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Feargus chats with GameSpot - part 2

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Feargus chats with GameSpot - part 2

Interview - posted by Ausir on Tue 6 January 2004, 22:37:20

Tags: Fallout 3 (Van Buren); Feargus Urquhart; Obsidian Entertainment

<a target=_blank href=http://www.gamespot.com/>GameSpot[/url] have posted the <a target=_blank href=http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/fallout3/news_6086129.html>second part[/url] of the interview with Feargus Urquhart, this time mostly about his new company - <a target=_blank href=http://www.obsidianent.com/>Obsidian[/url], and his plans for the future. Here's a bit on why he left Black Isle:

  • GS: When you left Black Isle Studios in April 2003, you said it was because "[BIS parent] Interplay has a direction that it wants to pursue concerning projects and I have a direction that I want to go." What was that direction?

    Feargus Urquhart: Interplay wants to focus on console titles and I don't think that the future of gaming is entirely on the console. I enjoy developing games for both the console and the PC and abandoning one completely for the other is not a direction that I would like my career to go.
Also, in <a target=_blank href=http://www.rpgcodex.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=2954&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=25>this thread[/url] in our own forum, Feargus posted more on developing console vs. PC games. Here's a bit:

  • If I budgeted a product like Fallout right now and I had a technology base (like an engine), I would say someone could get it done for between $3M and $4M. It could even be as cheap as $2M or $2.5M with some careful re-use of assets. Now that is just the development budget though, that doesn't include all the other costs of getting a game on the shelf like QA, Audio, Localization, Marketing, PR and payoffs to the mob

Spotted at: No Mutants Allowed

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