KotC 2 Development Update
KotC 2 Development Update
Development Info - posted by VentilatorOfDoom on Sat 7 January 2017, 18:48:43
Tags: Heroic Fantasy Games; Knights of the Chalice 2I have good news, guys. It's time for the yearly Knights of the Chalice 2 development update. Pierre Begue posted it in the closed buyers forum again, so odds are some of you can't access it, but no matter - my theory is, that Pierre knows I will shamelessly copy everything anyway and therefore decided to not concern himself with such plebeian details.
Here's the snippet:
Entire thing here.
Here's the snippet:
Combat Maneuvres
All the combat maneuvres, such as Trip, Disarm and Sunder, have been implemented (except Distract, which I may leave aside completely), as described in the page about feats. With the right feats, they can be performed as a free action when taking an attack of opportunity. Enemies can do that too, of course. So, for example, you can use Trip as an AOO, just like the original rules of D&D 3.5 allow.
You choose the action to take during AOOs in the character's Spec screen (Specifications). From that screen, you can also access a new screen which I have created for the wizard/sorcerer transformation (see screenshot). It's a simple screen showing whether you meet the requirements or not.

All the combat maneuvres, such as Trip, Disarm and Sunder, have been implemented (except Distract, which I may leave aside completely), as described in the page about feats. With the right feats, they can be performed as a free action when taking an attack of opportunity. Enemies can do that too, of course. So, for example, you can use Trip as an AOO, just like the original rules of D&D 3.5 allow.
You choose the action to take during AOOs in the character's Spec screen (Specifications). From that screen, you can also access a new screen which I have created for the wizard/sorcerer transformation (see screenshot). It's a simple screen showing whether you meet the requirements or not.

Entire thing here.