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World of Whorecraft: Battle for Asseroth


Racism Expert
Nov 7, 2008
Insert clever insult here
I might be interested in joining, but I need to know in what way is this better than Feenix? I already have a few characters there and I need to know if abandoning them is worth it.
Less bugs and a more stable server.

For example, flametongue is supposed to be normalized in regards to weapon speed - this bug has always existed on Feenix servers, even after years and years, and it makes a shammy with a 1.30 speed dagger and flametongue an unstoppable killing machine. It's fixed on Nostalrius. Caster mobs actually follow player and cast spells instead of just standing around. Warrior charge works properly. Pathfinding is mostly correct. All spells and abilities work as intended in vanilla, albeit some are somewhat bugged. Instance scripts work. The server doesn't kick you out every 15 minutes and, if you're in Europe, you get a really good connection.

I don't want to advertise it too much and my experience on Emerald Dream / Feenix was only 2 weeks long but the difference is significant. Obviously Nostalrius has bugs but they seem to be squashing them pretty fast.

And did I mention the population? Over 6k at peak, man, that's insane. Vanilla Blizz servers had a cap of 2.5k players.

Plus, there is no cash shop, 1x rates for everything, no epics for voting and GMs have already banned spammers and scammers and exploiters.

PvP server? No thanks.
Sure it's annoying to get ganked every now and then but it's also fun to kill the other side when you have a chance, plus massive world PvP battles. Today there's going to be a grand assault by Alliance on the Horde outpost in Stonetalon Mountains and 100vs100 PvP battles have already taken place in Redridge, Ashenvale and Barrens.

Aw, and I just nuked my WoW vanilla/bc folders too. :(
Not sure I can be assed to re-torrent and dig up all the UI mods I wanted one more time.
Understandable. Their forums have a pretty good "Getting started" section, with links to 1.12.1 client torrent and pretty much all vanilla addons.


Female Quota Staff
Mar 17, 2010
Too far away from the sea
Codex 2014 Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2
I tried the Server mentioned by GarfunkeL and on first glance it seems more advanced than Feenix. Also it's hugely populated but I guess that will decline a bit after the first hype goes down. Still, from the first look this really looks like the best Vanilla Server out there, nice work :)


Jan 14, 2011
Divinity: Original Sin
Nostralius has one good side, it's movemaps and netcode that seem to be remade entirely ground up and making pathing probably best in private server scene. It also has some alright scripts but nothing too impressive to anyone veteran of private server scene.

It's database however, is almoust entirely default you can find on any fresh private server and that's a big turn-off for me. Aside from deleveling items to their 1.4 stats everything else seems wrong from loot tables (mobs of level 5 dropping 20+ blues and greens), gathering resources (wrong pooling causing near zero resources to spawn or million at once within 5 yards), quest connections (you can get quests in wrong order), patrols of mobs themselves (some don't, some got wrong routes causing a mess), their hp and damage and armor values, some basic AI database scripts (think of murloc using Backstab on your face without cooldown). All that is plain shit. Bugs are also evident in dungeons where some events don't even start or work plain wrong such as in Deadmines when you kill boss, door opens and mobs are supposed to spawn by the entrance and walk to you. Well they spawn, they don't walk and when you attack them, you can kill them while they just wander around without a single response.

It's currently carried by it's massive hype, excellent movemaps, relatively good server stability and population.

Though population is another thing that's both pro and con. Pro is that there is population. Con is that there is 3x more population than what even retail servers allowed (2k at start, 1k per each side), on Nostralius it was 6k at peak. It causes situations where there is 50 people camping on a single mob spawn like in first day and even now when it's more spread out with any bad luck you might be going around for 30 minutes or more without single kill.

They should've started 2 servers right away but they didn't and now when people are asking for faster respawns, "omg that's not blizzlike" is what mouth-breathers are screaming without having enough brain cells to realize that population is vastly overwhelming to how it's supposed to be too.

Once the hype dies, it'll probably still have relatively good population but the war between them and Kronos will be bloody.
Last edited:


Jan 14, 2011
Divinity: Original Sin
Kek, a crash on Nost moment ago, every single character lost the boots they were wearing.


Racism Expert
Nov 7, 2008
Insert clever insult here
Considering Kronos apparently bungled its betatest completely and had to completely shut down after four hours, they'd have to pull of some kind of a miracle to rescue themselves or Nost has to fuck-up massively.

