Gamescom 2016
Gamescom 2016
There are 5 articles associated with this tag:
21-Feb-2017 | [Editorial] RPG Codex Report: Gamescom 2016 - Pathologic, Shock Tactics, End State, Demons Age and more |
23-Nov-2016 | [Editorial] RPG Codex Report: Gamescom 2016 - Vampyr, ELEX, The Guild 3 and Battle Chasers |
22-Sep-2016 | [Editorial] RPG Codex Report: Gamescom 2016 - Expeditions: Viking, Tyranny, Space Hulk: Deathwing, Styx and more |
2-Sep-2016 | [Editorial] RPG Codex Report: Gamescom 2016 - Mount & Blade 2, Kingdom Come, SpellForce 3, South Park 2 and more |
24-Aug-2016 | [Editorial] RPG Codex Report: Gamescom 2016 - Divinity: Original Sin 2 |