Spiderweb Puts Out The Entire Geneforge Saga On One Disc
Spiderweb Puts Out The Entire Geneforge Saga On One Disc
Game News - posted by Edward_R_Murrow on Tue 4 August 2009, 06:10:42
Tags: Geneforge 5; Jeff Vogel; Spiderweb SoftwareThat's right. Jeff Vogel is now selling the entire Geneforge series on one CD for the bulk discount price of $75.
Get the full games: Geneforge, Geneforge 2, Geneforge 3, Geneforge 4: Rebellion and Geneforge 5: Overthrow on one CD.I suppose now is as good as any time to get into the series if you haven't.
Spotted at: Gamebanshee
Get the full games: Geneforge, Geneforge 2, Geneforge 3, Geneforge 4: Rebellion and Geneforge 5: Overthrow on one CD.
Spotted at: Gamebanshee
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