Kek, a crash on Nost moment ago, every single character lost the boots they were wearing.
Yeah and everyone got them back.

mobs of level 5 dropping 20+ blues and greens
Never happened to me though I've heard it happened in the first two days. They fixed that in under 48 hours.

wrong pooling causing near zero resources to spawn or million at once within 5 yards
Never seen that happen and haven't heard anyone of complaining it being that bad.

quest connections (you can get quests in wrong order)
Never seen that happen or even heard of it happen.

patrols of mobs themselves (some don't, some got wrong routes causing a mess)
Never seen that either or heard of it. Every mob that I've looked for, I've found in the exact spot that old WoWhead comments say them to be. Some patrolling mobs were bugged at first, Forsaken Courier at Arathi for example never moved from its spawning location, though considering that Alliance camped that spot almost 24/7, he didn't have a chance to get anywhere anyway - but there is absolutely no evidence of wrong routes.

hp and damage and armor values
Only one I heard of were the warlocks Demon Skin buff and druids Bear form, which were fixed in the first week.

some basic AI database scripts (think of murloc using Backstab on your face without cooldown)
Mobs have always been able to backstab from any direction. Some mob ability cooldowns are wonky, most aren't.

in Deadmines when you kill boss, door opens and mobs are supposed to spawn by the entrance and walk to you. Well they spawn, they don't walk and when you attack them, you can kill them while they just wander around without a single response.
Nope, the patrol does reach you, I have no idea where you got that claim from. I've played Deadmines, Black Fathom Deeps, Razorfen Kraul, Scarlet Monastery (all wings), Razorfen Downs and Uldaman multiple times. The only bug I've personally encountered is the final door script in Uldaman, where you use the pedestal to active the elementals, not working. People have successfully done all 5-man instances and last night Molten Core was raided for the first time. There are occasional hiccups, but by-and-large, things work.

I think you're just repeating bullshit spread by Kronos fanboys or Redditors, combined with the hyperbolic crap that gets spammed on their forums all the time.

Oh and the rest of your analysis:
It causes situations where there is 50 people camping on a single mob spawn like in first day and even now when it's more spread out with any bad luck you might be going around for 30 minutes or more without single kill.
I started a nelf priestess 2 minutes after the server launched. The starting area had more than 200 nelfs in it. I immediately made a group of 5. Sure, we had to camp spawns like mad but sharing kills enabled us to get out of Shadowglen in about 2 hours. I made level 12 and got out of Teldrassil in about 8 or 9 hours. The only time I've gone without killing for 30 minutes is when I've been busy in AH.

Yeah, quest items can be a bitch to get at peak times when they aren't shared between party members but killing quests are piss easy to do and you can always find a group at the snap of your fingers. I know that a lot of people have grown accustomed to just soloing their MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER games and Blizzard definitely made it extremely easy in WoW expansion by expansion and patch by patch. So you do need to unlearn all the bad habits of the last few years and get in to the custom of teaming up with other players. Helps tremendously with world PvP as well.

The only thing about the large population that worries me is the reputation grind at 60 which is going to be painful. But you know why it took me over three days to reply? Because I've been playing like mad and enjoying myself tremendously :)

Now personally I don't give a shit if you play on Nostalrius or not and whether you like it not, but don't just repeat half-truths or, worse, baseless claims willy-nilly. Save that for the Bioware thread.


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
I always find it strange the lengths people go to defend criticisms of these private servers. It's like they have a personal stake in it.


Jul 13, 2007


Mar 21, 2013
So they finally went full on Pay to Win. I am sure that will make many people happy. /shrug


Jul 13, 2007
Not really Pay to Win, no, more like EVE model. There's still sweet fuck-all you can buy with gold, really.


Mar 21, 2013
Sure it is... Same as EvE. I pay real money, get a token, go on to the AH sell it for gold, then buy all the crafting/purple/etc... gear/materials/content I can get to speed me along and make me powerful.

Pure Pay to Win.


Mar 21, 2013
Only if buying playtime with gold causes an insane inflation. Equipping yourself hasn't been difficult or time consuming since Wotlk.

Those don't change the fact of what it is. It is simple, if you can buy gold and you can use that gold to buy game items that have any effect on your ability to progress, you are paying to win.

It is ok to like Pay To Win. I personally hate games with it and won't play them, but if people like this sort of thing, fine, they can knock themselves out, but... at least people can be honest and just admit it. I swear, ever since PTW has come around it has been a long list of denial by people that it is what it is. they have all these rationalized excuses they apply to redefine it to fit some personal justification as to why it isn't really what it is. For fucks say, just accept it and move on. /shrug


Jan 10, 2011
So why cant you buy the game time directly with gold? Why go through the AH Bull Sh*t? I get it, if you could sell the game tokens for real money.
Btw there are cheaper sources for WoW game time in eBay then Bliz shop.


Dec 12, 2012
Entre a serra e o mar.
Only if buying playtime with gold causes an insane inflation. Equipping yourself hasn't been difficult or time consuming since Wotlk.

Those don't change the fact of what it is. It is simple, if you can buy gold and you can use that gold to buy game items that have any effect on your ability to progress, you are paying to win.

