€20 is as of this post a mere $21,76, so it still doesn't really match up.So, the EU token plummeted to 31k as opposed to 20k for the AM one. That kinda makes sense, considering €20 > $20.
€20 is as of this post a mere $21,76, so it still doesn't really match up.So, the EU token plummeted to 31k as opposed to 20k for the AM one. That kinda makes sense, considering €20 > $20.
LFR provides you with all that gear for free. Once you've geared a bit, there's a "Looking for..." tool that you can use to get into Normal raids. Again, without lots of mats from the AH and zero involvement in garrisons. Hourly asset management is a non-issue in end-game as well, since you'll be hardly bothering to use shit once a day at most. If gear is actually your concern, AH is the least viable route, only useful for gearing up for first tier of LFR. And even that is piss-easy.No, it's absolutely not worthy to play the endgame anymore. With garrisons, it degraded to a facebook style game with hourly asset management. While you could in principle ignore garrisons, that makes you less competitive as a player, and the recently introduced P2W pushes this issue in your face even stronger as without farming your garrison you will have to buy a lot of mats and items from the auction house.
AH trading. Why farm when you can benefit from others' financial ignorance? Buy cheap, sell high, keep the margin. Okay, you CAN farm some gold in old raids, 250g per dead boss, good starter money for AH trades.While the option of buying game time with gold appears viable at the first glance, it appears really lackluster once your give it some thought. Obtaining a few tens of thousands of gold monthly (the current price of the token) isn't that trivial - depending on your method of farming, it may take you from a few to a few dozen hours, and that is assuming gold farming won't become harder once the P2W model sinks in (Blizzard already nerfed gold gains from doing old content, so further obstacles in obtaining large quantities of gold may be implemented). And you have to keep in mind that while you will be farming gold for game time, Blizzard will continue introducing new gold sinks into the game while gold buyers will flash around their pretty gear and vanity items that were earned essentially by your labor. This will not be fun.
No, it's absolutely not worthy to play the endgame anymore. With garrisons, it degraded to a facebook style game with hourly asset management. While you could in principle ignore garrisons, that makes you less competitive as a player, and the recently introduced P2W pushes this issue in your face even stronger as without farming your garrison you will have to buy a lot of mats and items from the auction house.
While the option of buying game time with gold appears viable at the first glance, it appears really lackluster once your give it some thought. Obtaining a few tens of thousands of gold monthly (the current price of the token) isn't that trivial - depending on your method of farming, it may take you from a few to a few dozen hours, and that is assuming gold farming won't become harder once the P2W model sinks in (Blizzard already nerfed gold gains from doing old content, so further obstacles in obtaining large quantities of gold may be implemented). And you have to keep in mind that while you will be farming gold for game time, Blizzard will continue introducing new gold sinks into the game while gold buyers will flash around their pretty gear and vanity items that were earned essentially by your labor. This will not be fun.
If you really want to get into playing WoW for free, I think one month of subscription that you get with the battle chest will be enough. All you have to do is level one character to the cap and maybe raise one gathering profession, most likely skinning. This can be accomplished in two-three weeks with casual play. Again, playing WoW just to farm gold to play WoW won't be as fun as you think. Basically, unless you have a good raiding/roleplaying guild, it is pointless to play WoW at the moment, as PvP is reported to be quite sub-par in Warlords.
All part of the plan.
Last time I played, follower missions (one of the garrison minigames) rewarded higher-than-LFR gear (ilvl 645, while High Maul LFR was ilvl 640 then), plus there are always a few craftable items with a much higher ilvl than LFR and profession work orders from the garrison really help to make them quicker. Besides, if I have to choose between LFR and garrison farming, I'm not sure which is worse, as Warlords removed any challenge whatsoever from LFR and now pretty much all you have to do is stroll along with the band for some good 20 minutes. That is crap.LFR provides you with all that gear for free. Once you've geared a bit, there's a "Looking for..." tool that you can use to get into Normal raids. Again, without lots of mats from the AH and zero involvement in garrisons. Hourly asset management is a non-issue in end-game as well, since you'll be hardly bothering to use shit once a day at most. If gear is actually your concern, AH is the least viable route, only useful for gearing up for first tier of LFR. And even that is piss-easy.
