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Brofisting and other weird new fangled shit


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
*sigh* Pray tell how the search "doesn't work".
It hasn't been working since Xenforo. It doesn't give relevant results. We've been saying this endlessly for like half a decade now, come on. Do you guys even remember the old search? It would give you every thread that contained the word. I mean the one before the Google one. This search is useless and it only goes back ten pages, then it becomes a pain to use.

I don't understand why you keep asking why it doesn't work when you can find out why in a minute by trying it yourself.

Say I want to find the threads where they discuss the switch to Xenforo. You type in "xenforo" and search. And the last results are from... December 2014. Useless. It doesn't go far enough back.

Try a different term, too. Notice how half the results are from the Shoutbox Archive? Yeah. Useless, too.

Maybe you could go the Something Awful route and offer a working search for paying customers? I heard it's expensive and slow to let all users search all posts. But give us something! That thing is total garbage. Sometimes I can't even find a thread that's not even two months old because it just won't show up, or because it doesn't display more than a certain number of results. Absolutely useless.
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Most Frabjous
Staff Member
Oct 7, 2003
Your Mind
Actually the only endless thing I've been hearing about search are mostly nonsensical complaints with valid ones few and far in between. And if you need an explanation as to why "X doesn't work!!!" with no further elaboration is not a helpful problem report then it's really no surprise that you don't understand why I have to keep asking for more info. I hardly ever need to use the search myself so my life doesn't revolve around it, contrary to some people's belief.

The "old search" that you fondly remember from 10 years ago when Codex had a couple hundred thousand posts would expressly choke on serving every possible search result contained in 4 MILLION posts with 50 people constantly using the search.

Now, about your specific complaint -- a term as generic as "xenforo" is bound to return hundreds if not thousands of results. Even if 1000 results were returned it still wouldn't be very helpful unless you manually wanted to wade through 50 PAGES of returned results. Do you see where I'm going with this? Oh yeah -- same direction where we've been in most previous threads on this subject. The only case where showing that many results would be in any way beneficial would be when the only thing you wanted to find is the first mention of "xenforo" (or any other term), so you could jump to page 50 directly. Not exactly a common search request.

Instead of throwing a generic search term into the search box that searches the entire 4 million posts, make your way to the full search page. If you do a little search qualification, like choosing a specific forum to search, entering the username of the poster and entering the search from date you'll be amazed that you can actually get significantly better results.

I don't know about you, but to me it makes more sense to drill the search down to a sensible number of more specific results rather than make generic searches including all 4 million posts and then wade through 50+ pages of results, but some people have funny ideas about efficiency.

And while I'm sure that you could find valid examples of how you couldn't find what you're looking for with the way it's set up now even when you don't do blanket searches, heaping on thousands more results wouldn't be much of a solution in most cases. Everyone's expecting forum search to work like Google, but it just doesn't.

The only real improvements offered by XF's Enhanced Search were relevancy and recency weighing, which was met with so much whining and complaining that I had to revert it -- exactly because people didn't really want relevant results but the results that they subjectively felt that they should be getting based on how the search worked in the past. So the search now works the same as your regular MySQL search, which is far from perfect and has a number of actually valid issues brought up in the previous search threads, but that's just the way it is. I've raised all the valid complaints with the XF devs, but search isn't a high priority for them so it's unlikely to get better any time soon.

That said, if you put a little effort and planning into your searches, you can still get the results that you want most of the time. So the drama-queen "SEARCH DOESN'T WORK!!!!!11" proclamations got old years ago.
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Jan 6, 2012
I think there's a serious question for DarkUnderlord here at least: Would you be willing to consider removing the "Brofists Received" line from profiles? That number doesn't mean much but it seems to encourage a lot of hiveminding and forumwhoring for brofists.
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Jun 1, 2011
Never had any problems using search even around the time people complained about it regularly, but I don't use it regularly.

I think there's a serious question for DarkUnderlord here at least: Would you be willing to consider removing the "Brofists Received" line from profiles? That number doesn't mean much but it seems to encourage a lot of hiveminding and forumwhoring for brofists.
Problem is you'd also have people just adding posts where they just quote a post because they agree with it without adding anything of substance like they use to before brofists.

Brofists Received:

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Jan 6, 2012
You seem to be misreading me. I'm not asking to remove brofists altogether. I'm asking to remove the total brofist number from profiles.

...And while your post is the kind of meaningless judgement we could do without, it's also the first time I've been on the receiving end of it, so no, butthurt wasn't my issue. If I was motivated by that sort of thing, I suppose I'd go contribute to the tits thread where the post:brofist ratio is something huge. The post:brofist ratio doesn't tell someone whether they got brofisted for their taste in RPGs, making insightful commentary, pithy sarcastic remarks, posting porn, brofists in GD/Politics, or a stalker who's been going through your posting history and brofisting every single post you make. The brofists on a user don't actually help you evaluate the user. That's just an ePeen number, a bit like post count I guess. The brofists on a post at least give the context of what is being brofisted and who supports it.
Dec 14, 2012
Problem is, the last time someone asked DU to remove something we ended up with no names or avatars, just an order number (1 to 9). An interesting experience.


Jun 1, 2011
You seem to be misreading me. I'm not asking to remove brofists altogether. I'm asking to remove the total brofist number from profiles.

...And while your post is the kind of meaningless judgement we could do without, it's also the first time I've been on the receiving end of it, so no, butthurt wasn't my issue. If I was motivated by that sort of thing, I suppose I'd go contribute to the tits thread where the post:brofist ratio is something huge.
What do you have against tits?


