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- Sep 10, 2014
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Next expansion will probably have Guldan escape to 'real' Azeroth to Tomb of Sargeras where you'll fight him and some avatar of Sargeras (but not the real thing!).
See, that was one of my major issues with this whole 'two timelines' crap. it leads to obvious questions such as, if the Burning Legion from Draenor comes through a portal to present Azeroth, do we now have two Burning Legions to fight? What if Kil'Jaeden comes through the portal? Can he shake hands with himself? Of course, Blizzard deflected such questions as "missing the point" of the expansion, which apparently is just to familiarize us with lore from the past. But obviously, if the players can travel between timelines, it stands to reason that others can too. I thought the entire point of Kairoz's efforts was to create an infinite army of orcs from different timelines. It is just a sloppy, sloppy mess.
After you do South Seas there isn't any other place on Azeroth you can do that wouldn't be invented out of thin air. That's why you get these 'stall' plotlines that don't really take us anywhere except goofy locales like Pandaria or time travel, etc.
Well there is always underground stuff. You have the whole 'old gods being buried within Azeroth' angle to explore. Heck, I thought the design of Azjol'Nerub was awesome; it hinted at a very huge subterranean world under Northrend. Apparently we were supposed to get more of that in WoTLK but the content was cut for release

You also have other content that could be expanded upon; the Ethereals for example and their fight with Dimensius.