Oblivion E3 fun at GamersInfo
Oblivion E3 fun at GamersInfo
Preview - posted by Saint_Proverbius on Mon 30 May 2005, 08:54:34
Tags: The Elder Scrolls IV: OblivionGamersInfo went to E3 this year. I know this, because they talk about it in their preview of Oblivion! Here's a bit about the game, though:
As with Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, character generation is done much the same with your actions determining the type of character you will play. If you act like a warrior you will be a warrior. If you act like a sneaky thief you will end up being a thief. And any combination will allow you to be what you want, so you can be a warrior with stealthy skills and magic skills. There is no experience. Instead players gain in skills as they use them so the more you use that sword the more skill you will have with it. This system has been successful and fun in the past and there is no reason to change it in this the latest iteration of the game.No experience? Got to love the stuff coming out of E3.
As for the successful and fun with no reason to change, here's to placing a weight on your keyboard to wake up to a 100% Athletics skill!
Spotted at: Blue's News
As with Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, character generation is done much the same with your actions determining the type of character you will play. If you act like a warrior you will be a warrior. If you act like a sneaky thief you will end up being a thief. And any combination will allow you to be what you want, so you can be a warrior with stealthy skills and magic skills. There is no experience. Instead players gain in skills as they use them so the more you use that sword the more skill you will have with it. This system has been successful and fun in the past and there is no reason to change it in this the latest iteration of the game.
As for the successful and fun with no reason to change, here's to placing a weight on your keyboard to wake up to a 100% Athletics skill!
Spotted at: Blue's News