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Preview Worthplaying praises Power of Law

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Tags: MISTLand; Power of Law: COPS: 2170

<a href=http://www.worthplaying.com>Worthplaying</a> posted a very positive <a href=http://www.worthplaying.com/article.php?sid=18196>preview</a> of <a href=http://www.polgame.com/eng>Power of Law</a>, an upcoming turn-based cyberpunk RPG from <a href=http://www.mistgames.ru/eng/main.shtml>MISTLand</a>, a Russian developer entrusted with the <a href=http://www.rpgcodex.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=4462>Jagged Alliance</a> license.
<blockquote>The game is played in a multitude of modes. When there are no threats in your immediate vicinity, the game plays in real time. You are free to move anywhere and interact with anything you choose without limitations. When an enemy (the definition of which can vary, depending on your current mission) is in such a position as to cause you or your squad harm, the game seamlessly switches to turn-based mode. So seamlessly, in fact, the first time it occurred, I thought the game had “bugged” on me. But closer inspection showed a succinct difference in the data around the cursor when I moved it to another location. Just keep an eye out on your AP’s (Action Points) and plan your moves in stages, according to your available AP’s. This is familiar to anyone who has ever played a board wargame.
COPS: 2170 is also a rich role-playing game! From the very first mission, you are presented with moral and ethical choices that can determine how your entire career will progress. These choices are not presented in a simplistic (yes) (no) format. Rather, your actions dictate your path. Friendly fire is not acceptable, although you are allowed a few mistakes. Enemies, civilians and even colleagues will try to coerce you to work for their cause. Corruption in the ranks makes trust a commodity to be valued. You can never tell who may be an informant for Internal Affairs, or on the other hand, a rogue cop only out for him(her)self. Will you follow the letter of the law, or choose a more mercenary path? COPS: 2710 gives you the freedom of choice...</blockquote>What kinda question is that? I AM the Law!
Spotted at: <A HREF="http://www.rpgdot.com">RPG Dot</A>


Jun 25, 2003
Ok, so what is this game actually called?

Is it Power of Law
COPS 2170
or what?

Just the snippet you have up as the newspost contains all three...

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Heh, that's the thing about stupid and pointless numbers - nobody gives a damn. What did they gain by adding COPS 2170 I'd never understand. Anyway, the full official and correct name is COPS 2170: Power of Law.


Aug 15, 2003
MiSTland's site lists it as 'Power of Law' - the 'COPS 2170' bit appears to be Strategy First's branding for NA. Renaming for different regions is almost always stupid.

Sol Invictus

Oct 19, 2002
Pax Romana
Only thing that doesn't sound too hot is no choice in character at all.
Eh? Don't be silly.

The only thing you can't change is how she looks. The game seems to be entirely dictated by the actions and decisions that you make along the way. It wasn't as if Fallout allowed you to role-play a supermutant or a punk with pink hair, either. That'd hardly be thematic. Baldur's Gate and NWN might have allowed a multitude of character creation 'choices' but the entire game boiled down to the exact same predetermined path no matter what character you played.


Mar 31, 2004
the link is dead, or the web server for Worth Playing is down for the moment.

what kind of NPC interaction can we expect? will it be similar to Silent Storm where it's mostly just combat (albeit very good combat) or there's more, err, story to it?

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