It is ok to like Pay To Win. I personally hate games with it and won't play them, but if people like this sort of thing, fine, they can knock themselves out, but... at least people can be honest and just admit it. I swear, ever since PTW has come around it has been a long list of denial by people that it is what it is. they have all these rationalized excuses they apply to redefine it to fit some personal justification as to why it isn't really what it is. For fucks say, just accept it and move on. /shrug
Nonetheless I think you can agree that the ability to legitimately buy gold nowadays and to do so back in the Vanilla/TBC and perhaps even WotLK eras are completely different things. Last I checked, there just isn't much of a progress to skip, what with the years of a de facto black market for gold and Blizzard's efforts to funnel people towards the endgame more and more quickly.

The point was that this is a natural step in WoW's declining spiral, one that isn't particularly shocking exactly because there have been many other reasons to stop playing the game.


Mar 21, 2013
Only if buying playtime with gold causes an insane inflation. Equipping yourself hasn't been difficult or time consuming since Wotlk.

Those don't change the fact of what it is. It is simple, if you can buy gold and you can use that gold to buy game items that have any effect on your ability to progress, you are paying to win.

It is ok to like Pay To Win. I personally hate games with it and won't play them, but if people like this sort of thing, fine, they can knock themselves out, but... at least people can be honest and just admit it. I swear, ever since PTW has come around it has been a long list of denial by people that it is what it is. they have all these rationalized excuses they apply to redefine it to fit some personal justification as to why it isn't really what it is. For fucks say, just accept it and move on. /shrug
Nonetheless, the ability to legitimately buy gold nowadays and to do so back in the Vanilla/TBC and perhaps even WotLK eras are completely different things. Last I checked, there just isn't much of a progress to skip, what with the years of a de facto black market for gold and Blizzard's efforts to funnel people towards the endgame more and more quickly. The point is that this is a natural step in WoW's declining spiral, one that isn't particularly shocking exactly because there have been many other reasons to stop playing the game.

It isn't about skipping progress. PTW really is just a simple concept of paying money to progress (ie buy gear, crafting supplies/items, etc...) in the game. There is no need to defend it, I didn't do anything but state that WoW finally went "full on" PTW. I mean, it isn't a big leap that they put in a means to buy in-game gold with real money, after all... you can pay real money to get a character fast leveled and geared for high level and that is PTW no matter how you spin it. I just don't understand this need to rationalize it. It is what it is. /shrug


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
So why cant you buy the game time directly with gold? Why go through the AH Bull Sh*t? I get it, if you could sell the game tokens for real money.
Btw there are cheaper sources for WoW game time in eBay then Bliz shop.
Because gold is worthless to Blizzard. This is more 'welfare' where people who buy gold are footing the bill for people who are selling it to them. Also, Xenich being moronic again proclaiming this pay-to-win because you can buy entry level epics on the AH.


Oct 21, 2013
You can't buy gold because Blizzard's not quite ready for the leap to F2P. But they will be, eventually. Once their BAs say it's time to start transitioning, you'll be able to buy gold with real money and account time with your gold.


Mar 21, 2013
Also, Xenich being moronic again proclaiming this pay-to-win because you can buy entry level epics on the AH.

What is PTW again? I can't keep it straight between one idiot to the next. What is your subjective definition of it so I can add it to all the other excuses people use to justify their PTW habits?

Actually, don't tell me, I really don't care. Enjoy your game mainstreamer.


Mar 21, 2013
You are aware that game token month is more expensive than monthly game payment,right?

Will that stop people from buying tokens with gold?

No,as long as they *have* gold .

Yes, and those who *don't have* gold can make gold by paying real money to get the tokens and selling them to people who *have* gold? So, a person is able to "buy gold" indirectly by using this system. So, now they have lots of gold they didn't earn through game play because some people have tons of gold already and see it as worthy to buy game time with it. That person who gets that gold through paying real cash can now use it on the AH to further game play.


Art Vandelay

Mar 17, 2011
traveling without moving
You are aware that game token month is more expensive than monthly game payment,right?

Will that stop people from buying tokens with gold?

No,as long as they *have* gold .

Yes, and those who *don't have* gold can make gold by paying real money to get the tokens and selling them to people who *have* gold? So, a person is able to "buy gold" indirectly by using this system. So, now they have lots of gold they didn't earn through game play because some people have tons of gold already and see it as worthy to buy game time with it. That person who gets that gold through paying real cash can now use it on the AH to further game play.


I do understand,but you dont seem to. In game gold players have WILL get depleted fast and i think thats what Blizzard is trying to achieve. If it kills some gold sellers in the process ,even better. And to farm more gold you need game time. Get it now?

P.S. Those that dont have gold can buy it with cash now too.Dont need tokens for that.

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