Deus Ex: Human Revolutions Footage & Interview
Deus Ex: Human Revolutions Footage & Interview
Game News - posted by VentilatorOfDoom on Fri 19 November 2010, 10:37:53
Tags: Deus Ex: Human Revolution; Eidos MontrealYou can watch this new gameplay trailer of Deus Ex: Human Revolutions.
Additionally Eurogamer had a brief chat with game director Jean-Francois Dugas concerning the new footage.
<p class="interviewQuestion"><span class="whoistalking">Eurogamer</span>: What are Praxis Points and how do they work?
<p class="interviewAnswer"><span class="whoistalking">Jean-Francois Dugas</span>: You earn Experience Points for every mission you complete, every secret you discover, and various other meaningful actions you take. By collecting experience points you will unlock Praxis points - something you need in order to acquire and unlock new augmentation abilities.
<p class="interviewQuestion"><span class="whoistalking">Eurogamer</span>: The upgrade selected – Move/Throw Heavy Objects – appeared to allow Adam to move the crate so he could reach the vent. Are there any other examples of a similar application of this upgrade?
<p class="interviewAnswer"><span class="whoistalking">Jean-Francois Dugas</span>: Yes, you can use objects as weapons by throwing them on enemies. You move objects and then take cover behind them, you can stack them to reach hard to reach areas, etc.
<p class="interviewAnswer">Thanks to StrangeCase & Gamebanshee.
Spotted at: GB
Additionally Eurogamer had a brief chat with game director Jean-Francois Dugas concerning the new footage.
<p class="interviewQuestion"><span class="whoistalking">Eurogamer</span>: What are Praxis Points and how do they work?
<p class="interviewAnswer"><span class="whoistalking">Jean-Francois Dugas</span>: You earn Experience Points for every mission you complete, every secret you discover, and various other meaningful actions you take. By collecting experience points you will unlock Praxis points - something you need in order to acquire and unlock new augmentation abilities.
<p class="interviewQuestion"><span class="whoistalking">Eurogamer</span>: The upgrade selected – Move/Throw Heavy Objects – appeared to allow Adam to move the crate so he could reach the vent. Are there any other examples of a similar application of this upgrade?
<p class="interviewAnswer"><span class="whoistalking">Jean-Francois Dugas</span>: Yes, you can use objects as weapons by throwing them on enemies. You move objects and then take cover behind them, you can stack them to reach hard to reach areas, etc.
Spotted at: GB
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