I'm not sure AH trading is a good suggestion for a fresh player like dibens who is looking for a reliable source of gold to buy game time. With farming you can more or less predict how much gold will you make in an hour, while AH trading can effectively leave you on thin ice before your sub expires.AH trading. Why farm when you can benefit from others' financial ignorance? Buy cheap, sell high, keep the margin. Okay, you CAN farm some gold in old raids, 250g per dead boss, good starter money for AH trades.
The iLevel spread has changed with new raid tiers. Sure, you can still get the higher-iLevel stuff, but keep in mind that they have 2-week "cooldown". LFR gives 655/661/660/666 at the moment, and basically that's the entry level stuff you need to jump into the Normals via the group finder tool. A bit harder for melee DPS, but you can still find a group with a little bit of effort. On Normal encounters are quite fun.Last time I played, follower missions (one of the garrison minigames) rewarded higher-than-LFR gear (ilvl 645, while High Maul LFR was ilvl 640 then), plus there are always a few craftable items with a much higher ilvl than LFR and profession work orders from the garrison really help to make them quicker. Besides, if I have to choose between LFR and garrison farming, I'm not sure which is worse, as Warlords removed any challenge whatsoever from LFR and now pretty much all you have to do is stroll along with the band for some good 20 minutes. That is crap.LFR provides you with all that gear for free. Once you've geared a bit, there's a "Looking for..." tool that you can use to get into Normal raids. Again, without lots of mats from the AH and zero involvement in garrisons. Hourly asset management is a non-issue in end-game as well, since you'll be hardly bothering to use shit once a day at most. If gear is actually your concern, AH is the least viable route, only useful for gearing up for first tier of LFR. And even that is piss-easy.
Good point. I suppose with Auctioneer it makes the AH shenanigans a bunch easier, but if dibens is properly new, then yeah. Easiest route would be to level to the top with enchanter + skinner or herbalist (maybe herbalist, because consumables), then, if there's a friend to help out, to do a few old raid runs on HC25 for starter funds, THEN get into some safe AH play.I'm not sure AH trading is a good suggestion for a fresh player like dibens who is looking for a reliable source of gold to buy game time. With farming you can more or less predict how much gold will you make in an hour, while AH trading can effectively leave you on thin ice before your sub expires.AH trading. Why farm when you can benefit from others' financial ignorance? Buy cheap, sell high, keep the margin. Okay, you CAN farm some gold in old raids, 250g per dead boss, good starter money for AH trades.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.(non-E)RP on my alliance druid in Argent Dawn
https://en.nostalrius.org/So, running around with trial account atm in Venture Co server. Never had a char higher than 43. Is it fun later on? Any codex guilds? At what point in the game can one reliably earn that amount of gold for playtime tokens?
Hey don't be too quick to laugh as Sha'tar is now connected to AD!!1Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.(non-E)RP on my alliance druid in Argent Dawn
Or save your money and play old vanilla with 6k other cunts. Enjoy ganking and safe-spot griefing and corpse-camping - both as a victim and as a perpetrator. Realize that you can only fight one monster at a time at low levels and learn to love corpse-runs. No pandas or death knights!
Yeah, but it's not merged! I tried to go to Goldshire to engage in quality roleplay but the fantastic Trannies of Argent Dawn are nowhere to be seenHey don't be too quick to laugh as Sha'tar is now connected to AD!!1Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.(non-E)RP on my alliance druid in Argent Dawn
Yup, that was The Scryers, sorryYeah, but it's not merged! I tried to go to Goldshire to engage in quality roleplay but the fantastic Trannies of Argent Dawn are nowhere to be seenHey don't be too quick to laugh as Sha'tar is now connected to AD!!1Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.(non-E)RP on my alliance druid in Argent Dawn![]()
Laureliana 60 priestWell, fuck, my troll shammy is about to ding 10. Guess I can roll alliance, if you're willing to dock with me. Gib ingame name