Jul 23, 2006
Why is your wife dying her facial hair?

Because we live in a civilized country where woman can't walk around with mustaches and sideburns like the angry and stinky beast creatures you call woman in third world countries like Hungary. If you pluck it comes back thicker and courser, if you shave the same, so civilized woman dye unsightly and unseemly facial hair.

I went to Budapest and I honestly have never been so disgusted by a country. And keep in mind I've been to Mexico, Panama, Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Serbia, Iraq, Saudi, Morocco, Sierra Leone, and other very shitty countries like that, and even fake countries like Canada and Holland too.

I don't know how to properly describe the people but if I had to try I would have to say they were like angry tree-cows. I don't know what the fuck a tree-cow is, but if you go to Hungary you will see it is a pretty good fit somehow.
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Apr 18, 2013
Deep in your subconscious mind spreading lies.


Jul 23, 2006
I believe your picture is aimed at me. Since I am not a teenager like most of you I have to look up your jive talk. I figure you are not talking about edgy as in nervous so we are left with-

at the forefront of a trend; experimental or avant-garde.

I have to agree, I am very trendy. I am a 41 year old who wears a tie to work and refuses to use or carry around my cell phone and my pants are normal. Its sad to say but being normal is being edgy nowadays since you fucking kids are so fucking gay it hurts. Back in my day we would beat the shit out of everyone until they were normal, now everywhere I go there are fucking poofy headed pussies on cell phones yelling at their mothers, and there are no normal kids kicking the shit out of them. Hence, the epidemic of you all.


Jul 23, 2006
OP, stop trying so hard.

I'm actually going to try even harder now. You are going to get the exact opposite of your request. I am reviewing the knowledge I have of the little engine that could as motivation to try harder than I ever thought I could, and now I am mentally playing the Rocky running up the steps and cheering song. I'm going to try so good now.


Jul 23, 2006
I am trying. I don't know what you guys want from me. Try harder, try less harder, jump down, turn around, pick a bail of cotton.


Apr 18, 2013
Deep in your subconscious mind spreading lies.
I believe your picture is aimed at me. Since I am not a teenager like most of you I have to look up your jive talk. I figure you are not talking about edgy as in nervous so we are left with-

I have to agree, I am very trendy. I am a 41 year old who wears a tie to work and refuses to use or carry around my cell phone and my pants are normal. Its sad to say but being normal is being edgy nowadays since you fucking kids are so fucking gay it hurts. Back in my day we would beat the shit out of everyone until they were normal, now everywhere I go there are fucking poofy headed pussies on cell phones yelling at their mothers, and there are no normal kids kicking the shit out of them. Hence, the epidemic of you all.

It's actually akin to saying "You say stupid crap to get attention." Kinda like that one guy at every dinner party or family meetup. The one who, no matter how exciting your life is, has to one up you. You might be a doctor, in which case he'll say shit like he's a submarine captain who cured cancer. You know the one I'm talkin about, the loud mouth liar.

Inb4 I will find you with my marine friends and kill you kid.


Jan 10, 2007
Searching for my kidnapped sister
I have to agree, I am very trendy. I am a 41 year old who wears a tie to work and refuses to use or carry around my cell phone and my pants are normal. Its sad to say but being normal is being edgy nowadays since you fucking kids are so fucking gay it hurts. Back in my day we would beat the shit out of everyone until they were normal, now everywhere I go there are fucking poofy headed pussies on cell phones yelling at their mothers, and there are no normal kids kicking the shit out of them. Hence, the epidemic of you all.


This! I cry tears of blood lamenting the loss of brofist privilege mean I can not fist you. Have a bro in stead~


No way, people resorting to clichéd one-liners instead of addressing a topic; Lacking even the creativity/desire to form their own;
"try harder"
"i can't even type, lolol, here's a .gif"

All the while actually believing they are themselves mentally superior? .. Nah, never, just can't be
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Jan 10, 2007
Searching for my kidnapped sister
Ok, Taluntain Since you say so

When I search, it seems to search Shoutbox also. Now, I am a magmanimous man who wont judge another just for indulging themselves with Shoutbox mud, I do. But I dont want to search there. Can we have anything that block search perform in shoutbox archives?

Like the checkbox Search this forum only, can we have a checkbox Exclude Shoutbox Archives? Pretty please?

a Goat

Dumbfuck Edgy Vatnik
Jun 15, 2014
Because we live in a civilized country where woman can't walk around with mustaches and sideburns like the angry and stinky beast creatures you call woman in third world countries like Hungary. If you pluck it comes back thicker and courser, if you shave the same, so civilized woman dye unsightly and unseemly facial hair.
There are those laser-depilation things, they cost like $70-150 and she's done for few years.

Either way, it's weird for woman who's after her 30's to have a moustache, she's probably crazy in bed.


No way, people resorting to clichéd one-liners instead of addressing a topic; Lacking even the creativity/desire to form their own;
"try harder"
"i can't even type, lolol, here's a .gif"

All the while actually believing they are themselves mentally superior? .. Nah, never, just can't be

try harder.


Most Frabjous
Staff Member
Oct 7, 2003
Your Mind
Ok, Taluntain Since you say so

When I search, it seems to search Shoutbox also. Now, I am a magmanimous man who wont judge another just for indulging themselves with Shoutbox mud, I do. But I dont want to search there. Can we have anything that block search perform in shoutbox archives?

Like the checkbox Search this forum only, can we have a checkbox Exclude Shoutbox Archives? Pretty please?

Not unless DarkUnderlord makes it happen.

Read: not very likely.

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