (and probably others too) that it would be a mistake to donate to or through the Codex, unless there is a way to donate properly anonymously, because he seems to regard his reckless mishandling of that exact kind of personal information as a funny joke.
Most likely that every poster here already has a personal dossier in Mossad's database.Damn you guys are creepy. How the fuck did you figure this out
(no seriously it is kindda eerie)
Was Vito Jerusalemeone already a mod by the time he doxxed Grunker, or did he become one only later?However, I did get additional information off of Grunker's Facebook profile.![]()
already was one
Most likely that every poster here already has a personal dossier in Mossad's database.Damn you guys are creepy. How the fuck did you figure this out
(no seriously it is kindda eerie)
Was Vito Jerusalemeone already a mod by the time he doxxed Grunker, or did he become one only later?However, I did get additional information off of Grunker's Facebook profile.![]()
With wisdom such as this, there'd be no posting.You should have known exactly the nature of his responses to your posts well before you hit those Post Reply buttons.
I've never needed anything more in life than a part 2 of this.Kalin strode into Codexia, returned from exile...