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Golden Land - School of Magic of Gods

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Golden Land - School of Magic of Gods

Codex Preview - posted by Saint_Proverbius on Thu 15 May 2003, 20:54:52

Tags: Burut Creative Team; Golden Land

School of Magic of Gods is our sixth article on the fun and mayhem you can cause in Golden Land using those wacky and powerful casting skills you can gather in the game. For example, there's this:

The hammer of heaven blacksmith - The huge hammer of the blacksmith-god Cronner falls on the skulls of your enemies, giving them little chance to stay alive.​

And everyone knows, I love hammers. This one is as big as it gets!

Thanks, Dmitry Glaznev!

Extract from the book of Mighty Shepherd's Revelations, ch.3​

Really, things which are continuing each other are not changing their destination. Every event has the shank, set against the sky, where the stars cry. Higher than the stars the human anguish for the lost home, for the abode of Gods' Father Swarog, is. This is exactly where the souls, which are apart with their bodies, go, but they have to pass the judgment of Horn-headed before their fate will be decided. There, where the water is sweet, winds are warm and trees are laughing happily, there, where Swarog folds his grandchildren in his arms - only there the intractable spirit of the human will rest in peace forever. The life locks itself in the Great Ring.

When Grodval has found Swarog, the silence was the answer.

- I am Grodval. Can you hear me, Swarog?

- I am here, my child. You are bold and your wish is generous.

- If you know what I'm going to ask you about - what will you answer me?

- I'll agree. It is me who managed the things that way that you can speak to me. I saw this in a dream thousand years ago.

- I'm glad that you agree. Do gods have dreams?

- The aim of universe creation is dream. The creatures have nothing but dream.

- You are speaking strange things...

- ...

School of Magic of Gods​

The school powered by the Father of Gods includes many different spells. Swarog can call the power of any of his children, so many spells of this school have the nature of different gods. Grodval created this school in contrast to the disastrous power of school of Elements, and, moreover, it has the total balancing purpose. The magician who mastered it can be belt up about his life, because there will be not so many who could resist him. The side effect of this school is the prophetic dreams and nightmares which, as many wise men say, come to the sleeping magicians from the minds of Swarog's Children - gods. There were cases when people had gone insane under the influence of these dreams. But, the temptation of mastering the powerful spells of this school was always stronger than any of the consequences. Below there are three spells from the magic of Gods.

The soul of the Wind - The Lucid Gods give the sorcerer lightness and speed of the wings which flow beyond the clouds.

Divine presence - Your enemies will hardly like the unbearable light of gods' father - Swarog's - presence.

The hammer of heaven blacksmith - The huge hammer of the blacksmith-god Cronner falls on the skulls of your enemies, giving them little chance to stay alive.

Thanks to Dmitry Glaznev, script-writer of Golden Land for taking the time to write this and all the rest up!

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