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Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Kickstarter Update #62: Alpha Test Stage 2 Released

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Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Kickstarter Update #62: Alpha Test Stage 2 Released

Game News - posted by Infinitron on Fri 18 September 2020, 01:18:35

Tags: Owlcat Games; Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous

After a long period of relative quiet, today Owlcat released the second stage of the Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous alpha test. There's a lot of new stuff here! Act 3 has been added the game and it now has a tutorial prologue section as well. There are three new companions - Wenduag the mongrel huntress, Greybor the dwarf assassin, and the reformed succubus Arueshalae. The crusade management layer has been expanded with new features and options. The tactical army battles aren't in just yet, but will be added in a few weeks. Finally, the user interface has been partially overhauled and there are two new equipment slots for goggles and shirt. Here are the full details from the Kickstarter update:

With the new Stage of the Alpha version, we are adding more content - including prologue and Act 3. Some of the main additions are:

We have added a tutorial and prologue. For Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous we have a goal to help new players learn the basics of the Pathfinder system and assist in building a well-rounded character - it is especially important against such immune-heavy enemies as demons. Currently, we are working on the context tutorial which will help new and veterans players alike - advising them depending on their skill and level.

While not all systems are implemented in the alpha, part of them will be in the new version.

Act 3 will also be playable in the new Stage. More adventures await in the Worldwound - with a lot of places to explore and quests to finish. Nearly all of the Mythic Paths will get their story expanded into Act 3. Excluding Demon, which will have to wait a bit more - his quests aren’t finished.

And with new chapters come new companions! One of them is Wenduag - a mongrel huntress, a merciless and vicious warrior whose cruelty will intimidate even the demons of the Abyss.

You can now get a valuable asset in the form of Greybor - a cold-blooded assassin, a dwarf who exterminates demons not by duty's call but solely in the name of profit.

With the third companion being Arueshalae. A heretic amongst demons — a succubus who has betrayed the Abyss, seeking to abandon her evil ways and turn to good.

Alpha testers will also be able to learn more about companions with their new quests. Currently, there is a continuation of the stories for every companion (and it will answer the most popular question and guessing game “Where is Woljif?”) and a new one – for Wenduag.

Crusade will also be expanded and get some new features. With the new Stage, generals are arriving – in Act 2 there will be an option to recruit and, later, upgrade one. Another mechanic that will be added to the Crusade is ritual casting.

There also will be quests for Crusader in Act 2 and 3, and in Act 3 players will be presented with construction options and projects.

This will be only the first iteration of them and we want to ask you to provide as much feedback as possible about this part of the gameplay. Crusade is still in works and can be improved based on the thoughts and suggestions you provide.

We are also working on tactical combat right now - one of our current goals is to improve its depth. It will be added to the game in 2 or 3 weeks after the launch of Alpha Stage 2.

[...] Another “glimpse” into the future is parts of the UI in Stage 2. Currently, only inventory and dialogue windows changes are implemented.

And, as some may know, our UI is always related to what happens in the game in some way. Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous is no exception. But how it is related to the plot you will learn later…

Talking about improvements: we have increased the size of the character model in the inventory. The quality of models was improved - now you will be able to see more details on your character. There are also two new slots for the equipment - goggles and shirt. Otherwise, it will be the same old UI.

Another thing our UI team is currently working on is improving the “Attack” block. It can have some issues on higher levels when using two-handed weapons.

We are really interested in feedback on the UI changes and will keep an eye on it to see your thoughts on it.​

It all sounds very cool. The only bad news is that unlike Kingmaker's stage two alpha, backers are still not allowed to publish gameplay footage of this.

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