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Wormwood Studios Drama - Victor Pflug trying to get exclusive ownership of Primordia

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
shoulda stuck with the obvious sock puppet alt referring to yourself in the third person

Victor Pflug

Wormwood Studios
Aug 17, 2009

Infinitron post moderator action report for this thread plz

Wait you're uh - actually calling on a mod to censor me for calling out Infinitron for censoring me?
He's asking him to show you the log of moderator actions that he took ITT (a.i. whether he deleted or just moved posts).

Oh okay I misunderstood then sorry PlanHex - yeah a moderator action report would be VERY interesting indeed :D

Victor Pflug

Wormwood Studios
Aug 17, 2009
Yeah so just rechecked a FOURTH time just to be 1000% sure

Infinitron did indeed delete my original Primordia art/design post from my Primordia thread - it wasn't a drama post it was a Primordia art/design post in my own thread that was removed aka deleted from the website, entirely. It's now not anywhere here. THAT post was what made James mad - then James did his rant - then my simple design post got deleted but mad rant didn't - then I posted this design only, post, which was then also deleted.

My design only post in exactly the same format as MRY s that Infinitron posted (attached) was then deleted.

I'll say that a third time so it can actually sink in;

My Primordia design post in exactly the same format as Mark Yohalem's, that I posted in response to my first design/art post being deleted, this second, design only post by me was then deleted entirely from my Primordia thread along with my original design/art post (that pissed James off for some reason I guess because I mentioned his real hiring date not the fake one made up for him).

They are all working in tandem to deny my having any role in the game I made - which considering my vast email archives spanning 13+ years - it's just silly to censor this little stuff which is just the tip - the actual iceberg itself cannot be censored at this point.

Lie all you like, delete all you like - it won't change the facts.

Infinitron is a bald faced liar and obvious shill for WEG - and that's fine - just be honest about it bro


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Victor Pflug

Wormwood Studios
Aug 17, 2009
The name of this thread in and of itself is perniciously disingenuous and I can only imagine who *actually* drafted that lol

I never "tried" to take back Primordia's IP.

Why? Because it never left my possession - read for yourselves in the contract for Primordia.

I own the IP. Always have, always will.

All I did was try to audit Dave G re my game's profits, because he completely and royally fucked up every single payment and marketing move with Primordia that he possibly could have, all the while with them ignoring all my pleas to simply do things professionally and send me real numbers, on the correct day each month.

Victor Pflug

Wormwood Studios
Aug 17, 2009
Not the post I meant and you know it!

Also, that post isn't drama it's how I made Primordia lol so why even move that one? But yeah - that's not the completely deleted art/design post so, nope! That don't explain jack shit - you deleted my design post and are now denying it while saying a different design post of mine is the one I meant.

Straw man & moving goal posts - impressive but - nope.

Try again, shill.

Victor Pflug

Wormwood Studios
Aug 17, 2009
The *actual* deleted design/art post I mean had pics like this included with it - now I don't have screenshots of that one because it was up and fucking deleted - AGAIN but leaving Jame's rant and my legal docs up in the Primordia thread - THAT was not moved.


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Victor Pflug

Wormwood Studios
Aug 17, 2009
How about that moderator action report Infinitron then we can see the actual, well, truth - you know that thing what's got facts and whatnot in it lol

Victor Pflug

Wormwood Studios
Aug 17, 2009
Let's segue back to the real issue though instead of minor fuckery - anyone spot the part of the Primordia contract where it says I own the IP for Primordia?

Let's compare THAT - with the name of this thread shall we?


Sacro Bosco
Sep 14, 2019
Ok, I've read the new posts to the end.


Victor Pflug do you have physical copy of the contract or only digital one (because yeah, the altered font in the table looks photoshopped)? At this point probably should consult with the lawyer (pay him with these sweet thousands upon thousands of dollars your ex-colleague refused to take for Hibernaculum engine).

Never stop the madness, fight to the end! :kingcomrade:

Victor Pflug

Wormwood Studios
Aug 17, 2009
Ok, I've read the new posts to the end.


Victor Pflug do you have physical copy of the contract or only digital one (because yeah, the altered font in the table looks photoshopped)? At this point probably should consult with the lawyer (pay him with these sweet thousands upon thousands of dollars your ex-colleague refused to take for Hibernaculum engine).

Never stop the madness, fight to the end! :kingcomrade:


Victor Pflug

Wormwood Studios
Aug 17, 2009
I can't put the time stamp in because it contains Mark's email - I'm not about to dox him like he did to me - but the email timestamps for these two chains run;

June 24th 2011 - July 7th 2011


July 7th 2011 - July 9th 2011

I don't need to alter jack shit - why would I?

Maybe question why none of them have shown anything at all - and why you're believing that without any evidence - just a couple words & out of context quotes of me from years ago?

As far as lawyers go I've mentioned many times after DaveGilbert personally refused my audit multiple times (given ample time under contract provisions to begin providing info etc) which forced me to hire a legal team.

My legal team requested then demanded an audit from Gilbert - that was again denied - Dave and his cronies then began a public defamation campaign against me - then I had no further recourse but to exercise my right under contract (maybe read it before commenting again guys or I don't have much to say to anyone that doesn't) to terminate my publishing agreement with DG for Primordia - demanding he return my property (Primordia) for myself to publish and distribute profits correctly, finally, under the contract percentages listed here. Dave refused still, ignored me, put his head further in the sand and denied the termination - did another defamation campaign and then basically here we are now.

...And I haven't even *started* to talk about the fucking bullshit movie deal that I've said no to many times that should never have gone further into existence - certainly not with a scraped AI gen art image cover of all things - but let's just say that's the last of my concerns right now.

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