Starfire (1994) receives a fan translation
Starfire (1994) receives a fan translation
Game News - posted by Darth Roxor on Sun 27 June 2021, 21:51:20
Tags: StarCraft Inc.; Starfire; Winston Douglas WoodI have been informed that Starfire, an oldie sci-fi RPG with mechs designed in part by Winston Douglas Wood, the director of Phantasie and Star Command, has just received a fan-made English translation. For some reason, the game was only available in Japanese until now, but thanks to RPG Codex's very own community members zwanzig_zwoelf and MrRichard999, Starfire is now playable by gaijin worldwide. To quote from the relevant thread:
After about a year of work, the translation for Starfire is finally available.
This game has been on my radar for a while, and it was suspiciously absent in the Codex interviews with Winston Douglas Wood and Toshio Sato. After asking Winston Douglas Wood about it directly, turns out he had no idea it actually came out. After the Matt Chat interview, MrRichard999 and I teamed up to translate Starfire and Phantasie IV, making them playable to the rest of the world, as well as their creator.
The translation is compatible with both the 16-color version and the butt-ugly 256-color version. Please check the readme for instructions and gameplay-related tips -- trust me, you'll need them.
The translation patch can be downloaded from here. Enjoy responsibly.

After about a year of work, the translation for Starfire is finally available.
This game has been on my radar for a while, and it was suspiciously absent in the Codex interviews with Winston Douglas Wood and Toshio Sato. After asking Winston Douglas Wood about it directly, turns out he had no idea it actually came out. After the Matt Chat interview, MrRichard999 and I teamed up to translate Starfire and Phantasie IV, making them playable to the rest of the world, as well as their creator.
The translation is compatible with both the 16-color version and the butt-ugly 256-color version. Please check the readme for instructions and gameplay-related tips -- trust me, you'll need them.
The translation patch can be downloaded from here. Enjoy responsibly.
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